Member for 10 years 10 months Proud Bostonian, civil engineer, and transportation geek. My comments and postsMy comments Post date Comment Article Comments New 10/17/17 - 4:05 pm The most you have to cross at Don't laugh: Planners look to make routes 9 and 30 on Natick/Framingham line pedestrian friendly 44 10/17/17 - 9:20 am ^THIS Don't laugh: Planners look to make routes 9 and 30 on Natick/Framingham line pedestrian friendly 44 10/17/17 - 9:15 am I have to point out that the Don't laugh: Planners look to make routes 9 and 30 on Natick/Framingham line pedestrian friendly 44 10/17/17 - 9:00 am I don't understand the whole Somerville Lorax speaks for the trees 24 10/17/17 - 9:00 am They got approval. The plans Somerville Lorax speaks for the trees 24 10/12/17 - 8:31 am The equipment being old isn't We're Number 1! Uh, yay? 72 10/12/17 - 8:29 am I agree with pretty much We're Number 1! Uh, yay? 72 10/12/17 - 8:21 am Yes, but my entire comment New Orange Line train taken out for a spin 43 10/11/17 - 9:38 am The initial prototype was New Orange Line train taken out for a spin 43 10/11/17 - 9:35 am The problem is that worldwide New Orange Line train taken out for a spin 43 10/5/17 - 3:21 pm Maybe? Before they built the Man hit by commuter-rail train at Yawkey Way station 21 10/5/17 - 11:56 am There was never a reason to Man hit by commuter-rail train at Yawkey Way station 21 10/5/17 - 11:53 am Has anyone tried Mooyah? I've Burger place that needs an exclamation point in its name to open downtown 9 10/4/17 - 4:58 pm Absolutely no margin for error at Forest Hills these days 29 10/2/17 - 3:30 pm why do them? Online malaise also affecting car owners 75 10/2/17 - 12:39 pm There were allegations of Online malaise also affecting car owners 75 10/2/17 - 8:26 am Is it that hard to move your Contender for the West Roxbury Parking Hall of Fame 27 9/28/17 - 9:21 am This has actually somewhat The candidates on making Boston streets safer and improving public transit 45 9/27/17 - 3:58 pm How did that happen? Orange Line train up and dies, it's just sitting on the ties 22 9/27/17 - 9:57 am I understand how skip-stop Red Line riders need a moment of zen because signal problems have cropped up again 30 9/25/17 - 12:20 pm How is this hypothetical Red Line riders need a moment of zen because signal problems have cropped up again 30 9/18/17 - 8:34 am There was also a dead train No rara avis: Dead train at Davis 10 9/12/17 - 1:46 pm Wait, flash mobs are still a Chaos in the streets: The night suburban teens took over a North End feast 9 9/12/17 - 8:19 am It's bad. When I biked Water-main break shuts Rutherford Avenue inbound 3 9/1/17 - 8:52 am This is at an intersection. The college students are back; there's a U-Haul on the track 26 9/1/17 - 8:51 am They aren't trespassing. They The college students are back; there's a U-Haul on the track 26 8/31/17 - 3:30 pm The toll booth essentially Sumner Tunnel changes driving East Boston nuts 22 8/30/17 - 3:55 pm Those would be more for The cost of connecting North and South stations 45 8/30/17 - 3:51 pm Bolt is owned by Greyhound. Peter Pan flies away from Greyhound 29 8/21/17 - 8:35 am Is it really? Interesting! The Orange Line was hell when one train got a death knell 21 8/21/17 - 8:32 am Look, I don't know what you The cost of connecting North and South stations 45 8/18/17 - 12:46 pm Also, I'm confused when T The Orange Line was hell when one train got a death knell 21 8/18/17 - 12:36 pm More than 500 cops to patrol Common tomorrow; Walsh urges people to stay away and not give Nazis the attention they crave 62 8/18/17 - 9:07 am I wrote a fairly detailed The cost of connecting North and South stations 45 8/17/17 - 3:56 pm This. The most Boston intersection that ever Bostoned a Boston 28 8/17/17 - 3:51 pm There aren't enough upvotes The cost of connecting North and South stations 45 8/17/17 - 3:49 pm The slurry walls around the The cost of connecting North and South stations 45 8/16/17 - 4:15 pm Red herring. New MBTA head has no transit experience 74 8/14/17 - 9:35 am The plan has always been to Full Comm. Ave. re-opening delayed by grout, lack of drought 24 8/9/17 - 12:23 pm No, that would assume a taxi City pulls Snapchat filter that represented Eastie with an airport control tower 43 8/7/17 - 3:44 pm The contractor absorbed all Turnpike to return to full width at 5 a.m. Monday 20 8/2/17 - 8:29 am Unfortunately it's not that Commuter rail a mess; riders under a lot of stress 24 7/31/17 - 8:06 am On the other hand, think of Shadow war shifts back to City Hall 31 7/27/17 - 4:56 pm Now that I think about it, I MIT plan could save BPS money on bus routes, in part by laying off drivers 59 7/27/17 - 8:27 am Technically any bus besides MIT plan could save BPS money on bus routes, in part by laying off drivers 59 7/26/17 - 9:11 am I never said it was for the MIT plan could save BPS money on bus routes, in part by laying off drivers 59 7/25/17 - 12:00 pm They said commuter rail, not MIT plan could save BPS money on bus routes, in part by laying off drivers 59 7/24/17 - 12:35 pm What part of "charges were Massachusetts court to ICE: We're not going to hold people not facing criminal charges for you 76 7/24/17 - 9:26 am I agree with this 100%. A Five Boston neighborhoods to get streets re-done to slow down cars 46 7/21/17 - 3:36 pm Bumps = humps in this context Five Boston neighborhoods to get streets re-done to slow down cars 46 Pages« first‹ previous…456789101112…next ›last » My articles