Member for 10 years 10 months Proud Bostonian, civil engineer, and transportation geek. My comments and postsMy comments Post date Comment Article Comments New 1/15/18 - 9:59 am Boston does have these. They That awkward moment when you park your car after a snowstorm, then return several days later 39 1/15/18 - 9:56 am There's also the concept of That awkward moment when you park your car after a snowstorm, then return several days later 39 1/10/18 - 1:45 pm Except that maybe they don't It wouldn't be a Boston winter without the ceremonial exchange of windshield pleasantries 71 1/10/18 - 8:16 am That's all well and good that In rare unanimity, bicyclists, motorists and pedestrians all agree: Boston needs more plowing and shoveling 79 1/9/18 - 2:53 pm Things are no better in In rare unanimity, bicyclists, motorists and pedestrians all agree: Boston needs more plowing and shoveling 79 1/8/18 - 12:19 pm I'd hazard a guess it's Congress Street became Congress River this morning 6 1/8/18 - 9:24 am Orange Line is also a mess. The Red Line this morning is a mess, when you'll get to work: anybody's guess 10 12/29/17 - 2:09 pm There are a bunch of copies Bad weather delays completion of Forest Hills roadwork by a couple weeks, but Mattapan-bound drivers face new lanes today 15 12/26/17 - 9:23 am Definitely thundersnow in But were you dreaming of a white Christmas with THUNDERSNOW? 4 12/19/17 - 9:10 am The train that derailed in First of the new Orange Line cars arrive in South Boston 34 12/18/17 - 9:59 am The American assembly is part First of the new Orange Line cars arrive in South Boston 34 12/18/17 - 9:47 am It would be relatively easy Duck boats to avoid intersection where one of their drivers hit and killed woman on scooter, at least in the summer 67 12/15/17 - 1:19 pm It's a chicken-and-egg Marine industrial park would get less mariney under city plan 17 12/15/17 - 1:09 pm Yes, I understand buses stop. Imagine that: Roslindale Square to Forest Hills in just six minutes 191 12/14/17 - 9:21 am fewer deathmobiles (cars) on Imagine that: Roslindale Square to Forest Hills in just six minutes 191 12/14/17 - 9:15 am Probably because everyone Imagine that: Roslindale Square to Forest Hills in just six minutes 191 12/14/17 - 9:09 am If they go with an actual Imagine that: Roslindale Square to Forest Hills in just six minutes 191 12/12/17 - 4:31 pm Irrelevant. A bus lane is Imagine that: Roslindale Square to Forest Hills in just six minutes 191 12/12/17 - 4:30 pm Yes, but this is not nearly Imagine that: Roslindale Square to Forest Hills in just six minutes 191 12/6/17 - 9:13 am Regarding your first point, State approves new Eversource substation in East Boston 15 12/6/17 - 8:55 am Wow, I think this is a new And so it begins: Suffolk Downs owner wants to skip pesky environmental reviews to make Amazon happy 15 12/4/17 - 9:35 am It's way more expensive to Suffolk University casts wide net for student housing - like all the way on the other side of BU 25 12/1/17 - 10:31 am I'm probably in the minority Allston commuter-rail station put on a siding to nowheresville 51 12/1/17 - 8:42 am $45 is ridiculous for that... Good grief: $45 for a Charlie Brown Christmas tree? 22 11/30/17 - 1:29 pm Gatwick is only 24 miles from Anime Boston sues to block similarly named event in Hanover 20 11/30/17 - 10:22 am It's still there - but it's a Hotel could replace Fenway gas station 9 11/17/17 - 3:32 pm Adam, you're missing a "Read Green Line Extension back on track, at least for now 11 11/16/17 - 3:37 pm True, but never to the same Bike haters organize in Cambridge 75 11/16/17 - 10:28 am Hear hear! Bike haters organize in Cambridge 75 11/16/17 - 10:23 am Or maybe we're riding at a Bike haters organize in Cambridge 75 11/15/17 - 12:06 pm A few? Try at least one Bike haters organize in Cambridge 75 11/13/17 - 9:23 am St Catherine St in Montreal City to try 'tactical crossing islands,' other steps to make Tremont Street in the South End safer for pedestrians 31 11/13/17 - 9:18 am Pedestrian refuge islands are City to try 'tactical crossing islands,' other steps to make Tremont Street in the South End safer for pedestrians 31 11/13/17 - 9:01 am Yes because people never, Things people carry on the T 15 11/8/17 - 10:09 am I'm willing to bet either the Trooper injured when cruiser crushed in Charlestown 8 11/1/17 - 1:34 pm The MBTA's claim that he Our first case of commuter-rail ticket civil disobedience 89 10/31/17 - 8:46 am Hmm, when I came through Sullivan Square even more of a mess than usual 7 10/30/17 - 3:03 pm Yes, the southbound issues Signals give no quarter: Trains slow through Porter 12 10/30/17 - 12:30 pm That was due to unrelated Signals give no quarter: Trains slow through Porter 12 10/30/17 - 9:04 am I opted for the red line Signals give no quarter: Trains slow through Porter 12 10/27/17 - 9:07 am The southbound (Zakim) side City to partially close Charlestown bridge for emergency repairs tonight after holes erupt 27 10/27/17 - 8:58 am But you're forgetting that Bill could mean tolls on more highways inside 128, oh, and on 128, too 94 10/26/17 - 9:49 am Some state legislator Bill could mean tolls on more highways inside 128, oh, and on 128, too 94 10/26/17 - 8:16 am If you're coming from East City to partially close Charlestown bridge for emergency repairs tonight after holes erupt 27 10/25/17 - 12:45 pm RCN is still here in some Boston wants to start asking developers if their projects will give residents a broadband choice 21 10/23/17 - 9:39 am I'd say whether or not you MBTA mishegas at South Station 29 10/18/17 - 3:58 pm I'm not walking it back at Don't laugh: Planners look to make routes 9 and 30 on Natick/Framingham line pedestrian friendly 44 10/18/17 - 9:24 am A reduction in crashes Don't laugh: Planners look to make routes 9 and 30 on Natick/Framingham line pedestrian friendly 44 10/17/17 - 4:21 pm Look, I agree with you that Don't laugh: Planners look to make routes 9 and 30 on Natick/Framingham line pedestrian friendly 44 10/17/17 - 4:09 pm But both of those locations Don't laugh: Planners look to make routes 9 and 30 on Natick/Framingham line pedestrian friendly 44 Pages« first‹ previous…34567891011…next ›last » My articles