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No mean feat: Globe columnist insults thousands of Bostonians

First, a confession: I haven't read an Adrian Walker column in months. Somebody tell me if I've missed anything. But Mike Durant posts today that Walker talked to Menino, who admitted that this whole branch closing thing isn't really about money after all, so I wanted to take a look.

And I promptly remembered why I stopped reading Walker - Why waste my time on a bloviator who writes stuff like the following?

Fighting the closings had brought together a group of activists from across the city. But the truth is that the branches, some of them, are more popular when they are under siege than they are on a daily basis. If there really is a strong argument that Allston-Brighton’s three libraries cannot possibly be two, no one has made it.

Maybe, Adrian, if you'd actually showed up at any of the hearings on the proposed cuts, you'd have heard people make just those arguments. But that would have meant getting out of your comfy desk chair on Morrissey Boulevard and mixing with actual library users, instead of just chatting with your pal the mayor on the phone.



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When Adrian covered Boston City Hall for the Globe, he was renown for his brief articles, lazy work habits and tendency to show up whenever there was free food. A little staff get-together for someone who is leaving? Adrian would be there, even if he had no clue these were the people he was supposed to cover.

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Walker's armchair reporting at least got the Mayor to admit it's not about the money.

Of course, it's also been presented as being all about the money.

Why can't we get some truth telling out of these people? Do they wonder why we don't believe what they say? Do they care?

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Thank you, Adam - right on point! I usually don't waste my time with Adrian Walker but the subject matter caught my eye. Why did I bother? It was totally in keeping with the Globe's ridiculous editorial of the previous day. "A foolish consistency..."

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you would be stuck in the office too if you had his documented record with company cars and liquid lunches.

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