By adamg on Mon., 11/16/2015 - 12:46 pm
The Globe reports.
Mayor Walsh issued a statement:
As a city and as a country it is not our custom to turn our backs on people who are in need and who are innocent. We have yet to receive guidelines from the federal or state government on how they will move forward, however should we be told that Boston is accepting refugees, we will work with our partners at the federal, state and local levels to ensure the safety of Boston residents.
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By anon
Mon, 11/16/2015 - 10:22pm
So you agree that Syria is a fucked up place - in that case, who's doing all the killing? Is it the atheist Russians? The Yazidi Christians? Giant desert scorpions, perhaps? Also, who's responsible for at least 95% of worldwide terrorist attacks over the past 20 years or so? Is the pesky IRA at it again? And lastly, care to explain how I'm the reason why little children die in Newtown? I'm all for universal background checks and easier access to medical and criminal records to ensure nutjobs like Lanza or Roof can't get their hands on guns.
Ah, the IRA
By adamg
Tue, 11/17/2015 - 6:26am
Tell me, were people demanding an end to Irish immigration when the IRA and their Protestant counterparts were busy blowing things up?
As for Newtown, OK, that was an irrational reaction to your irrational reaction. But we keep having Christian men going on mass murder sprees in this country and yet we do nothing about it.
By Anon
Tue, 11/17/2015 - 8:54am
Men doing the killing here kill for many different reasons - some kill those are black. Others kill those who are white. Or those who are rich and spoiled - you get the idea. But I don't recall anyone killing because a certain carpenter of unknown origins or his alleged pops from a certain fairy tale told them so, that hasn't happened in quite a while. And, like I said before, those monsters are very few and far between.
Now, remind me, what does "allahuakbar" mean again? Is it "take that, you asshole?" "Get him!" perhaps? "Mmmm, that was a delicious human heart?" That's what all terrorists scream before doing their deed - gotta be something along those lines, right?
Collective guilt
By adamg
Tue, 11/17/2015 - 8:56am
Sorry, I'm not going to condemn 1 billion people because of the actions of a few, anymore than I'm going to condemn all gun owners because of the actions of a few (except in ludicrous discussions such as the one above).
By Anon
Tue, 11/17/2015 - 9:36am
Collective guilt is bad and all, and few millions out of over a billion is still just a fraction of one percent, but those millions would love to swing by and chop our heads off (or be a little more practical and machine-gun us or blow us to tiny bits.) There's no way to tell them from the rest of the refugees - are you OK with a few hundred worthless yanks here and there getting allahakbared every now and then just so you can assuage your bleeding heart? I mean, we already forgot about the Tsarnaevs, that was what, over 100 years ago?
Citation needed
By adamg
Tue, 11/17/2015 - 9:37am
Millions of Moslems? Really?
As for the Tsarnaevs, again, just so you know, I'm not a fan of collective guilt. Blaming all Moslems for them would be like blaming all Christians for Dylann Roof.
A century ago, Jewish anarchist bombers were a problem
By Ron Newman
Tue, 11/17/2015 - 10:15am
as described, for instance, [url= Does this mean Adam's ancestors and mine shouldn't have been allowed into the US?
Shifting goalposts
By lbb
Tue, 11/17/2015 - 11:03am
Shifting goalposts..
Right. Never happened. Oh, wait...
Right! A long long while! Oh, wait...
Right! So few and far between that we surely don't need to vet the Christians among us.
...but why not be safe?
We may have heard something
By Patricia
Tue, 11/17/2015 - 10:08am
We may have heard something if the IRA was blowing stuff up in the states. Their attacks were directed at the British in NI and elsewhere.
No comparison.
and ...
By anon
Tue, 11/17/2015 - 12:04pm
funded by Boston $$$
Oh, minor detail. Meanwhile, Irish illegals were ignored in Boston. How convenient.
Don't worry about it, bro.
By anon
Tue, 11/17/2015 - 8:02am
Who are the number one victims of ISIL?
By your logic, you've got nothing to worry about. Unless you're telling us you're secretly a Muslim?
By dmcboston
Mon, 11/16/2015 - 10:55pm
then why are they trying to leave the ME to get to, well, practically anywhere else? A silly statement, Adam. I think the ME is about where Europe was about 500 years ago, internecine wars on all scales fought constantly. Maybe some day that statement will be true, but, well, I dunno, the ME is a total friggin train wreck.
Internecine wars fought constantly?
By anon
Tue, 11/17/2015 - 9:45am
The internecine wars in Europe did not stop 500 years ago (WW's 1 and 2, among hundreds of other examples) and continue to this day.
Ireland, Ukraine, Serbia, Croatia, Kosovo, Bosnia, and the Basque region, just to name a few from the last few years.
From what we know so far, the bombings in Paris were committed by European citizens against other European citizens.
I said, "I think the ME is
By dmcboston
Tue, 11/17/2015 - 12:26pm
I said, "I think the ME is about where Europe was about 500 years ago, internecine wars on all scales fought constantly."
I said nothing about when they stopped. Reading comprehension, according to some good folks here, is important.
Please actually pay attention
By tape
Mon, 11/16/2015 - 2:05pm
Please actually pay attention to the news before commenting on it.
And also
By anon
Mon, 11/16/2015 - 2:11pm
I'd recommend some reading of history as well. What is past is prologue.
By erik g
Mon, 11/16/2015 - 3:48pm
If I may borrow from the quote making its way around the interwebs (though clearly not onto, where you most likely ooze around):
You do realize that the people who shot up Paris were the people the Syrian refugees were *fleeing* from, right?
What is particularly stupid here
By SwirlyGrrl
Mon, 11/16/2015 - 4:29pm
Syrians are typically well educated and many speak English! A Greek-American friend of mine was translating for them while she was in Greece last month as they washed ashore in Lesvos because she spoke English and Greek, and most refugees had at least one family member with them who spoke English.
I'd say that Baker is an idiot if he isn't asking for more Syrians, not fewer! Many will resettle quite nicely, given their level of skill and language ability.
This was floated a few months back
By Sally
Mon, 11/16/2015 - 4:35pm
Sounds smart to me.
Not like the brazen giant of
By anon
Mon, 11/16/2015 - 12:58pm
I can't imagine how
By Lando
Mon, 11/16/2015 - 1:02pm
I can't imagine how heartbreaking it must be for the people looking to flee this violence and oppression to painted with such broad brush strokes. To reject the people who themselves have rejected this system of beliefs and packed up and left to seek a better life really tarnishes the image of our city, state and nation. We have gone from a place that welcomed the wretched huddled masses yearning for freedom and a new life, to discriminating based on religion and country of origin.
People in this country think we have the moral high ground when we just recently bombed a doctors without borders hospital killing many innocent people. We expect others to not judge all Americans by the actions of those who are responsible for those deaths yet we judge all Syrians by the actions of terrorists.
By Lunchbox
Mon, 11/16/2015 - 2:43pm
Y'know what else is heartbreaking? Burying a loved one who has been the victim of a terrorist attack.
What the UHub headline is missing is the key quote from Gov. Baker's statement - "as of right now." This isn't necessarily a forever thing, this is until the system gets sorted out.
lol youre hilarious
By Scumquistador
Mon, 11/16/2015 - 2:50pm
well, this terribly immoral thing isnt THAT bad, because we're only being terribly immoral for an indeterminate amount of time, not forever.
yeah, i wont even bother cherry picking examples of that failing miserably throughout history. you're obviously very smart and can probably figure it out on your own.
in 2013 the USA averaged 37.5 homicides per day. honestly at this point ISIS would probably make this country mathematically safer.
at the very least, i think we can allow refugees in.
Even less "forever" than you think
By lbb
Mon, 11/16/2015 - 3:00pm
Charlie Baker has no authority to prevent people from entering the USA and no authority to prevent people from crossing state lines into MA. He's an idiot and so is anyone who thinks what he is advocating is possible, sensible or legal.
i would argue
By Scumquistador
Mon, 11/16/2015 - 3:08pm
that people being unfamiliar with a refugee law and how it pertains to the powers granted to state level officials would not make them idiots
Yes, but...
By lbb
Mon, 11/16/2015 - 4:23pm
No, that just makes someone ignorant. Opening up your pie-hole and blathering about it while in a state of ignorance? THAT makes him an idiot.
Yes, two things can be
By Lando
Wed, 11/18/2015 - 1:07pm
Yes, two things can be heartbreaking at the same time
Might as well block the
By Steeve
Mon, 11/16/2015 - 1:05pm
Might as well block the swaths of people trying to get away from ISIS just because a small chance someone from ISIS will get through. Baby, bathwater, etc.
The US helped create this mess, the least they could do is help with the repercussions such as the refugee crisis rather than letting Europe take the brunt of it.
By BostonDog
Mon, 11/16/2015 - 1:18pm
It's also worth noting that the "mastermind" behind the Paris attacks wasn't a immigrant, nor where most of the attackers. But why care about facts when you have mindless partisan politics to hold up. USA USA USA
French citizens
By Steeve
Mon, 11/16/2015 - 1:55pm
Might as well block all French citizens from entry, too, given that there's a chance that some ISIS terrorists will get in. Makes as much sense as blocking innocent Syrians who are actively fleeing the violence of ISIS and their ilk.
By Scumquistador
Mon, 11/16/2015 - 1:56pm
we should be blocking french citizens
French Kissing too
By BostonDog
Mon, 11/16/2015 - 2:23pm
At least in public. Get a room, people!
By Steeve
Mon, 11/16/2015 - 2:32pm
While we git-er-ing that done, let's head down to Foxboro and get er us some freedom fries!
i've already switched
By Scumquistador
Mon, 11/16/2015 - 2:51pm
to texas toast
Originally this was "German toast"
By Michael Kerpan
Mon, 11/16/2015 - 3:28pm
A recipe calendar from 1908 called "French toast" "German toast". Apparently everything with German in the name (except maybe measles) got renamed after we went to war against Germany in WW1.
By Steeve
Mon, 11/16/2015 - 4:06pm
Which we had to call WWI because the kaiser stole the number 1.
Not the French toast alert next!!!
By anon
Mon, 11/16/2015 - 8:20pm
Say it ain't so, Adam!
Just kidding, I don't buy any of that crap anyways.
But seriously let's vet them stringently and slowly let them in.
And if they can't document being true refugees they could be brought in temporarily on condition they agree to monitoring.
We need to declare war on Daesh and go on a war footing and mobilize the willing world against them.
Refugee situation will not improve until this is done.
Now French dressing?
By anon
Mon, 11/16/2015 - 8:22pm
If that abomination can be banned I'm all for it.
And why didn't we wipe Russian dressing off the menus during the Cold War!
McDonald's did
By ElizaLeila
Tue, 11/17/2015 - 10:13am
They called it 'Special Sauce'. ;-)
And some time in the '80's it was sold in grocery stores as 'Big H Sauce'. Not by McD's, though. It didn't last long, I suspect due to maneuvers by McD's.
By anon
Mon, 11/16/2015 - 10:28pm
Last time I checked generals coordinated everything from a safe place far away from the front lines, it was the soldiers who did all the fighting. This isn't Homeland, Abu Nazier won't show up on your doorstep. A bunch of brainwashed young men hellbent on killing infidels though? Very bloody likely.
Babies & bathwater
By sco
Mon, 11/16/2015 - 2:14pm
Unfortunately that analogy is too tragically apt in this case given the images that shocked the world earlier this fall.
By BostonDog
Mon, 11/16/2015 - 2:20pm
My favorite part about the bonehead response is the idea we should allow Christians in but not Muslims -- as if there's some simple blood test you can do for religion.
I'm curious how many complaining about a "War on Christmas" understand that trying to force one's religious practices upon society as a whole is EXACTLY what ISIS wants as well.
Also, Why is it that when it comes to supporters of 2nd amendment rights believe the signers of the constitution where infallible. Yet, when it comes to separation of church and state, well, the constitution can't always be right.
Christians aren't fleeing Syria
By SwirlyGrrl
Mon, 11/16/2015 - 4:31pm
Not at the same rate as other Syrians, anyway. Assad is actively sheltering them and rebuilding their communities.
Does not compute!
By BostonDog
Mon, 11/16/2015 - 5:46pm
But Assad is bad! And Christians are good! But Assad is fighting ISIS. But Putin is helping Assad.
I demand an easy answer, preferably something which blames Obama.
By Sally
Mon, 11/16/2015 - 5:27pm
Where have you heard this? At least a third of Syrian Christians have fled. Yes--if choosing between Assad and Isis, Assad is the logical choice (as Saddam was in Iraq) but still...
Some recent stuff
By SwirlyGrrl
Mon, 11/16/2015 - 5:50pm
I found all sorts of stuff going back to 2011, but this from this week:
There is also this Breitbart article from March, but I'll leave the judgement on truth vs. thruthiness up to you.
By Sally
Mon, 11/16/2015 - 11:42pm
From what I see the key word here is "comparatively." But plenty of Christians have emigrated or are leaving now, though proportionally they're still a small percent. Honestly--the whole thing is such a complete clusterfuck.
Good Lord, Swirly is citing Breitbart?
By anon
Tue, 11/17/2015 - 12:21am
And there's 2 links to the same article? I can smell the desperation.
Come on now Swirly. You know that's not a legit news source. Had to dig deem for a citation, huh?
I'll bet dollars to donuts Assad isn't rebuilding anything for anyone. He's hanging on by his teeth and looting the treasury and looking for his exit strategy.
My source? What every other dictator in history has done before they've been overthrown.
lol, just lol
By Scumquistador
Mon, 11/16/2015 - 1:16pm
people that suggest we're at any higher risk for allowing refugees in from these countries are effectively saying they believe there is a higher risk of their tv getting stolen if a black neighbor moves in next door
congrats idiots.
conversely, good job isis, you're clearly accomplishing your goals handily, so credit where credit is due i suppose.
Speaking strictly
By anon
Tue, 11/17/2015 - 11:58am
Speaking strictly mathematically, yes, both examples you provided lead to increased risk.