10 years 8 months

My comments and posts

My comments
Post date Comment Article Comments New
10/26/15 - 9:13 pm What's with all this "Adorable" crap? Citizen complaint of the day: Never mind the rats, what about the giant spider webs? 32
10/26/15 - 9:11 pm I'd have pulled it right down Citizen complaint of the day: Never mind the rats, what about the giant spider webs? 32
9/22/15 - 7:34 pm By telling you how to drive, Uber riders with less than perfect ratings 34
9/2/15 - 10:11 pm Except, perhaps, listening to The most Allston reason ever for Green Line delays 27
9/1/15 - 8:42 pm Ya see that busted chay-ah I The most Allston reason ever for Green Line delays 27
8/30/15 - 11:58 am And Gobs for Smacking! Citizen complaint of the day: I don't care if it's called Sweet-N-Nasty 45
8/30/15 - 11:52 am Ain't America Grand?! Citizen complaint of the day: I don't care if it's called Sweet-N-Nasty 45
8/29/15 - 9:24 am If I had a basement, I'd Don't you just hate how commercialized Allston Christmas has become? 32
8/29/15 - 9:24 am By "teaching position he Don't you just hate how commercialized Allston Christmas has become? 32
8/21/15 - 7:05 pm Lumber But the leaves haven't even started turning 26
8/21/15 - 6:36 pm Not the new normal. But the leaves haven't even started turning 26
8/1/15 - 10:54 pm People are just rotten. Yankees fans, go home 29
7/16/15 - 9:47 pm Mine had bedbugs. Twice. Harold Brown filling in empty spaces 10
7/14/15 - 8:31 pm May I suggest that the best Decent kid-friendly restaurants 33
7/14/15 - 8:27 pm You're the reason I don't Decent kid-friendly restaurants 33
7/9/15 - 8:06 pm I once tossed an empty coffee The deal with this pink thing on the BU Bridge 33
6/30/15 - 11:51 pm And don't forget BMW drivers. Do you think NJ has the same no parking in front of hydrant law? 35
6/30/15 - 10:01 pm Unlike those lawn chairs, Citizen complaint of the day: You know those BMW drivers 25
6/26/15 - 8:59 pm You Will Be Assimilated New Brighton Avenue building would be geared to the carless 36
6/21/15 - 8:38 pm Dylann? Dylann Roof? Is that Somebody stabbed on Linden Street in Allston 20
6/9/15 - 7:57 pm What nerve! Restaurant to try new tactic in war on underage drinkers: Lawsuits 80
5/11/15 - 9:46 pm Great. Now maybe the T can Brookline residents can see when the next D train is coming 12
4/27/15 - 10:06 pm I preferred the Armadillo Allston is losing its grit 38
3/9/15 - 10:20 pm How can anyone not love the What would you do with City Hall Plaza? And no, just blowing it up isn't an answer 99
3/5/15 - 10:54 am What happens when someone Let's admit space savers are here to stay and use technology to manage them 111
3/5/15 - 12:16 am Is that the countdown to when Counting down the days 7
2/19/15 - 6:16 pm Boston's not even 400 Parking wars get uglier 112
2/19/15 - 5:58 pm Someone should put all these A senseless waste of cosmetics as veneer of civilization erodes in Brighton 60
2/19/15 - 5:55 pm These boards are full of A senseless waste of cosmetics as veneer of civilization erodes in Brighton 60
2/19/15 - 5:52 pm You mean for acting like they Frustrated JP resident's plea: Be a mensch for once, not a shmuck 24
2/17/15 - 9:03 pm And she calls herself a "lady"? You don't want to get a lady with a sharp knife angry 48
2/15/15 - 5:05 pm People like this should not Oh, my God, the snowbanks, they're mobile! 11
2/14/15 - 11:55 am Oh, come on. It was a simple MIT has a snow mountain, but Allston has a trash heap 25
2/13/15 - 9:59 pm Our Forefathers' Pissy Note Note wars erupt in Somerville 89
2/13/15 - 7:42 pm When did Boston become a Other shoe drops: No T service at all on Sunday 39
2/10/15 - 5:49 pm Probably an entitled Hope springs eternal in West Newton 8
2/8/15 - 10:33 pm Amen! Seems the Nationwide Kid lived in Jamaica Plain 28
2/8/15 - 9:39 pm You found something Seems the Nationwide Kid lived in Jamaica Plain 28
2/8/15 - 9:21 pm But why focus on Millennials? Seems the Nationwide Kid lived in Jamaica Plain 28
2/8/15 - 8:55 pm You waste your time debating Seems the Nationwide Kid lived in Jamaica Plain 28
2/8/15 - 8:41 pm Sarcasm Seems the Nationwide Kid lived in Jamaica Plain 28
2/8/15 - 8:41 pm Sometimes, all you need is a Seems the Nationwide Kid lived in Jamaica Plain 28
2/8/15 - 8:16 pm I've lived here for over twenty Seems the Nationwide Kid lived in Jamaica Plain 28
2/8/15 - 1:42 pm What a pleasure to see your Seems the Nationwide Kid lived in Jamaica Plain 28
2/8/15 - 10:45 am #pointlesshashtag Seems the Nationwide Kid lived in Jamaica Plain 28
1/26/15 - 5:48 pm Not Rednecks Citizen complaint of the day: There's no pregaming for space saving 36
1/26/15 - 5:45 pm Because we don't give a damn. Citizen complaint of the day: There's no pregaming for space saving 36
1/18/15 - 10:16 am You'd think that Parisians would Somebody really needs to donate an atlas to the Postal Service 28
1/18/15 - 10:09 am Mega Grocery Store in the Middle of the City Trader Closed in the Back Bay 26
1/8/15 - 5:52 pm But . . . but . . . this isn't a BMW! Apparently, they don't have fire hydrants in Colorado 20


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