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By adamg - 9/19/19 - 1:29 pm
Hawk at Forest Hills MBTA station

Massmikmouse spotted a hawk way up in the rafters of the Forest Hills T station this morning. Read more.

By adamg - 9/3/19 - 3:19 pm
Mike Duhawkis, the State House hawk

Grumpygrumpyowl couldn't help but admire Mike Duhawkis - the State House hawk named by reporter Mike Deehan - during a break from her weekly protest over the Weymouth gas compressor.

By adamg - 6/27/19 - 2:16 pm
Hawk outside Friendly Toast in Cambridge

Serge spotted this rather odd looking pigeon hanging out outside the Friendly Toast in Cambridge's Tech Square today.

C. Scott Ananian had to show he didn't have any succulent mice in his order: Read more.

By adamg - 4/11/19 - 9:25 am
Hawk at a window

Louise Miller's already cool view out her Beacon Hill window got a little better this morning.

By adamg - 2/18/19 - 12:55 pm
South End hawk

You really have to be careful in South End alleys these days - at least if you're no larger than a squirrel or mouse. John McLachlan reports this young Cooper's hawk keeps visiting the alley out back of his South End home.

Copyright John McLachlan. Posted in the Universal Hub pool.

By adamg - 12/3/18 - 10:34 pm
Raptor at Jamaica Pond

Was walking around Jamaica Pond this afternoon, when I spotted this bird glide down to a perch on one of the trees on the Parkman Drive side.

Hawk? And should I finally figure out how to manually focus my camera lens because the auto-focus kept zeroing in on the branches in front of the bird? The answer to the latter question, of course, is: Yes.

By adamg - 10/13/18 - 11:27 pm

Erik Hjortsho has posted video from his doorcam showing a hawk swooping in and grabbing the pigeon that had been resting above his door.

By adamg - 9/19/18 - 2:06 pm
Hawk in the Back Bay

Maddie Yardley spotted this fine feathered specimen today on Cumberland Street behind the Midtown Hotel.

By adamg - 5/31/18 - 3:55 pm

The Dig reports on increasingly common and long lasting rat poisons that are beginning to work their way up the food chain - to the raptors that eat the rats that don't die right away.

By adamg - 3/16/18 - 4:08 pm

Although this hawk, which Yousef watched outside the CVS, probably wishes it could have some privacy.

By adamg - 3/6/18 - 7:59 pm
Stuck bird

Late this afternoon, a hawk got trapped in some netting towards the top of the Cutler Majestic Theatre. Robert Schepis photographed the poor bird shortly after 4:30 p.m.

By adamg - 1/2/18 - 10:00 pm
Hawk with squashed, frozen squirrel in Roxbury

Roving UHub photographer (and NECN host) Sue O'Connell spotted this hawk checking out a squashed, frozen squirrel carcass on Marcella Street in Roxbury today.

By adamg - 11/10/17 - 8:22 pm

Mike Ball reports on an interlude on the cobblestones outside the Quincy Market building today:

Not-at-all-shy hawk went for lunch at Boston's Quincy Market. It started right on the pigeon, thrilling and disgusting the tourists and locals. This young female brought the pigeon down with a thump (apparently dead before hitting the paving stones) and looked at 50 or so of us like, "You'd better not try to take my meal!"

Oh, you want a look? But of course: Read more.

By Matthew Miller - 11/3/17 - 9:03 pm

About 7:45 this morning, right outside the Davis Square T station:


By adamg - 9/27/17 - 6:52 pm
Hawk at the Arnold Arboretum

Mitch and Lis describe what happened after they found this hawk just sitting on the ground near the main building at the Arnold Arboretum on Monday. Read more.

By adamg - 3/2/17 - 12:12 pm
Hawk on a No Pets sign

John Pelletier shows us his backyard in Newton this morning.

By adamg - 2/22/17 - 10:17 pm
Hawk on the ground at Mary Ellen McCormack project in South Boston

Remember when hawks were a rare things in the city? A roving UHub photographer spotted this seemingly put out hawk on the O'Callaghan Way side of the Mary Ellen McCormack project in South Boston today.

By adamg - 2/22/17 - 4:17 pm
Hawk and squirrel

Todd Consentino was bicycling down Memorial Drive in Cambridge today when he noticed a squirrel hiding from a hawk thanks to some conveniently placed bleachers.

By adamg - 2/12/17 - 5:32 pm
Hawk watching the snow in West Roxbury

Dan the roving UHub photographer spotted this guy perched on a street light on Westover Street in West Roxbury this afternoon.

By adamg - 1/26/17 - 2:44 pm
Hawk at Millennium Park

This hawk warily eyed a photographer from a perch way above the canoe-launch parking lot at Millennium Park in West Roxbury this morning.

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