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By adamg - 11/10/06 - 2:56 pm

A warm November night plus hot young things in next to nothing (or worse, leggings) plus randy young studs equals trouble in River City or, at least, outside the bars around Quincy Market, La Diabla reports:

... Girls with LEGGINGS. Fucking leggings!!!! It was driving me crazy.

Apparently, it was driving the sweaty, drunken male population crazy, too.

By adamg - 10/31/06 - 10:42 am

Yup cannot believe the woman in leggings and sweater and not much else on the Red Line this morning:

... Are you kidding me?! I think my fellow commuters and I were either in the presence of one very unprofessional intern or someone in the middle of their walk of shame. Ah, sometimes the redline is such a treat. ...

Also, she wonders what's up with all the skinny guys reading muscle mags on the T.

By adamg - 10/28/06 - 8:45 pm

Jenn Martinelli: Skinny jeans are BAD:

Oh no. No no no no. No skinny jeans please. Please. People, these don't even look good on the models in your stupid ads! ...

Bliss notes that leggings are not skinny pants, so don't even think of wearing them by themselves:

By adamg - 10/18/06 - 10:07 pm

Andraste gets her panties in a bunch:

... I have now scoured at least FIVE FUCKING DEPARTMENT STORES, looking for classic, cotton, bikini underwear, in my size (6) or Medium, in ANYTHING BUT FUCKING PASTELS AND BUTTERFLY PATTERNS. Why is it so hard to make a classic panty in black or navy? I just want some new, comfortable underwear, not these stupid lace fringe, or 'boycut' briefs, or thongs, for the LOVE. OF. ALL. THAT'S. HOLY. You fucking "Hanes Her Way" people are the worst offenders. ...

By adamg - 10/14/06 - 7:41 pm

Overhead in New York overhears a couple of Bostonians fretting about their clothes in the Big Apple.

Via Dave Copeland.

By adamg - 10/11/06 - 2:46 pm

Bostonian Rantida sees people dressed in boots and tightly drawn jackets and, yes, wooly scarves today and yells at her fellow Bostonians to get a grip:

... Dudes, it's 60 degrees out. There's a breeze, but it's not exactly biting. I realize that it's cloudy and grey out, but OH MY GOD, it isn't that cold. ...

By adamg - 9/17/06 - 1:12 pm

Dave Alpert tells men to knock it off:

... If you thought women flip-flopping around town was bad enough, there is a scourge of flip-flop wearing dudes around the city. Oftentimes, they are also wearing backwards baseball caps (indoors). ...

By adamg - 9/6/06 - 9:58 am

PeaceBang addresses the touchy issue of what a minister should wear when invited to her church pool party:

... Darling dears, we all know that bodies are beautiful. We all know that God loves our bodies as they are, and wants us to take care of them and be good stewards of them. In the best of all possible worlds, we could just strip down to our bikinis in front of our congregants and just be regarded as another healthy body that God hath fearfully and wonderfully made.

By adamg - 8/26/06 - 8:49 am

Some people can't avert their eyes from car wrecks. Amy can't stop looking at the parade of ugly on Newbury Street:

... I saw a woman wearing a big puffy black tulle skirt, a black bustier bodicey thing, black ballet flats, and leggings. It was a cavalcade of fug. A fugvalanche. ...

By adamg - 8/17/06 - 3:16 pm

Apparently, somebody passed a new fashion law requiring Boston-area women to wear orange. Single Girl in the City vows civil disobedience:

... I've now seen two different women on two different mornings sporting head-to-toe orange suits.

Orange is a fruit. It is the color of a maple leaf in fall. If it must be worn, it should done so as an accent color, at most a sweater if you absolutely must wear orange. ...

By adamg - 8/16/06 - 7:58 am

Did you know that one of Ernie's charities is selling boy shorts with "Come on down" emblazoned on them? There, never let it be said I'm not trying to cheer you up. As Ernie says:

Now you can "Come On Down" any time your lady wants with these 100% made-in-the USA boy shorts from American Apparel.

who's got short shorts?

Blogorelli, however, writes a fashion citation:

... Sadly, I am here to say that, like Vera Bradley bags, those thin cotton gaucho pants, "updated" fanny packs, day-glo fabrics, and tube tops...this look is not for everywoman. In fact, it's for almost no woman ... because the ladies who look good in these undies don't have to beg men to "come on" anywhere by wearing panties ((ugh, that word)) with a sexually explicit message on the crotch.

By adamg - 8/14/06 - 10:20 pm

Like Amy before her, Jayniek wishes leggings would go back into whatever 1980s crypt they've escaped from:

... What's next - bodysuits?
I will. I will puke. ...

By adamg - 8/10/06 - 8:13 am

Amy explains:

... I am not a fashionista. This is the worst thing about living in such close proximity to Newbury Street-- I must watch all the daddy's girls and people with better jobs than me walk around in their cool, hip clothes. ...

Especially when those cool, hip clothes all seem to involve leggings, she continues.

Meanwhile, Mike opens another front in our local fashion wars:

By adamg - 8/6/06 - 9:59 pm

Madhu observes the fashions walking by from the front of Sonsie on Newbury Street:

... [I]t's the summer of the dress, ultra skinny jeans are a horrifying trend for anyone over 25, and 90s minimalism is long forgotten. Long hair, long skirts, long beads and all sorts of mixed up eighties accessories accessorizing the girls. Big belts, big bags, all manner of flats. ...

By adamg - 3/6/06 - 3:54 pm

Blogorelli critiques Oscar fashions, with her eye particularly drawn to the jeweled brooches worn by several men:

... "Man brooches...MAAAaaaAn BROooOcheS!" In my personal favorite trend of the night, many gentleman wore jeweled brooches on their suits. I was into it ... it will be my new favorite thing to scream on the street in 2010, when Boston males actually catch up to fashion-forward trends and stop wearing khackis with pleats.

More Oscar notes:

By adamg - 1/23/06 - 12:06 pm

Eeka wonders (on One Smoot Short of a Bridge), why all the Masters of the Universe getting off the Orange Line at State Street are leaving the brand-name labels on the sleeves of their suits:

These are not meant to be left on the garment once you purchase it.

By adamg - 12/19/05 - 10:26 am

Jeff admits he loves seeing good-looking women in skirts. But not when it's in the 20s like today:

... I saw this woman waiting with her friends (guys) in line for a coffay wearing a relatively short skirt and bare legs. Ug .... I mean ...what are ya thinkin'??? lol We are in Boston which means there are like 100s of stores to buy nylons in case yours somehow got ruined. Nothing like a good case of hypothermia for the holidays, eh? ...

By adamg - 11/2/05 - 4:15 pm

Waiting for the Red Line at JFK and then transferring from the Red to Orange lines gives Mike plenty of time to meditate on mating pigeons up in the rafters and evil buskers springing on people in tunnels. And people wearing flip-flops in November:

... People. Enough with the friggin flip-flops. There's apparently a whole student population out there that either doesn't know how or is too lazy to tie its shoes. That's what velcro's for. I don't want to see your gnarly, blackened and frost-bitten toes come December! ...

By adamg - 8/12/05 - 11:25 pm

Jeffrey discovers he has a real sense of place about him:

... As I greeted her, she said "Jeffrey, you look so Somerville." As I looked at myself, shorts and t-shirt, tousled and dyed hair, messenger bag slung over my shoulder and helmet in my hand, I was forced to agree. ...

By adamg - 8/10/05 - 8:09 pm

Vanessa wonders what the deal is with all the blue shirts:

... Everywhere I looked this morning, I was surrounded by people wearing blue. To the left, three guys in royal blue button downs. To the right, a woman and four men in light blue shirts. Behind me, a guy in a navy blue Izod. Even a frickin' sleeping baby was wearing a light blue denim shirt. What the fuck? ...

Karl wonders what the deal is with summer sweaters:

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