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311 complaint of the day: Won't somebody think of Beacon Hill parkers?

A concerned resident filed a 311 complaint about the current parking situation on Beacon Hill:

Beacon Hill resident parking is in extreme disarray. 6 or more streets completely closed for construction. Every other street has construction scheduled (aka no parking). This leaves almost no spaces to park because on top of that, we are getting towed by street cleaning. Please pause street cleaning in Beacon Hill. There is nowhere to park.

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"The streets should be dirty because I made the terrible decision to bring a car to one of the oldest and most dense neighborhoods in America. I'm too lazy to walk the short distance to all 4 subway lines that are in or near my neighborhood. As an American car driver all things must revolve around me. I pay zero dollars to park yet I still complain"


But if you are elderly or disabled. Maybe the knees are a bit shaky, . .The cold and heat hit you much harder,. . .




Every time something like this pops up, there's always someone saying "but won't someone think of the disabled people". How many of the people who park in Beacon Hill have a disability or other impairment that requires a car? I strongly doubt it's all of them. In fact, if it were ONLY people who needed a car for disability or impairment purposes that were parking, I doubt we'd have this issue.

Don't hide behind disabled people to excuse all the able-bodied people who feel entitled to parking.


The easier it is for people with disabilities to get around by any mode.

Abled bodied people driving giant mobility devices does zero for people without choices. Add in cars parked on ramps and sidewalks and the like and it just gets harder.

Please pause street cleaning in Beacon Hill.

Nope. Especially not now in the fall... leaves!

Beacon Hill is well known for its picture perfect tree lined streets that are gorgeous in the fall.

But when we get a cold heavy fall rain, those leaves will clog street drains, thus some minor flooding. I mean OMG we skip street cleaning and this posters car might get flooded and damaged. . o O (oh wait this is a bonus) O o .

Jokes aside, we have street cleaning for not only trash, but to help remove debris that would clog up storm drains and such. This is why stopping street cleaning, especially now in the fall, is such a bad idea.

Beacon Hill resident here. This complainant doesn’t speak for me. There are plenty of places to park. There are the garages at MGH. There is the garage under the Common. There are private garages.

Sounds like the person subscribes to the belief that the rest of us owe him or her free parking on public property, which is not a belief I share


Ableism is not equity.

Anyone with a relevant disability can ask the city to designate a handicap placard space on the street near their house.


Claiming ableism to excuse able-bodied entitlement isn't equity either.


Is the very tacky sign hanging over the wooden fence on Storrow advertising The Advent School.

Who says that?

And isn’t it the chauffeur’s problem?