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Modern-day Charlie hopes to return after setting a record

Heshan de Silva-Weeramuni

And he's off!

If you spot Heshan de Silva-Weeramuni on the T today, say hi, but understand if he doesn't have time to chat: He's on a race to see if he can set a record for the fastest time ever for visiting all T subway stops in one day.

Right now I’m on the E Line train inbound, left Heath Street at 5:32am (left earlier than scheduled, hurray!) Destination is Copley.

On Aug. 20, 2021, Maya Jonas-Silver set a record time of 7:04:2929 - but that was seven months before part of the Green Line Extension, the Union Square stub, opened, never mind the rest of the stations.



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Given the current residue slow zone madness - with the GLX + Braintree line it can't be possible to break any pre-slow zone records

Since the previous records were set on the T pre-GLX.


Honestly, it's an interesting idea conceptually, but I fail to see the reason for it. Is there an actual place (i.e. Guiness Book of World Records) where this record means something? Otherwise it's just another instance of people treating the T like a big playground, like the tourists we all see trying to stand up without holding on while laughing hysterically about it. What fun!
For better or worse, jaded old me has taken the T daily for far too many years to work up much excitement about this.

But, amazingly, yes, Guinness keeps track of this, well, or they used to, before the 2022 addition of GLX stations.

Does he have to take the T to qualify?

Still running buses? The folks at Guinness won't recognize this valiant effort

I don't think biking between them would count, but visiting them according to current official mode certainly works.