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By adamg - 3/10/10 - 2:34 pm

Red Mass. Group reports a couple of sources say the former lieutenant governor is getting ready to announce a run against Democrat John Tierney in the Sixth District. Karen Anderson at WBZ, however, tweets an aide to Healey says she's not running this year.

By adamg - 3/5/10 - 10:37 pm

The Jamaica Plain Gazette reports that Phil Dunkelbarger of Westwood, who ran as an anti-war candidate against Stephen Lynch in the 2006 Democratic primary, is running against Lynch again this year.

Keith Lepor of Roslindale and Vernon Harrison of Braintree are running on the Republican side.

By adamg - 3/4/10 - 8:17 pm

The Globe reports Bill Delahunt won't be running for re-election in the Tenth District.

By adamg - 2/13/10 - 12:16 pm

We already know about Bob Hedlund, Jeff Perry and Joe Malone on the Republican side. MassBeacon.com runs down the Democratic possibilities, from Therese Murray to Norfolk County Sheriff Michael Bellotti.

By adamg - 1/29/10 - 9:03 pm

The perpetual candidate writes he's decided against running, although he doesn't say why. Two other Republicans, Keith Lepor and Vernon Harrison, are looking at taking on the incumbent.

Robinson says he commissioned a poll that found Lynch only had a 42% approval rating in the 9th District.

By adamg - 1/28/10 - 8:08 pm

Lance reports there's an app that lets you play Tommy Finneran and redistrict the state. So starting with the assumption we'll lose one of our ten congressional seats, Lance drew up some possible reconfigurations. Probably the weirdest one would have one district that includes both the Cape and part of Boston.

By adamg - 1/28/10 - 2:13 pm

Lynch channelled his inner George Bailey and ripped into Old Man Potter the treasury secretary over the AIG bailout.

By adamg - 1/23/10 - 6:05 pm

Robinson tells Red Mass. Group the Brown numbers in the 9th district have him considering a rematch against the South Boston congressman. Alas, the commercial he used last time is a bit out of date, but heck, there's gotta be a sequel in there somewhere:

By adamg - 1/22/10 - 4:24 pm

William Hudak, who tweeted and ran online ads promoting an endorsement from Scott Brown, posted a retraction today:

Bill Hudak, Republican Candidate for Congress, extends his formal apology to U.S. Senator-elect Scott Brown and for endorsement quotes contained in a campaign press release which were attributed to, but not made by, the newly elected Senator, and retracts the statements.

By adamg - 1/21/10 - 2:07 pm

Rob Sama pulls together the numbers, shows why even Barney Frank might have reason for concern.

By adamg - 1/21/10 - 8:55 am

Hudak and BrownHudak and BrownUPDATE: The Brown campaign says it had nothing to do with an endorsement posted on Hudak's site. Dan Kennedy has the latest.

Our Senator-elect yesterday endorsed William Hudak of Boxford in his race against US Rep. John Tierney.

As Dan Kennedy reports, Hudak put up large signs in front of his house in 2008 showing Obama as Osama and believes Obama was born in Kenya. Kennedy says it's possible Brown didn't know Hudak thinks the president is illegally in office:

The question now is whether Brown has the guts and integrity to admit he made a mistake and withdraw his endorsement of Hudak.

By adamg - 1/20/10 - 9:17 pm

Republican operative Todd Domke tells Jim Braude on NECN tonight the one-time state treasurer authorized him to tell Jim he's considering a run against 10th District Rep. William Delahunt. Could Jane Swift be pondering a comeback, too?

By adamg - 7/7/08 - 11:09 pm

The Free Government Party goes public; they're the group using Craigslist to recruit somebody to run against Capuano if they agree to be bound by online polls.

Via MetaFilter.

By adamg - 10/5/07 - 10:06 pm

Blue Mass. Groupistas ejected from studio moments before Fifth District congressional debate at the request of the Ogonowski campaign. They're Demmies, he's a GOPer.

Adam Reilly: My quick take is that this makes Ogonowski look bad and NECN look worse:

But maybe there were extenuating circumstances I'm not aware of. ...

By adamg - 11/8/06 - 1:54 pm

How you're feeling right now depends, of course, on which way you voted yesterday. A round-up of local bloggers on the national results (and Rummy, too!):

Educand: Is that... the sound of a pendulum swinging?!?

Blogorelli: Could the political composition of our country be changing?

That thought is exciting, just like my favorite headline from this morning, "Democrats Hold Breaths, Country Turns Blue"!

By adamg - 11/4/06 - 4:37 pm

Everybody's favorite Democrat In Name Only congressman finally managed to get his campaign Web site up, a full three days before the election:

Now I will confess that while I am a friend of Al Gore, I did not help him invent the internet, so a little patience with me from time to time may be required. We are still working on pieces of the site and will add additional information as it develops.

Dear Rep. Lynch:

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