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2008 elections

By adamg - 11/4/08 - 9:10 pm

Latest results, also show Obama winning Boston, Question 1 losing in the city, Question 2 winning, Question 3 winning, but not by much.

By adamg - 11/3/08 - 4:34 pm

BostonZest provides some resources for tomorrow, such as where to find your polling place.

By adamg - 11/2/08 - 8:37 pm

Tuesday should be an interesting day. We've got three statewide ballot questions, a scattering of actual legislative races and, hmm, something else going on, all of which could mean record turnout at the polls.

I've set up Election Day Reports so folks can file and read reports from polling places - or anywhere else something interesting is happening on Tuesday (if you click now, you'll see three dummy reports, which I posted to test out the mapping system it uses). To encourage everybody to post, I'll take off the registration requirement for these reports. I'll also see if I can install and configure a system to let people easily upload photos.

By Anonymous - 11/2/08 - 7:29 pm

Here's a guide to the 3 referendum questions on the ballot Tuesday, with pro's con's articulated by the experts who are supporting and opposing the measures. It's surprisingly concise.

Q1 Would reduce the state personal income tax rate to 2.65 percent for the tax year beginning on or after Jan. 1, 2009, and would eliminate the tax beginning on or after Jan. 1, 2010.

Q2 Would replace the criminal penalties for possession of 1 ounce or less of marijuana with a system of civil penalties, and would exclude information from the state's criminal record system.

By adamg - 10/31/08 - 12:33 pm

She promises another announcement on Nov. 5 about her position as a state senator. Her term runs out in January.

The Globe reports she made the statement after a meeting with black clergymen, a number of whom called on her to resign yesterday.

By Ron Newman - 10/30/08 - 1:40 pm

From Boston.com: The state Senate passed a unanimous resolution this afternoon asking Democratic Senator Dianne Wilkerson to resign immediately.

(And yet they've let Jim Marzilli keep his seat until his term expires in December.)

By adamg - 10/30/08 - 9:14 am

The Times of London (!) tracks down Zeituni Onyango to "a rundown public housing estate" on Flaherty Way (the West Broadway project). The paper adds:

A second relative believed to be the long-lost "Uncle Omar" described in the book was beaten by armed robbers with a "sawed-off rifle"” while working in a corner shop in the Dorchester area of the city. He was later evicted from his one-bedroom flat for failing to pay $2,324.20 (£1,488) arrears, according to the Boston Housing Court.

Via Blue Mass. Group.

By adamg - 10/29/08 - 4:07 pm

Will make U.S. Attorney Michael Sullivan, who brought the charges against her, an issue, the Globe reports.

By adamg - 10/29/08 - 2:43 pm

Boston Daily gets ahold of Councilor Turner, who tells the media to look up what Jesus said about juries or something and leave poor Wilkerson alone, judge not and all that. He also says he wouldn't support Sonia Chang-Diaz because she lives in a white neighborhood:

She's not part of our district.

Now what about Rep. Byron "Z" Rushing?

By [email protected] - 10/29/08 - 10:03 am

Seriously - if the devil's in the details on some of these questions (in terms of practical implementations, presuming you're not already fundamentally decided) - could someone please ensure that online information about the ballot is a little more complete and correct?

By adamg - 10/29/08 - 8:49 am

And will city councilors Charles Yancey, Sam Yoon, Stephen Murphy, and John Connolly do likewise? You may recall they made a point of not endorsing anybody in the 2nd Suffolk state-senate race after their horse lost by a nose in September. Now that said horse has made them look like, at best, tools, you think they might make the best of a bad situation and endorse their fellow Democrat?

By adamg - 10/28/08 - 11:07 pm

I wonder if Sandy Tennant wants his money back? According to state campaign records, on Oct. 15, the Republican fundraiser and former executive director of the Massachusetts Republican Party donated $500 to Wilkerson. His wife, Cynthia, donated another $303.

By adamg - 10/28/08 - 9:34 am
Bra readjustment?

On federal corruption charges, PolitickerMA reports.

The Globe reports the federal government alleges Wilkerson was caught on tape taking bribes.

UPDATE: Read the FBI affidavit. Or take a look at photos allegedly showing Wilkerson putting cash in her bra (including the one above - the entire collection is a 1.2M PDF file).

Innocent, etc.

By GarrettQuinn - 10/28/08 - 12:37 am

Does anyone really think Mitt Romney won't run in 2012?

Mitt's spokesman, Eric Fehrnstrom, says Mitt isn't thinking about 2012 and he is giving 110% to McCain/Palin.

One election-at-a-time.

By adamg - 10/27/08 - 7:58 pm

So where are people going to watch the results come in next Tuesday? Are there any bars having election-specific events?

By adamg - 10/27/08 - 7:09 pm

Wicked Local Newton posts a report and video from their debate.

By [email protected] - 10/27/08 - 3:02 pm

Did you know he visited our fair Commonwealth this past weekend?

Do you think he was here to campaign, or improve his own record?

"Nader is trying to nab the record for most campaign stops in a state in one day – campaign workers whisked him from one location to the next from 8 a.m. to midnight. As the campaign neared its end Saturday, Nader said pending confirmation from Guinness World Records, the record should be his."

By Ron Newman - 10/23/08 - 4:52 pm

And then replace it by "100 randomly selected adult residents of the Commonwealth"?

That question will be on next month's ballot in half of Somerville.
The proponent's Commonwealth Jury blog has some explanation of the proposal.

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