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Deval Patrick

By adamg - 2/20/09 - 8:53 am

Doesn't sound quite as bad as the 27-cent idea floated earlier, hmm? The Globe reports on his gas tax/transportation reorganization plan.

By adamg - 2/18/09 - 2:06 pm

NECN covered a Boston chamber of commerce meeting today at which Deval Patrick said he will either try for an increase in the gas tax or an increase in turnpike tolls, but not both. There's a show of hands starting around 4:30:

By adamg - 2/10/09 - 8:50 am

Gov. Patrick doesn't just want to raise gas taxes - he wants to implant RFID chips inside car inspection stickers. Big intrusion on privacy or biggest intrusion on privacy?

By adamg - 2/10/09 - 12:05 am

We'll be number 1 if Gov. Patrick's proposal goes through.

Blue Mass. Group discussion.

Red Mass. Group discussion.

By oddjob60 - 2/4/09 - 2:13 pm

Just saw one of the most substantial exchanges I've ever seen on Twitter:

rdsahl Gov Patrick: WashPost blog floats your name for HHS. Are you in the mix? Would you take if offered. Thanks.

(and, about an hour later...)

MassGovernor @rdsahl As the Governor has said countless times, he is staying put and running for re-election. - Kyle Sullivan, Press Secretary [approx. 2 pm]

I'm struck by this in several ways:

By adamg - 1/30/09 - 11:06 pm

Lance explains why people harrumphing about Patrick's proposal to let cities and towns raise the meals tax are full of it:

... Anyone who tells you that the local meals tax will hurt business in one town and drive diners to another is lying to you (And if they dare suggest that it might drive diners out of state - where Connecticut already has a 6% meals tax, Rhode Island and New Hampshire 8%, and Vermont 9% - they don't deserve your time). ...

By adamg - 1/30/09 - 4:16 pm

HubSpot, a Kendall Square company that helps companies market themselves on social networks, heard yesterday that Deval Patrick would be in their building today, so they posted on Twitter about how cool it would be if His Excellency would stop by for a visit and lo and behold, he did.

Deval Patrick has a Twitter account.

Xconomy covers Patrick's visit to the Cambridge Innovation Center.

By adamg - 1/28/09 - 2:18 pm

If Gov. Patrick has his way: As part of his budget proposal for the fiscal year that starts July 1, he wants to repeal the current sales-tax exemption on candy, liquor and sugary drinks. He would also extend the current bottle-deposit law to bottles of water, Gatorade and their ilk.

Via David at Blue Mass. Group, who also notes a proposal to expand the number of charter schools in the states' 50 lowest-performing school districts, which includes Boston.

By adamg - 1/24/09 - 11:10 am

The Outraged Liberal compares the coverage of Sal DiMasi's possible imminent departure and the news that Gov. Patrick is cutting $128 million from local aid - which helps pay for police, firefighters and road repair:

... Welcome to a journalism feeding frenzy -- created by a local press corps that doesn't routinely cover the daily ins and outs of a $26-plus billion industry, prefers gossip and rumor over facts and wouldn't know context if it hit them in the face. ...

He does give props to the Globe for putting the local-aid story on the front page.

By adamg - 1/23/09 - 8:23 am

The Massachusetts Budget and Policy Center warns that in addition to the $2.1 billion in cuts the Patrick administration has either already made or announced, the state will have to make up another $1 billion. And that, the center says, is "a best case scenario."

Via the Outraged Liberal, who isn't putting quite as much hope on a federal bailout as some state officials seem to be doing.

By MarkNavin - 1/21/09 - 1:21 pm

This week on WBUR, Governor Deval Patrick will talk with Radio Boston host, Jane Clayson at the middle of his first term as Governor. With the economy in the dumps, and the state's budget in the red, will Patrick be able to move on any of his legislative priorities, or will he have to settle for only limiting the effects of budget cuts? Submit your questions for the Governor at www.radioboston.org

By adamg - 1/17/09 - 11:40 pm

Dave Atkins runs down the highlights of the new bicycle-safety law just signed by Gov. Patrick. Among them: Opening your car door right in front of a cyclist now carries a $100 fine; motorists must yield to cyclists when making a left turn.

By adamg - 1/16/09 - 7:59 am

The Globe reports he would use part of an expected federal stimulus package to build such things as highway ramps and parking garages for developers who are ready to build within six months.

By Innismir - 1/8/09 - 3:38 pm

This floated across my Twitter stream this morning via @bradsaccount, who is the Director of New Media at the Massachusetts Governor's office:

Massachusetts Governor Patrick's Office has an official twitter feed now. Follow away! www.twitter.com/massgovernor

Interesting, to say the least.

By adamg - 1/6/09 - 5:27 pm

Gov. Patrick has released proposed legislation for finding and punishing corrupt public officials - proposal calls for expanding state wiretapping (currently limited to organized-crime investigations). Good thing or not?

By adamg - 1/5/09 - 9:24 am

The Blue Mass. boys talked to Deval Patrick yesterday about sealing wax and things and Jim Aloisi. Patrick explains why he picked the lawyer who helped give us the Big Dig in its current configuration to reform transportation in the state. Among other things:

... One thing that is helpful to me is that he knows where the bodies are buried. And you know, the sad reality is that we have to dig up a lot of those bodies, and bury them properly. ...

By adamg - 12/31/08 - 8:16 am

Like $1 billion more, atop the $1.2 billion already in the works.

By adamg - 12/30/08 - 9:02 am

Steve Garfield explains why he just unsubscribed from the governor's e-mail list.

By adamg - 12/17/08 - 10:25 pm

Is that woman flipping him the bird?

Flush with the success of their effort to completely bollix up the turnpike by paying tolls in pennies (oh, wait, that didn't work too well, did it?), the Stop the Pike Hike people are now having a guy in a chicken suit follow Deval Patrick around until he agrees to a debate on the merits of KFC vs. Burger King the proposed massive turnpike toll hike. He is shown here waiting for Patrick to exit the State House.

By Brett - 12/15/08 - 4:00 pm

Deval was scheduled to pop out to Blandford, MA (a "surprise" trip- perhaps to avoid boot-throwing terrorists residents who have been without power since Thursday night?) to check out the storm damage. Instead, he cancelled his trip. Why? Bad weather: temperatures pushing 50 degrees, 10mph winds, and "slight chance of rain showers" were enough to keep the governor's helicopter away.

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