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Feds up charges against alleged member of Pakistani fried-chicken tax-evasion scheme

A Watertown man who was already facing charges of lying to the state Department of Revenue and the IRS about how much money he was making at fried-chicken take-out places in Roxbury and Chelsea now faces a new charge that could see him stripped of his US citizenship.

In a new indictment released yesterday, Burhan Ud Din, 49, of Watertown, was charged with lying under oath about not owing overdue taxes during his naturalization process in 2009. The new charge is in addition to several tax-related charges filed last year.

The feds charge Din acted as one of several frontmen for Hazrat Khan, a Pakistani national living in the Catskills, and Khurshed Iqbal, who recruited fellow Pakistanis and Pakistani-Americans to act as the owners of fried-chicken joints in the Boston area and to help them siphon off money by under-reporting revenues and employee pay on state and federal tax returns. Khan pleaded guilty last year and received a 2 1/2-year prison sentence, which he is currently serving in a private prison in Philipsburg, PA. Iqbal fled and is on the lam, authorities say. Khan faces deportation after his release.

Din was listed as the owner of Kennedy Fried Chicken, 1041 Tremont St. in Roxbury and Crown Fried Chicken, 895 Broadway in Chelsea.

The US Attorney's office in Boston reports Din's naturalization charge stems from the tax-evasion charges and says that if convicted on the charges of one count of making false statements under oath in a naturalization matter and procurement of naturalization contrary to law, he could face prison time and would have his US citizenship revoked.

Last year, the Boston Licensing Board shut down New York Fried Chicken in Hyde Park after its alleged owner pleaded guilty to his role in the fried-chicken ring.

That man, Riaz Ali Shah, faces sentencing on May 24.

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What if I pay them under the table?

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They only took cash, went to the Tremont St location, weird that everyone else took card but this place.

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Places that only take cash always made me suspicious.

I realize that cc fees can be 3-5% but why you handling so much cash?

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I realize that cc fees can be 3-5% but why you handling so much cash?

umm.... because the business owner has determined that the amount of revenue lost by turning away people who don't want to pay cash is less than the fees the bank would charge for handling credit card transactions?

Did I miss a trick question or something?

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It sounds like the ink wasn't even dry on this guy's fraudulent application for citizenship when he was handed a city license to operate a chicken restaurant, yet Chick-fil-A was chased out because of Christian values. Unreal.

That said, I would push for a pardon of whoever decided on the "Kennedy Fried Chicken" name in an overwhelmingly Democrat neighborhood. Brilliant! The name not only looks like Kentucky Fried Chicken, but they could hang a few pictures of JFK, Bobby and Ted to add to the confusion. The tax evasion aspect is fitting as the real Kennedys probated Rose's will in Florida even though she had been bedridden on the Cape for years.

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so how could they be chased out? And it's not because of their Christian values, it's their President Dan Cathy's stated stance on LGBTQ rights and the denial of the same.

The rest makes no sense whatsoever.

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They proposed opening a Boston location, but dropped the plan after Mayor Menino opposed it.

First he said he would do everything in his power to stop them. Then he realized he had no power to block a business based on political beliefs, so he said he would express strong disapproval.

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Chick-fil-A was chased out because of Christian values

I'm sick of this trope and I call it out every time I see it.

There is no objection to Chick-fil-A's owners' Christianity or Christian values. None. Zero. Zip.

The objection is to owners' bigotry, specifically their financial support of hate groups.

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Does anyone out there honestly believe that ronald dump has paid all the taxes he should legally have paid throughout all his years of real estate shenanigans and other dubious money-making schemes, given everything we know about his character and stated philosophies?
There has never been a more selectively enforced law- which basically makes it morally bogus. For every Wesley Snipes who goes to prison there are dozens who get away scot-free for the same crime.

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Can anyone comment on the fried chicken? Is it any good?

On a scale of 1 to 10 where 3 is KFC and 7 is Popeye's for instance ...

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I'm a little baked at the moment, but that's one hell of a headline.

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