By adamg on Sat., 4/21/2018 - 10:36 pm
What is it they say about history repeating as farce? CNN reports a Utah Republican Party convention today denied Mitt Romney the coronation he wanted and so he's going to have to run for the Senate in a primary in June against a guy named Kennedy, only this is Utah we're talking about, so we doubt the Mittster's going to run as the best friend the gays could ever want.
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Wahhhh, Romney didn't get his way
By Will LaTulippe
Sun, 04/22/2018 - 12:07am
What a complete trash human being.
He never came out in support
By anon
Sun, 04/22/2018 - 7:50am
He never came out in support of same sex marriage. Look it up.
Who says he did?
By adamg
Sun, 04/22/2018 - 9:25am
What he said was he'd be a better friend to the gays yhan Kennedy.
On economic issues absolutely
By anon
Sun, 04/22/2018 - 9:50am
On economic issues absolutely.
How does that work?
By lbb
Mon, 04/23/2018 - 12:19pm
How can you say you're "better" on economic issues if you deny people civil rights?
Is it better to be poor and included
By Waquiot
Mon, 04/23/2018 - 12:34pm
Or economically secure but seen as different?
I don't buy the premise of the anon, but this should be more of a political issue than it has been. If you are in a part of the country that is declining economically and you want to enter into a marriage with someone of the same sex, which would be better for you- economic development that could pull the region up and enrich the area, or the ability to marry the person you love?
Why don't you tell me...
By lbb
Mon, 04/23/2018 - 12:52pm
Why don't you get back to me and tell me on the day when you're confronted with that choice.
By the way, if you think there's nothing more to homophobia, personal and institutionalized, than being "seen as different", perhaps you should take the initiative to educate yourself on the subject.
If you want to view the world one way
By Waquiot
Mon, 04/23/2018 - 2:26pm
Fine. Just know this- there were voters in 2016 who voted for Trump not because of his views on social issues or his personal demeanor. They voted for economic reasons.
As for me, I do think that economic policies should be the most important thing that voters should be looking at. Others might be hung up on who marries whom or which bathroom people use or what a fetus is, but does any of that matter if you are out of a job, or if your employer cuts your wages and benefits?
To each his (or her) own, I guess.
Were there really.
By lbb
Mon, 04/23/2018 - 3:09pm
Yes, that's what they tell us -- "economic anxiety", is that what they're calling it now? "Economic anxiety" made these people vote for a man who, in a series of entirely predictable moves, made their economic situation worse, is that your contention? And of course the gratification of being able to piss down on women and black people and gays had nothing at all to do with it? What's that LBJ saying that keeps making the rounds?
Ooh, I know!
By Will LaTulippe
Mon, 04/23/2018 - 3:20pm
It's "God damn, son!" That's what he said when Forrest Gump (the actual one, not Swirly) mooned him!
Yes they were
By Waquiot
Mon, 04/23/2018 - 4:51pm
That Trump will not be able to deliver for them is another story. The fact is that he claimed that he could revive the Rust Belt by standing up to China and do something vague about taxes and health care, hence they voted for them.
Of course, the more pertinent question, which you ignored because your points of political emphasis have a lot to do with people's private parts, is what will Romney even promise to do. If you lead with that, my only response would be to agree with you. But you didn't, so I chimed it.
Wait, let me get this, pardon the expression, straight
By lbb
Mon, 04/23/2018 - 7:50pm
My "points of political emphasis"? I'm sorry, are you somehow of the belief that "people's private parts" are what being LGBTQ is all about, and further under the impression that LGBTQ people are the ones who politicized their sexuality/gender identity? makes sense to believe a promise that's an obvious lie, and vote for the liar rather than the guy who doesn't lie to you? Got it.
I don't think you get politics
By Waquiot
Mon, 04/23/2018 - 10:25pm
All politicians lie. It's what they choose to emphasize that matters. The Clinton dynasty went from declaring war on Sister Soulja to claiming that they were basically Black. At the end of the day, if one candidate tells you what you want to hear while the other candidate ignores you, who are you going to support? Black people do it all the time. I can't blame them, and if the GOP got there act together and dropped the Southern Strategy, maybe that could bite the Dems in the ass, just like abandoning the Rust Belt worked the other way in 2016. Which brings me around to my point- economic issues theoretically beat social issues any day. That's why I voted for Sanders in the primary. He beat the drum of economic issues so strong that he up and went to Liberty University and did it there.
I don't think you get reality
By lbb
Tue, 04/24/2018 - 8:16am
Waquoit, you're a straight white male, yes? In that case, you really have no place telling me "I don't think you get politics. All politicians lie." Your reality is comparably comfortable; you have no place talking down to me about political hypocrisy and harsh realities. I am on the short end of that stick constantly.
I don't think you get how far your theory is from reality. But you could read a little and find out.
Do you study politics?
By Waquiot
Tue, 04/24/2018 - 9:35am
I'm sure your little biased article is alright, but here's a book on the recent rise of populism. Yes, the author barely mentions the US, but if you can't see the parallels, you are trying not to look.
But yeah, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Western Pennsylvania are doing the best they've ever been doing. The economies of places like Janesville are humming along. Economics had nothing to do with how people voted. Whatever makes you sleep well.
By the way, what is your view of Bill Clinton, the President who was accused of about as many sexual improprieties as our current President, including at least on incident in the White House, who also signed DOMA, Don't Ask Don't Tell, welfare reform, and "got tough on criminals?" Yeah, that's what politicians do. Don't know what my race, gender, and sexual orientation has to do with this fact. Someone is a bit obsessed with, well, you know.
By anon
Tue, 04/24/2018 - 9:42am
Biased article? At least he quoted an article! You are just making crap up!
So poisoning your minorities with bad water you charge them double for, and starving your teachers and arresting people who are exercising their first amendment rights is doing well?
Hey, dude. Psssst. Wanna buy a bridge ...
I cited a book
By Waquiot
Tue, 04/24/2018 - 2:49pm
And I opted against citing another book, simply referencing a city whose name is also a book.
But for those who for some reason can't handle long form, here's something from 538.
Then again
By massmarrier
Sun, 04/22/2018 - 11:47am
He was governor when I petitioned him for the one-day designation of solemnization for the first same-sex marriage I performed. He approved it and sent it to the secretary of the commonwealth. So I like to note that the Willard approved that marriage.
Romney, bigoted bully
By anon
Sun, 04/22/2018 - 12:21pm
Once he became Governor, he also abolished the Governor’s Commission on LGBT Youth. Because, you know, he cares so much. So its not just about gay marriage where you see Romney's hostility towards gay and lesbian people. Or, in high school, attacking a gay classmate for the audacity of looking gay. Romney cant have it every way, being loudly supportive of LBGT rights while campaigning here and then flip flopping once he won, with his eyes set on Washington, where he would, gasp, have to actually run in a primary!
He and Trump have lots in common, he should just run on that.
And let's not forget...
By lbb
Mon, 04/23/2018 - 12:26pm
...that behind the scenes he did everything he could to prevent same-sex marriage in Massachusetts, including attempting to resurrect the 1913 law that was originally intended to prevent interracial marriage by non-Massachusetts residents.
I don't know if Mittens has ever had any sincerely held convictions, but if he does, he definitely doesn't have the courage of them.
The Rodney Dangerfield of Republicans.
By bulgingbuick
Sun, 04/22/2018 - 8:09am
They'll love you in Utah. It's just a formality...
By E
Sun, 04/22/2018 - 9:02am
The news is reporting the Utah primary will have 11 candidates.
Somewhere this morning Jane Swift is smiling.
By bulgingbuick
Sun, 04/22/2018 - 11:56am
By E
Tue, 04/24/2018 - 9:52pm
And she'll really be smiling if Romney loses the primary.
If Charlie Baker decides not to run for reelection at some point, I wonder if Jane would consider running?
In many ways, Romney is far worst than Trump
By Dave-from-Boston
Sun, 04/22/2018 - 11:05am
There is no bottom to the depths that Trump will sink in his destruction of the Office of the President. What is surprising is how low Romney is willing to go just to get appointed or elected to a position of national prominence.
In his big March 2016 speech against Trump, Romney flatly and unequivocally declared Trump unfit to serve as president. Here's what I know. He went on to say Donald Trump is a phony and a fraud. He characterized Trump’s promises as worthless as a degree from Trump University. Romney said Trump was playing the American public for suckers: He gets a free ride to the White House and all we get is a lousy hat. He said Trump domestic policies would lead to recession, his foreign policies would make America and the world less safe and concluded that Trump has neither the temperament nor the judgment to be president.
Fast forward to February of 2018, spineless Mitt Romney laps up Trump’s endorsement of his announcement to run for Senate like a “very good boy.†Apparently, as Christopher Robbins stated in his Splinter article, Romney also likes the taste of Donald Trump’s shoe leather, the coarse, grimy, electrifying flavor of pure humiliation. So when Trump tweeted an endorsement of his candidacy on Monday night, Romney responded the only way he knows how. Ol’Mittster thank the President for the support gushing that hope that over the course of the campaign he could also earn the support and endorsement of the people of Utah.
In this world, there are basically two types of politicians: those that want to “do†something and those that want to “be†something. Not too hard to slot Romney into the latter category.
There are two types of people
By anon
Sun, 04/22/2018 - 11:22am
There are two types of people in the world. Those that divide the world into two types of people, and those that don't.
Profound statement
By Dave-from-Boston
Sun, 04/22/2018 - 12:19pm
I am sure you have a point you are trying to make but it’s just a little elusive
Keep working on it - you just maybe be able to add provocative to your reveting observation - maybe if you add the words Kenya or Benghazi or 30,000 e-mails your intended meaning will crystallize
Well, he was right about
By anon
Mon, 04/23/2018 - 8:27am
Well, he was right about Russia.
Yet he seems very quiet about
By anon
Mon, 04/23/2018 - 10:24pm
Yet he seems very quiet about it. Why isn't he saying "I was right about Russia, look they worked with the Trump campaign to disrupt our election, and that Russia is a big threat? Oh, right, because Trump denies Russia was even involved in the DNC email hack or other aspects of the election manipulation and says how great their leader is, and is such a weakling he flip flopped and isnt adding more sanctions. Mitt is in his 70s, its time he stopped spinning around and just decide once and for all what he actually is going to believe for the time he has left.
Willard's middle name
By anon
Tue, 04/24/2018 - 9:14am
As in Willard "Twistin in the Wind-ward" Romney.
The man has a future as a windsock that only points east.
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