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Police looking for UPS driver who failed to deliver

Bad UPS driver, badBurlington Police are looking for a UPS driver (ex-UPS driver?) they say took somebody on his route for a ride yesterday:

Victim arranged over telephone with his UPS driver to purchase 8 overstock 52" LCD TVs at the Sears in Burlington. Victim was met by suspect pictured in the parking lot where the Victim provided $5,000 cash for the televisions. Victim was given a receipt and told to wait for the suspect to return with the TVs. The suspect never returned.

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Was the "victim" also charged with conspiracy? Unless UPS has come up with a new business model, anything purchased directly from a delivery guy would be, I suspect, highly...well...suspicious! (It fell off the back of the truck! I swear! What? Did I push it? Ummm....)

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They're supposed to be speakers, and you're supposed to sell them from a white van.

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And you're supposed to weigh the boxes down with bricks, then load them into the trunk of the sucker's car, instructing them to drive away immediately. No respect for tradition anymore. None.

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A village is missing it's idiot.

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Somethings fishy there.. 5 grand isnt a whole lot of money to a ups driver... they make pretty good money..

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You can buy UPS uniforms online-- you don't have to be, have been, or even know a real UPS driver to acquire a uniform. Yes, the story did say that the suspect contacted "his" UPS driver, but I'm wondering if that's just a misstatement-- this guy could just be "a" UPS driver, or someone who presented himself as one. After all, if I said, "My UPS driver ripped me off," it would take about three seconds to figure out the identity of the guy, based on UPS's own records-- and the guy wouldn't have been at large long enough for the police to even post his photo or write it as "looking for" the guy. They'd know who he was, and if for some reason they couldn't grab him right away, they'd post a real photo with his name on it.

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