By adamg on Thu., 1/16/2025 - 2:59 pm
A concerned resident files a 311 complaint about a Cybertruck owner who keeps parking in a resident-only space without a resident parking permit - using the old ticket-on-the-windshield trick:
Habitual offender no residential sticker. Please be aware he puts an old ticket on the windshield to avoid new tickets
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Parking officers...
By eddie van halen
Thu, 01/16/2025 - 3:15pm
generally have a good idea of which vehicles they have ticketed on their route. They usually check to see how long ago the ticket was issued and they are not shy about issuing another one, when appropriate.
What better on a cold day
By Rob
Thu, 01/16/2025 - 4:02pm
What better on a cold day than a cold open? Cheers!
By kuntmissioner
Thu, 01/16/2025 - 4:08pm
It's an annoying attempt to circumvent resident parking regs, but the ticket in the wondow trick would never work.
Boston meter maids are no fools.
thats why
By cybah
Thu, 01/16/2025 - 4:20pm
That's why I've failed to see this ever really work. Might work if a parking officer is lazy and doesn't look at the ticket but otherwise.. if the ticket is more than a day or two old, its useless.
But most don't. I think its more for parking in illegal spots for less than a few minutes (i.e. double parking, HC parking, ignoring signs, etc) so it provides a visual "oh they person has a ticket so I won't bother walking over to look right away" Just long enough to be there and get out quick before they do walk over.
(Delivery drivers do this.. ever look at a FedEx van's driver's mirror.. parking tickets wrapped around the mirror.. lots of them)
You can get another ticket...
By eddie van halen
Thu, 01/16/2025 - 4:26pm
after 6 hours. In most city center areas like Fenway, you'd never make it to a day or two old ticket. You'd immediately get a new ticket if it was over 6 hours old. You would also immediately get one if the ticket showed an address that was different by even one street number.
Commercial plate
By what what now?
Thu, 01/16/2025 - 4:11pm
Does commercial plate have the right to park in residential spaces?
The answer is...
By eddie van halen
Thu, 01/16/2025 - 5:44pm
yes under certain conditions.They have to be conducting actual business and for no more than three hours.
Does Boston allow vehicles
By anon
Thu, 01/16/2025 - 4:24pm
Does Boston allow vehicles with commercial plates to park in resident spaces without a permit?
They should.
In most other states, resident parking allows ANYONE to park for a few hours during the day, and for the whole night.
They can, but
By ChrisInEastie
Thu, 01/16/2025 - 5:40pm
only if there’s a legit worksite.
“Business vehicles meeting our commercial vehicle criteria can park in “Resident Parking†or “Visitor Parking†zones. But, they must be performing legitimate work in a local building for a limited time.â€
If they’re using the old ticket on the windshield trick, it seems highly doubtful that this is what’s happening. They’d be able to easily get tickets tossed. Should also be easy enough to confirm work permits around the address in question.
It does...
By eddie van halen
Thu, 01/16/2025 - 5:49pm
for 3 hours. But only to do work.
That’s not what resident
By Anon
Thu, 01/16/2025 - 6:01pm
That’s not what resident parking is for. Resident parking is for residents to have a place to park their cars. Not anyone who has a commercial plate to park free in all over one of the most expensive cities in the country to park. Pay at a garage, there are plenty in the Fenway. All the service workers in stores and servers in bars and restaurants have to pay to park or take the T. Why should people who get a commercial plate (most of whom make a lot more than the people at REI, Target or any of the other stores and restaurants nearby) get free parking (at the expense of residents). I worked at REI and it cost us over $40 to park in the garage there for a shift or $25 in other garages further away. We couldn’t just slap our uniform in the window or get a special license plate to take resident spots.
Good Lord
By Username Unknown
Thu, 01/16/2025 - 8:01pm
How could you possibly know how much someone with commercial plates makes? Do cite your source for this.
Commercial plates are not really getting free parking as the cost to have said plates is double what regular plates cost, insurance is more and tolls are twice as much. How do you expect business to get done in a city if everyone had to find a parking garage.
Because many of them...
By eddie van halen
Thu, 01/16/2025 - 9:03pm
are doing construction or other work requiring loading and unloading tools and what not. Next time you need a plumber or a contractor for something tell them to go park at a garage and see what happens.
Why would a plumber need to
By Anon
Fri, 01/17/2025 - 6:17am
Why would a plumber need to park overnight like the person who was arguing for drivers of commercial plates to be able to do in resident spots.
I never made that claim....
By eddie van halen
Fri, 01/17/2025 - 4:21pm
and your post was your whining about working and having to park at a garage. So why would you be asking me?
Thumbs up.
By Frelmont
Fri, 01/17/2025 - 6:41am
Thumbs up.
By eddie van halen
Fri, 01/17/2025 - 3:23pm
Wonder what happened to the thumb votes?
The site has had some
By Rob
Fri, 01/17/2025 - 9:34pm
The site has had some performance issues and went offline a couple of times this week. Scotty and the damage-control gnomes banged on things with the gnome hammers 'til it started running again, but running slowly, so Adam turned off some of the "extra" features like thumbs that might be a drag on primary performance.
Interesting assumption
By SwirlyGrrl
Fri, 01/17/2025 - 8:13am
The in-home visiting caregiver who briefly tended to a family member had a commercial plate so they can park near their clients' homes without constant tickets.
They don't likely make the kind of money you think they make. I'd be surprised if it was that much more than REI if it was even that much.
Because someone with a
By anon
Fri, 01/17/2025 - 9:57am
Because someone with a commercial plate is presumably using their vehicle as part of their job, unlike someone working in a retail store who is only transporting themself to work.
Resident parking is for ME ME
By anon
Fri, 01/17/2025 - 11:59am
Resident parking is for ME ME ME! I'm more important than anyone else. Anyone who questions this needs to be reminded of this fact. It matters not what your needs are, or if you have no reasonable alternative, because ME!
You've just described....
By eddie van halen
Fri, 01/17/2025 - 4:20pm
at least 70 percent of this city.
Magoo sez
By MisterMagooForYoo
Thu, 01/16/2025 - 4:41pm
Magoo is not proud of this and Magoo can neither confirm nor deny that Magoo poo’d on the hood of a cyber truck approximately two moons ago. Magoo.
It works for a noisey 311
By anon
Thu, 01/16/2025 - 4:58pm
It works for a noisey 311 complainer.
Such a shame the license
By MassMouse
Thu, 01/16/2025 - 5:02pm
Such a shame the license plate is in the photo…. Heh heh heh….
How about the Elon fan boy
By anon
Thu, 01/16/2025 - 5:10pm
How about the Elon fan boy who is a Bank of America customer all day long every day
A Cybertruck looks like
By Chris77
Thu, 01/16/2025 - 7:50pm
A Cybertruck looks like something out of "Tron" or "Damnation Alley".
The first time I saw one
Fri, 01/17/2025 - 6:20am
I thought,â€That looks like something an 8-year-old would draw if asked to draw a car of the future.â€
Then a few days later I got stuck driving behind one for about 5 miles. I amended my mental description to, “That looks like something an 8-year-old would draw if asked to draw a car of the future, and the 8-year-old wasn’t interested in cars and didn’t like drawing.â€
The Apartheid Trabant always makes me
By MC Slim JB
Fri, 01/17/2025 - 6:47am
think of the old Atari Battlezone arcade game (later for the 2600) from 1980. The original vector-graphics 3D first-person shooter: very cool in its day, only incel-cool now.
"Apartheid Trabant"
By Pete X
Fri, 01/17/2025 - 9:08am
By cybah
Fri, 01/17/2025 - 10:51am
It reminds me of a Top-loading RCA VCR from 1982.
"Damnation Alley (1977)" had
By Don't Panic
Mon, 01/20/2025 - 1:14am
"Damnation Alley (1977)" had the Cybertruck back in the front. "Tron (1982)" had a much closer fit, design wise.
Will this be the first Cybertruck towed in Boston?
are we sure the cybertruck
By anon
Thu, 01/16/2025 - 11:35pm
are we sure the cybertruck doesn't have a resident parking permit? just because you don't see the sticker doesn't mean there isn't one issued.
By adamg
Fri, 01/17/2025 - 1:04pm
Part of the responsibility of getting a parking permit is that you put the sticker where passing BTD workers and police can see it. Not displaying one is a violation.
It'd be like getting a ticket for driving around with no plates because you find them distasteful and so store them in your trunk - you're getting a ticket, and when you appeal, you'll be laughed out of court.
By eddie van halen
Fri, 01/17/2025 - 2:57pm
I've seen them in all kinds of places due to window tinting or the design of the vehicle. I could be wrong, but I don't think you can get a residential permit with a commercial plate.
“A concerned resident files a
By Frelmont
Fri, 01/17/2025 - 6:48am
“A concerned resident files a 311 complaint about a Cybertruck owner who [allegedly] keeps parking in a resident-only space without a resident parking permit - using the old ticket-on-the-windsh……â€
I don’t particularly doubt the 311 report, but it is only a claim, an assertion, an accusation, not necessarily a fact. A picture may not capture, cannot capture the full circumstances of any 311, or SCF report, but it does ring the bell of “Shame. Shame. Shame.â€
Well they have at least one
By xyz
Fri, 01/17/2025 - 10:03am
Well they have at least one thing to be ashamed of: they bought a Cybertruck.
Why is that
By eddie van halen
Fri, 01/17/2025 - 3:04pm
shameful? Do tell.
Because they radiate pure, undistilled
By MC Slim JB
Fri, 01/17/2025 - 3:40pm
Small Dick Energy.
Yeah, that and all the large pick-ups and high end
By eddie van halen
Fri, 01/17/2025 - 6:30pm
European cars around here. Nothing new.
By perruptor
Fri, 01/17/2025 - 4:43pm
Do view any of the road test videos of the things. They are huge, impractical, and pedestrian-hostile, with sharp corners all around. Some of the alleged safety features don't actually work, like the one that's supposed to prevent the rear cover from closing on your fingers (there are videos of people foolishly testing that, and screaming in pain.) They apparently are fairly useless off-road, and get stuck a lot. And they cost a LOT of money.
Handicap placards and plates in residential parking
By Friartuck
Fri, 01/17/2025 - 10:31am
Is also allowable in Boston and several surrounding towns, even in non handicap spots.
This seems to be unknown to many people, even those with plates and placards
Just a thought
By Lanny Budd
Sat, 01/18/2025 - 9:35am
I am tempted to see if Amazon has some inexpensive swastika magnets that I can slap onto every Tesla product I come across.
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