Cohasset Police posted a photo of the bear for which an officer blocked off North Main Street this afternoon to protect both it and drivers. Police add: "He's heading toward Hingham now."
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Arlington Police report schools have delayed openings this morning because a bear is roaming around town. The bear was last spotted in the area of Paul Revere Road and Park Street. Police have stationed officers near all schools to keep the ursus situation from getting worsus.
A bear was also reported ambling around Newton yesterday
UPDATE: The bear was tranq'ed, it came down the tree and state wildlife officials loaded it into a pickup so it could be taken somewhere safer for both it and people.
There's a bear up a tree in Arlington. Read more.
Medford Police report a black bear has been visiting the Lincoln Street area for at least a month, but that nobody notified authorities until 2:45 a.m. today, when a resident at 114 Lincoln Rd. called 911 to report a "medium sized bear" making quite a commotion in the area where the resident keeps trash. Read more.
State Environmental Police report that last night they found and captured the black bear that had wandered into Newton Centre the other day: Read more.
Last night, Newton Police issued an alert about a bear in a tree near the Green Line tracks in Newton Centre: Read more.
Waltham is alerting residents that two black bears have been spotted on the north side of the city - and that they should note that bears love bird feeders and easily accessible trash bins.
H/t Ian Lamont.
WBZ has the latest on the black bear that has been ambling around Concord of late - and includes this advice should you find yourself mano-a-paw with the bear:
They are advised to talk to it calmly while backing away.
Talk to it calmly? Unfortunately, WBZ fails us and doesn't specify just what we're supposed to say as we calmly talk to the bear. Whisper sweet nothings? "Hey, how 'bout that Gronk!" What?
Per Kate Merrill, tranquilizers this morning didn't work against the bear, in a tree on Eddy Street, overlooking the turnpike just west of the supermarket overpass. The westbound turnpike was briefly shut.
Bear in the woods. Photo by Lincoln PD.
Earlier this afternoon, Lincoln Police warned residents:
Black bear is in the area of Rte117 & Rte126. Remove bird feeders & food sources from your yard & call LPD if you see it.
Last year:
Brookline Bear, which turned out to be Cape Bear.
H/t Leslie Turek.
Ryan Schulteis at WHDH reports state wildlife officials say the bear somehow made it back east from where they brought him after he was captured on the Cape and are depositing him at an unspecified loca
UPDATE: Around 9:30, environmental police shot the bear with a tranquilizer. He ran up the tree, then, after the drug took effect, fell out of the tree, to be carted away to someplace a bit more rural.
Stephen Walsh reports the bear has been spotted tonight near Skyline Park near the West Roxbury Parkway.
Philip Borenstein reports the town just robo-called residents to alert them a bear (which found Dedham too boring?) was spotted this morn
Shortly before 7 a.m. today, Ben Ostrander tweeted:
Whoa, I just saw a black bear on the side of 95 south in Dedham near Legacy Place! reports a black bear was spotted romping through downtown Southborough this morning (cut it out - of course Southborough
Hey, Boo-Boo! The Globe reports a young black bear has been spotted in Weston. Residents were urged not to feed it (especially after midnight).
A bear was spotted in the woods in Wellesley on Saturday.
No word on what it was doing there, but police officers gave chase, which somebody with a fevered mind might imagine started a chain reaction in which a deer was so frightened by a rampaging bear charging it that it started running and didn't stop until it got to the Prudential tunnel in Boston, where it would sadly be hit by a car.
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