11 years 5 months

My comments and posts

My comments
Post date Comment Article Comments New
5/4/15 - 6:43 pm stupidity If you're going to slam your truck into a Storrow overpass, do it right, we always say 50
2/19/15 - 11:26 pm Apathy Parking wars get uglier 112
2/16/15 - 12:33 pm Parking Ban Walsh: Parking ban remains in effect and stop jumping out windows! 41
2/14/15 - 11:24 pm I now seriously doubt the MIT has a snow mountain, but Allston has a trash heap 25
2/9/15 - 8:50 pm karma MBTA surrenders 125
2/9/15 - 6:11 pm prioritiies MBTA surrenders 125
2/3/15 - 10:42 pm As a taxpayer, i believe that Space-saver haters fight back 106
1/31/15 - 11:40 pm Using space savers is selfish The Space Saver's Manifesto - with Q&A 43
1/31/15 - 11:39 pm Using space savers is selfish Space-saver etiquette question 60
5/5/14 - 10:39 pm unbelievable Really pooped in Jamaica Plain 20
5/5/14 - 10:33 pm imcompetent Epidemic of illiteracy sweeps Boston-area truck drivers 16
4/25/14 - 7:50 pm mayor Walsh now sort of says he won't fight tooth and nail against pot dispensaries 12
3/22/14 - 11:24 pm senseless BPS buying 10,000 Chromebooks for student use 26
3/8/14 - 8:02 am more the better Air Force One landing at Logan 32
3/2/14 - 7:55 am all day event Gay group allowed into South Boston parade as long as they don't tell anybody they're gay 97
3/1/14 - 8:28 am stubborness Gay group allowed into South Boston parade as long as they don't tell anybody they're gay 97
2/19/14 - 10:58 pm Responsible party Car vandalized for being parked in Southie space; owner protests there wasn't a space saver there 81
2/14/14 - 7:37 pm Solution to these inconsiderate people Citizen complaint of the day: Somebody is using a car to save parking spaces 34
9/23/13 - 12:08 am undiscliplined people Citizen complaint of the day: Hey, you kids, get offa my road 71
My articles