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Granny's not going anywhere for awhile and Johnny can play with something else today

Space savers: Walker and Legos

The Night Ridah reports that somebody on Moreland Street at Whiting Street in Roxbury eschewed the more traditional cones or trash cans and used a walker and a tub of Lego pieces to save a space today.



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Legos are pricey!

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… Granny and JG were playing with and broke his tail bone.

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than don’t save spaces. So what’s the problem? Other than the lazy asses who do not shovel.

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So the night of the storm, every space on the street has a car in it. A nurse drives to the graveyard shift at the hospital and parks in the hospital garage.

In the morning, the nurse gets off shift and drives home. Now some of the spaces on the street still have cars in them, and others have been shoveled out, and the people who had been parked there overnight and then left, used space savers to save "their" space.

When, in your worldview, is that nurse allowed to park on the street again?

When is the home health aide who drives to the neighborhood to take care of somebody's ailing grandmother allowed to park on the street again?

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I wish I had seen this sooner. A bucket of LEGO is like gold...unless it's off-brand crap.

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Handicapped parking spot?

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