16 years 10 months

A Bostonian since 1983.

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My comments and posts

My comments
Post date Comment Article Comments New
7/9/08 - 3:32 pm No, it's not the bus map, it's the system map Municipal musical chairs 55
7/9/08 - 2:55 pm pegged Municipal musical chairs 55
7/9/08 - 1:50 pm the reason was not reported Channel 7 reporter says boyfriend regularly beat her 15
7/9/08 - 12:09 pm What's your point? Man who collapsed during arrest after Celtics victory dies; DA to investigate 143
7/9/08 - 11:13 am FBI to probe death of fan - about time Man who collapsed during arrest after Celtics victory dies; DA to investigate 143
7/9/08 - 11:10 am broke the habit Oh, noes, not the Wendy's! 22
7/9/08 - 10:49 am "second time" business? Channel 7 reporter says boyfriend regularly beat her 15
7/9/08 - 4:47 am beat down Man who collapsed during arrest after Celtics victory dies; DA to investigate 143
7/9/08 - 4:46 am grow a pair Stupid frickin' jerkwad loser Masshole in a Mustang 14
7/9/08 - 4:44 am Security Premium on gazoline The cost of an ambulance ride 12
7/9/08 - 1:47 am David Woodman's parents lawyer on NECN Man who collapsed during arrest after Celtics victory dies; DA to investigate 143
7/9/08 - 1:46 am Swirly...You just hit the nail on the head Just when you thought MBTA/MBCR management couldn't get any less passenger friendly 24
7/8/08 - 1:47 pm Good one It's so gouda you to ask 9
7/7/08 - 6:48 pm true! Man who collapsed during arrest after Celtics victory dies; DA to investigate 143
7/7/08 - 6:05 pm Stupid f'ckin kids It's too bad there's not an extra penalty for being dumbasses 3
7/7/08 - 6:01 pm Lib-r-Tea Two for T 6
7/7/08 - 3:18 pm Boston the cradle of Liberty? Two for T 6
7/7/08 - 2:09 pm try the veal Review of Green Street Grill: Meh 4
7/7/08 - 2:04 pm not just baseball We need Big Papi now 4
7/6/08 - 11:27 pm hiding or exposing is not the only choice Beth Israel medical teams to take more time outs 8
7/6/08 - 11:16 pm who? Do you have your passport? 18
7/6/08 - 8:49 pm off the top of my head Do you have your passport? 18
7/6/08 - 3:08 pm is that right!? Protesting Dick Cheney 12
7/6/08 - 11:00 am just as Protesting Dick Cheney 12
7/6/08 - 10:22 am WOMEN; good looking / not good looking Protesting Dick Cheney 12
7/5/08 - 9:17 pm another arrest that night Man who collapsed during arrest after Celtics victory dies; DA to investigate 143
7/5/08 - 5:42 pm Bono DID recruit/solictit him Four shot at Hyde Park convenience store 20
7/5/08 - 5:31 pm be my guest smartypants Four shot at Hyde Park convenience store 20
7/5/08 - 5:28 pm crap or not crap, the fact remains Four shot at Hyde Park convenience store 20
7/5/08 - 5:21 pm can you? Allegedly grabby state senator charged with assaulting four women in Lowell 52
7/5/08 - 5:18 pm That show is funny as sh-t Four shot at Hyde Park convenience store 20
7/5/08 - 4:36 pm Now, now Four shot at Hyde Park convenience store 20
7/5/08 - 4:32 pm You are DEAD Four shot at Hyde Park convenience store 20
7/5/08 - 4:26 pm Nature's Fireworks Nature's fireworks 2
7/5/08 - 4:19 pm Bad faith First thing Hood does is ruin the Brigham's Web site 4
7/5/08 - 4:16 pm old salts, there's just no keeping them contained Four shot at Hyde Park convenience store 20
7/4/08 - 5:30 pm unecessary and this shit is getting out of hand Boston's undiscovered tourist retreat: Grove Hall 5
7/4/08 - 1:32 pm Keep bitching or do something about it Telewho whattity? 8
7/4/08 - 1:27 pm um Beacon Hill brownstone evacuation forced by fumes 31
7/4/08 - 1:17 pm fashizzle Mitt Romney has not yet foresaken us 5
7/4/08 - 1:01 pm not like buying a car, it's like building one Telewho whattity? 8
7/4/08 - 12:57 pm FISA and Sen Obama Telewho whattity? 8
7/3/08 - 6:48 pm testing It's amazing how clean Boston Harbor is these days 7
7/3/08 - 5:31 pm Martin feels better - what about us? Screaming babies on the T 29
7/3/08 - 5:14 pm What will Mitt do next? Mitt Romney has not yet foresaken us 5
7/3/08 - 5:10 pm Yeah sarcasm barfasm (schmecaution... heavy condescendasm) Beacon Hill brownstone evacuation forced by fumes 31
7/3/08 - 2:15 pm member of the bar The Globe needs to evaluate its policy on not naming people in stories 24
7/3/08 - 2:12 pm Police had faced discipline before Man who collapsed during arrest after Celtics victory dies; DA to investigate 143
7/3/08 - 1:50 pm not a threat The Globe needs to evaluate its policy on not naming people in stories 24
7/3/08 - 1:36 pm a man who stopped breathing after his arrest Man who collapsed during arrest after Celtics victory dies; DA to investigate 143


My articles