By adamg - Sun, 02/09/2025 - 11:46pm

The T shut the Orange Line at Tufts and requested Boston firefighters around 7:30 p.m. when something related to the third rail on the outbound side began to smoke - possibly a heater installed along the power source.

By adamg - Sat, 01/25/2025 - 2:18pm

The other day, Greg Cook took the Orange Line to Oak Grove, then walked about 15 minutes up to the Cascade, a 40-foot waterfall on Shilly Shally Brook in Melrose's part of the Middlesex Fells. He has more photos at the link, and more specific directions.

By adamg - Mon, 01/13/2025 - 11:10am

The MBTA is putting up brightly colored signs that sort of look like radically simplified QR codes as part of a pilot to try to help the visually impaired better get around the system with the help of a phone app that can read the signs. Read more.

By adamg - Fri, 01/10/2025 - 9:31am

Shiny and new tracks don't do much good when a shiny new train just dies and then won't be budged, as happened this morning at Chinatown, where one of the new Orange Line trains despaired of life and just died and then T workers ran into problems removing the carcass. The T is now telling riders to take the Green Line downtown instead - or if they're further out, hop on commuter rail at Oak Grove, Malden Center, Forest Hills, Ruggles or Back Bay.

By adamg - Fri, 01/10/2025 - 9:15am

Boston firefighters responded to the Stony Brook Orange Line station around midnight after smoke began filling the station from a fire on the outbound tracks. Read more.

By adamg - Mon, 12/23/2024 - 10:44am

State officials this morning officially celebrated the removal of the last official slow zone on the MBTA, on the Green Line specifically - after more than 20 years of subway slow zones. Not all riders were able to join in the celebrations, though, because they were outside shivering in the cold waiting for a Red Line shuttle bus due to a cracked rail near Wollaston. Read more.

By adamg - Tue, 12/17/2024 - 10:47am

Signs at the Tufts Medical Center Orange Line stop still direct people to Don Bosco Technical High School, some 26 years after the school closed and got turned into a DoubleTree hotel. Read more.

By adamg - Mon, 12/09/2024 - 11:06pm

Roving UHub photographer Joyce Falk Onyango had to stop when the Santa-crossing lights came on on Washington Street at the Forest Hills T stop yesterday.

By adamg - Fri, 11/22/2024 - 4:47pm

A roving UHub photographer found herself in the middle of complete insanity at Jackson Square, where one shuttle bus just wasn't going to cut it for all the people just trying to get somewhere this afternoon after an Orange Line train - one of the new and allegedly more reliable Orange Line trains - croaked on the tracks near Green Street around 2 p.m. Read more.

By adamg - Sat, 11/16/2024 - 3:43pm

The briefly speedy Orange Line is back to its old slow tricks due to signal problems at Forest Hills, at least according to the driver of the train the UHub mobile action news unit is currently on with its doors open and slowly beeping at Ruggles.

By adamg - Fri, 11/15/2024 - 10:02am

The MBTA reports the day started with a switch problem near Wellington on the Orange Line and a dead trolley at Chestnut Hill on the Green Line. Both problems since fixed.

By adamg - Tue, 11/05/2024 - 10:59am

The MBTA reports it's finally cleared the last of the seemingly perpetual slow zones on the Orange Line this weekend, letting riders feel the full oomph of an speed-limit reaching trains for the first time since 2010, ending the days when wood-paneled Orange Line trains always lost races to snails and turtles at Forest Hills and between Tufts and Back Bay. Read more.

By adamg - Mon, 11/04/2024 - 7:57pm

A person was stabbed in the throat in a field on the upper-busway side of the Forest Hills T station, where Washington Street crosses the Arborway to become South Street, around 4:20 p.m. Read more.

By adamg - Fri, 10/04/2024 - 2:51pm

The Orange Line will be shut between Forest Hills and Back Bay Oct. 8 - 20 for some more of the repair work the T couldn't get to - or discovered it needed to do - during that month-long shutdown back in 2022.

Shuttle buses, natch. The T also suggests commuter rail or, closer to town, the Green Line.

By adamg - Mon, 09/30/2024 - 11:31am

Boston Police report arresting a man they say stalked and then robbed a man who had left the Stony Brook Orange Line stop around 8:50 p.m. on Sunday - by following GPS signals from his victim's phone. Read more.

By adamg - Mon, 09/23/2024 - 3:07pm

Transit Police report arresting a man they say "fully exposed himself" to a young girl and her mother around 6 p.m. on Saturday. Officers on scene then noticed his exposure before he could zip back up after spotting them, police say. He was charged with open and gross lewdness.

By adamg - Tue, 09/03/2024 - 5:00pm

The Orange Line signal woes between North Station and Back Bay continue, so the T is advising people to take the Green Line instead, which is great if you're want to get between North Station and Back Bay, not so hot if your final destination is, oh, somewhere closer to Oak Grove or Forest Hills.

How bad is it? In addition to signals not signalling, here's State Street station shortly after 3 p.m.

By adamg - Tue, 09/03/2024 - 1:54pm

The tracks are getting better and better, but, oops, something blew out all the power on the Red, Orange, Green and Blue lines around 1:30 p.m. The MBTA reported about 15 minutes later that Johnny plugged the power cord back in, except, oops, briefly not on the Orange Line between Stony Brook and Forest Hills.

Except: Read more.

By adamg - Tue, 09/03/2024 - 12:53pm

You can't tell from a photo, of course, but Sebastian Stockman checked in from Downtown Crossing this morning: "Downtown Crossing smells…clean?!?"

By adamg - Fri, 08/30/2024 - 10:13am

The day did not start auspiciously on the Red Line, where riders were forced into early morning bustitution between Braintree and JFK/UMass because, the T reports an overnight maintenance vehicle derailed at Wollaston.

Meanwhile, over on the Orange Line, riders faced delays, first due to a recalcitrant switch at Oak Grove and later because of a signal problem at Forest Hills.