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Northeastern sees 'troubling' rise in Covid-19 numbers; tells students there's only a month left in the semester, so come on

Although the Covid-19 test positivity rate at Northeastern University's Boston campus remains far lower than the surrounding area, the school is sounding the alarm after the rate doubled over the past week.

In a message to students, Chancellor Ken Henderson said they can't let their guard down now, not with just a month left in the semester and with how well the school had been doing:

Unfortunately, over the last week we’ve seen a troubling rise in positive COVID-19 tests on our Boston campus, particularly among students. Our seven-day average positive test rate has risen to 0.34 percent - more than doubling from last week, with 114 students in isolation and 109 students in quarantine. ...

Over the past few weeks, we have unfortunately had to take significant action in response to students violating safety protocols.

The most recent stats for Boston (excluding college students) shows a positivity rate of 4.7%.

Henderson reminded students that, especially given that most of them have yet to get vaccinated, they still need to avoid congregating with people from outside their bubble, and that they need to tell the truth should a campus contact tracer contact them to trace a possible infection chain.

Remember, our contact tracing team is bound by law to protect your privacy. They will not reveal your identity to close contacts. They will not report where you were or what you were doing to close contacts or Northeastern administrators. Their goal is to help you stay safe and to stop the spread.

He ended:

We believe in our Northeastern students and in your commitment to your education and to each other. Stay the course to protect yourselves, your friends and classmates, and our whole community.



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Fenway commencement will be fun.

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People in my neighborhood who have had large maskless gatherings of Northeasern students in their buildings say they have complained repeatedly to Northeastern and have gotten no response.

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and there's really only so much the school can do to police their behavior.

(Maybe the actual police should be policing their behavior?)

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