Boston Police report officers who stopped a car at Kingsdale and Bernard streets in Dorchester because of its excessively tinted windows early this morning ended up arresting a 17-year-old passenger for the "Glock 29 with fifteen rounds in the magazine" he had in a fanny pack he was holding. Read more.
By adamg - Fri, 08/23/2024 - 2:08pm
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By adamg - Fri, 05/22/2020 - 9:18am
Boston Police report arresting Yaliek Allah-Barnes, 37, of Mattapan, for the May 18 murder of Derek Fitzpatrick on Bernard Street in Dorchester. Read more.
By adamg - Mon, 05/18/2020 - 1:28pm
By adamg - Sun, 02/19/2017 - 11:08pm
Shortly before 10 p.m. at Harvard and Bernard streets.