17 years 7 months

My comments and posts

My comments
Post date Comment Article Comments New
10/21/20 - 12:02 pm It is called Storrowing... Storrowing 9
10/21/20 - 11:53 am If the MBTA did this... In Dorchester, somebody signs up for the war on trash 6
10/19/20 - 5:12 pm Uh... Storrowing 9
10/19/20 - 5:08 pm Does this mean... Soldiers Field Road landmark signs off for the last time 18
10/11/20 - 2:48 pm Comments like this... New Red Line car defaced before the T could even finish painting it 19
3/19/20 - 9:22 am FOX News... Goat gone 26
3/7/20 - 4:53 pm Just thought I'd leave this here... In a time of crisis, Somerville turns to Spam 23
3/6/20 - 12:59 pm I wonder if The MBTA and Verizon teamed up and... New Orange Line cars might as well be in Port Jervis: Once again, they're taken out of service 43
3/6/20 - 12:56 pm Because... Charlie will continue to ride forever 'neath the streets of Boston 30
3/6/20 - 12:55 pm Better idea... Charlie will continue to ride forever 'neath the streets of Boston 30
2/16/20 - 2:51 pm or... Border Patrol sending special-forces officers, possibly including snipers, to Boston, other sanctuary cities 30
2/16/20 - 2:42 pm Add a 5th question... 2020 plan for repair work on T lines announced 19
2/16/20 - 2:40 pm Also... Person hit by Orange Line train at Downtown Crossing 6
2/7/20 - 7:54 pm Re: Three Car Trains Like magic, two BU Green Line stops will begin to disappear 21
2/7/20 - 7:47 pm Not to mention... Government Center garage demolition and development will force temporary shutdown of bus terminal, but subway station should stay open, developer says 40
12/31/19 - 9:10 pm Why? Citizen complaint of the day: Why aren't you pushing back on the forces of our earth? 16
12/31/19 - 9:09 pm Probably one of those... Citizen complaint of the day: Why aren't you pushing back on the forces of our earth? 16
12/31/19 - 9:02 pm If he was ... Court tosses libel suit against UMass newspaper editor over crime-blotter items 10
12/16/19 - 11:44 am You must have NEVER ridden the 71 or 73 OB during rush hour... New MBTA fare system will be late, way more expensive 48
12/16/19 - 11:40 am Sorry... New MBTA fare system will be late, way more expensive 48
12/16/19 - 11:38 am I agree, but... New MBTA fare system will be late, way more expensive 48
12/16/19 - 11:18 am I don't work for the T. New MBTA fare system will be late, way more expensive 48
12/16/19 - 11:17 am I don't know either... New MBTA fare system will be late, way more expensive 48
12/13/19 - 9:46 am Re: exit fare New MBTA fare system will be late, way more expensive 48
12/13/19 - 9:44 am I think it will only be... New MBTA fare system will be late, way more expensive 48
11/29/19 - 12:17 pm Well... (Lame pun warning) Man charged with North Station attack; already had warrants charging him with beating other people 5
11/6/19 - 6:22 pm Please keep the term "Storrowing" to where it belongs... Big-rig driver chooses unwisely in Malden; storrows at Orange Line bridge 15
10/31/19 - 7:54 pm hmm..... Gunfire at Ruggles T stop; nobody hit 6
10/31/19 - 6:03 pm mbtatransitpd just announced on twitter... Gunfire at Ruggles T stop; nobody hit 6
10/31/19 - 8:36 am Also tonic bottles... Bloom off the rose: Orange Line riders now enslobbening new cars just like the old ones 46
10/31/19 - 8:33 am ...and... Bloom off the rose: Orange Line riders now enslobbening new cars just like the old ones 46
10/25/19 - 3:11 pm Correct someone's grammar at PF and... Spelling war erupts on the Red Line 12
10/21/19 - 7:47 pm In 2019... Orange Line riders uttering cusses after their trains are replaced with buses 37
10/14/19 - 8:19 am Cowards, that's what does a thing like that Pack of men stomp, rob disabled man at Ashmont T station, police say 58
10/8/19 - 7:12 pm One fix to the previous post... Trainless weekends on the Orange Line downtown begin tonight 24
10/4/19 - 6:12 pm ... Dispatcher for T police sues over firing after his comments about a black protester he saw on TV, says he was ousted because the T discriminates against white people 58
10/4/19 - 6:12 pm Every thing Hayes said is bullshit Dispatcher for T police sues over firing after his comments about a black protester he saw on TV, says he was ousted because the T discriminates against white people 58
10/4/19 - 6:04 pm Great... Trainless weekends on the Orange Line downtown begin tonight 24
10/4/19 - 6:02 pm Some people can't ride bikes. Trainless weekends on the Orange Line downtown begin tonight 24
9/14/19 - 8:27 am Quick Question Historic trolley at Boylston stop covered in graffiti again 19
8/28/19 - 8:40 pm I think you forgot... T bus perhaps not the best bet as a bank-robbery getaway vehicle 4
8/28/19 - 8:37 pm Uh... Power problems mean D Line riders can't go far: shuttles between Newton Highlands and Reservoir 10
8/18/19 - 7:36 am Boylston begs to differ. Wollaston Red Line station to re-open tomorrow 11
8/14/19 - 8:47 am Or maybe... Lots of weekend bustitution for Green, Orange and Red Line riders this fall 62
8/14/19 - 8:43 am Actually, Lots of weekend bustitution for Green, Orange and Red Line riders this fall 62
8/12/19 - 7:48 pm Michelle Wu Lots of weekend bustitution for Green, Orange and Red Line riders this fall 62
8/12/19 - 7:41 pm LOL Lots of weekend bustitution for Green, Orange and Red Line riders this fall 62
8/12/19 - 4:07 pm Faker needs to use the ACTUAL T buses. Lots of weekend bustitution for Green, Orange and Red Line riders this fall 62
8/12/19 - 4:04 pm The money from the hike is going Lots of weekend bustitution for Green, Orange and Red Line riders this fall 62
8/12/19 - 4:02 pm Because Lots of weekend bustitution for Green, Orange and Red Line riders this fall 62


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