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BPD officer on leave after students at Hyde Park school accuse him of racial slurs


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My father lives in the Blake Estates and told me about this over the weekend. He was there and said the kids’ behavior was completely out of control, but not one mention of addressing that. I’m all for “innocent until proven guilty” and hope BPD is more professional than this, we’ll see.

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When the officer is criminally charged, this will be the appropriate standard. It is not the standard most people use for employment, internet message boards, etc.

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Lack of follow up by media regarding alleged racist incidents and hate crimes, graffiti is irritating. MFA has determined the incident occurred as alleged? Video, audio , independent witnesses back it up?

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I made the mistake of going in to that McD around 3 pm one day, i immediately turned around.

Kid on tables, screaming, cursing at staff, ect.

Never in my life have i even seen an group of kids act like that. Don't believe me, make the trip yourself.

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And I never saw anything that justifies a grown man with a gun yelling racial slurs at children. In fact, I never saw any misbehavior there worse than what I saw in the cafeteria in my own high school. Of course, nothing could justify a city employee using racial slurs against members of the public. I know it's trumpobizarroworld we inhabit these days, but I'm of the old-fashioned opinion that people who are racist can't be cops, because the law should be enforced without bias, and they serve the whole public, not just members of their tribe.

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Why was there a call reported to the police about a disturbance?

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Yeah, they can get a bit rowdy.

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Maybe because the kids were causing a disturbance.

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And you’re sure the cop did this?

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I drive by this area every day. The kids are not only obnoxious and rude but disrespectful--of course not all of them. They cross the street without even looking, almost into my car. The language is worse than that of a drunken Irishman. They call each other the N word left and right-but that's ok, right? Running in and out of traffic. They leave trash all over that McDonald's be it at breakfast or lunch. Want a video? Ill take one tomorrow.

The manager called the police because the kids would not listen and wouldn't leave. He was doing his job. They were calling him names, up in his face. He didn't lose his shit. He went to the admin of the school to let them know how they felt about their behavior.

Kids have their phones out 24/7. If he did it, there would be a video and it would be all over the media!!! Perhaps we start taking the word over ADULTS before children this time. All I keep hearing is "they were kids... that's how they act.." If that's how you want to defend them, as acting like 2 year old's running amok-- then they need babysitters while they eat their nuggets and cross the street.

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In a fire blighted orchard

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There is nothing a child, teen, grown-up could do that would justify a racial slur from an officer (or anyone else). The end.

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Oh but these kids/adults etc can call each other this racial slur whenever they want, where ever they choose?

How about we just flat out agree that the N word is horrible for EVERYONE to say?

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I think this is probably a false accusation and truly hope it is found to be so. Our Hyde Park officers are excellent and I would be shocked if one acted like this, especially in that setting.
Roxbury Prep has been a stain on our neighborhood thus far. The students as a whole are rude and disrespectful. They cause mayhem at McDonald’s and other shops daily and overwhelm the staff. A few weeks ago they pulled the fire alarms there and assaulted one of the responding firemen (who declined to press charges). If it is proven to be false I hope they charge whoever made the accusations.

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Remember the cop who got fired for his email to Yvonne Abraham? This is worse, as it was in the course of the job, and directed at children.

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If false, this officer should be publicly exonerated, and the full story should be released and published.

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For not doing your job

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These are the students that are going to be moved to 361 Belgrade.
Get ready West Roxbury/Roslindale for these students

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When someone was going to mention the proposed new campus site.

Judging from seeing students on the bus, my gut is that these kids are no worse than the kids going to CM, Roxbury Latin, or BLS. Still, this story has the potential to end with bad PR on all sides. Of course, some that have been advancing the argument that traffic and the safety of the kids is their primary concern might have their true reasons for opposing the project exposed.

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students are thugs and there are so many of them on the bus!!!!!

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Probably school buses from the hinterlands, but I did go to grammar school with a kid that went to Roxbury Latin, so my assumption is that he didn't walk, so either his parents drove him or he took the 35/36 every day.

I'm not going to speak ill of the Roxbury Latin student body, but again, they are probably just as well behaved as the Roxbury Prep kids are.

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Roxbury Latin vs Roxbury Prep??
On how they act oops that's racist.

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You have kids getting 750's on their boards regardless of race vs. ??????

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You aren’t even trying to hide your racism.

Have you ever met a Roxbury Prep student?

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Please wander through Cleary square around 7:45am tomorrow!

Maybe well behaved IN school but on their way to school... anything but.

The name of the school does not dictate the student body or the behavior of the child who attends. At least, not in today's society.

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I interact with them on the T.

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This story is made up. The cop did not do this. Even if he wanted to, he wouldn’t as all cops know everything they do or say is recorded. Nice to see Rachel Rollins immediately blaming the cop. This is another anti-cop lie.

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