This afternoon, Jonathan Hall's hair wasn't enough to show us it was windy in Westport, so he picked up some sea grass and let it fly.
Of course, Channel 7 weather reporting just wouldn't be the same without Steve Cooper: Read more.
This afternoon, Jonathan Hall's hair wasn't enough to show us it was windy in Westport, so he picked up some sea grass and let it fly.
Of course, Channel 7 weather reporting just wouldn't be the same without Steve Cooper: Read more.
Tristan reports:
Driving west thru PA and into Ohio today, saw several convoys of utility trucks heading east. Probably 40-50 trucks total. Staging for Henri?
Nicholas Bauer shows us the flood wall the T has started putting in place to keep Henri from flooding the Blue Line tunnel just down Long Wharf from the soon-to-be-angry sea. The T also has another wall it can swing shut in the Fenway to keep the Muddy River, no longer quite so angry due to Army Corps of Engineers work, out of the Green Line tunnel to Kenmore Square.
The National Weather Service issued a hurricane watch this morning for the Cape and Islands, southern Plymouth County and the South Coast - not all that far from Newport, RI, where it now expects Henri to come ashore as a Category 1 hurricane around 2 p.m. on Sunday. Read more.
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