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Republicans reject Nazi in South Boston, Dorchester

Republicans in the First Suffolk district yesterday voted to keep their incumbent Republican State Committeewoman, Elizabeth Hinds-Ferrick, rather than put a Nazi into office.

Unofficial results from the Boston Elections Department show Hinds-Ferrick with 2,341 votes, or about 59.4% of the total vote, compared to 1,475 votes, or about 37.4%, for Jew-hating Lori Kauffman.

There was more bad news in the district for serial failure Geoff Diehl's attempt to re-take the Republican State Committee. His other choice in the district, Croke Park owner Daniel Kelly, lost to incumbent state Committeeman Timothy Smythe by 12 votes, 2,115 to 2,103, according to the unofficial elections-department results.



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37% is still way too high

Voting closed 61

It's a fraction of a fraction during a Republican primary, in Boston.

Basically a rounding error.

Seeing that about half of all Americans can be convinced of just about anything, seems better than average.

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Great job GOP! Looks like you have finally realized the threat of the far right, only… uh… 40% of y’all voted for a completely open Nazi!

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Is this one of those "very fine people on both sides" moments?

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i did a quick poke around Ms. Hinds-Ferrick's campaign Facebook and found multiple calls to stop the "lunacy of the left" and their goal to "destroy our country" so, pretty much par for the Republican course.

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Maybe Hinds-Ferrick can use that in a campaign slogan next time, something like, "I look good next to an actual Nazi".

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Despite the City's preliminary results, MassLive is reporting Kauffman as the winner of this race, as of 9:11am this morning.

"One of them, Republican Lori Kauffman, of Dorchester, won her race, even though she earned a rebuke from the state Republican Party for praising Adolf Hitler, sharing transphobic and homophobic posts on social media, and calling for the expulsion of Jewish people, MassLive previously reported."


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Acknowledged she lost, although of course she blames that on her opponent being "well funded."

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And all her fans "know" who has all the money. Blow that dog whistle, Lori.

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that Lori Kauffman got that many vote. I thought Hinds-Ferrick's victory would be overwhelming.

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Did these people vote for her knowing her views or was it just an anti-incumbent mentality? (Or randomly filling in a bubble.)

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Voting for a nazi out of ignorance is still voting for a nazi.

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To the Mass GOP on doing the barest minimum to reject neo-Nazi infiltrators instead of leaving it to the rest of us per usual.

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I don't think so ... that implies the "infiltrated" organization didn't know what the person's views were.

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love the guy at the top of the ticket, though :(

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37.4%, for Jew-hating Lori Kauffman.

Basket of deplorables.

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Michael Jackson and Prince were killed by the deep state


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Who are a cancer upon the city. May their homes become available for habitation by better people sooner rather than later.

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She's about an election cycle from going full Ploss


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She's still upset that he wouldn't talk to her and keeps posting him ignoring her and her crazy bullshit. She did it again when posting about Adam showing the world the bizarre person that is Ms. Nazi.

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