Skunks can't see anything unless it's within five feet of them. Something like that. In any case, they're extremely nearsighted. Don't get close, don't make any sudden moves, you'll be just fine.
If it helps any, they eat all sorts of other nasty things.
Take extra care to avoid nocturnal animals that are active in the daytime. This is unusual behavior and might indicate that the animal has rabies. Stay away. Keep your pets away from food or other items the skunk might have come in contact with. Call animal control. Warn your neighbors.
Hungry animals living in proximity to humans tend to adapt to human patterns of activity, particularly where garbage is involved.
That means coming out in the early morning on trash day to forage, even if wikipedia/animal planet says they are "nocturnal".
That isn't rabies - that is adaptation. Please stop spreading unnecessary fear - morning and evening activity for racoons, skunks, etc. is very common in the months with short nights in areas where people patterns govern food supply.
A good rule, in any case: don't play with wildlife - don't feed, don't approach, mind your pets, etc.
Where I live in East Boston its not all that uncommon to see skunks in daylight hours. Sometimes they are drawn out by a pile of old bread left out by neighbors who think they are "feeding the birds".
By Crankycoffey
Sun, 04/21/2013 - 8:43pm
It may be daylight, but it's evening - totally ok time for them to be out and about. Just keep your cool - they're shy and don't want to spray you.
By Suldog
Sun, 04/21/2013 - 9:54pm
Skunks can't see anything unless it's within five feet of them. Something like that. In any case, they're extremely nearsighted. Don't get close, don't make any sudden moves, you'll be just fine.
If it helps any, they eat all sorts of other nasty things.
Nocturnal animal + diurnal activity = rabies
By jp_guy
Mon, 04/22/2013 - 9:05am
Take extra care to avoid nocturnal animals that are active in the daytime. This is unusual behavior and might indicate that the animal has rabies. Stay away. Keep your pets away from food or other items the skunk might have come in contact with. Call animal control. Warn your neighbors.
Another indicator of possible rabies
By Michael Kerpan
Mon, 04/22/2013 - 9:52am
If the skunk is rather incontinent as to its smelly spray.
This again
By SwirlyGrrl
Mon, 04/22/2013 - 10:05am
Hungry animals living in proximity to humans tend to adapt to human patterns of activity, particularly where garbage is involved.
That means coming out in the early morning on trash day to forage, even if wikipedia/animal planet says they are "nocturnal".
That isn't rabies - that is adaptation. Please stop spreading unnecessary fear - morning and evening activity for racoons, skunks, etc. is very common in the months with short nights in areas where people patterns govern food supply.
A good rule, in any case: don't play with wildlife - don't feed, don't approach, mind your pets, etc.
Not all that uncommon
By anon
Mon, 04/22/2013 - 10:38am
Where I live in East Boston its not all that uncommon to see skunks in daylight hours. Sometimes they are drawn out by a pile of old bread left out by neighbors who think they are "feeding the birds".