Updated late Monday.
MBTA spokesman Joe Pesaturo issued the following statement Tuesday afternoon:
The employee today was reprimanded and the incident is now included in his personnel file. No further action will be taken unless such an incident happens again. This matter is closed.
Channel 25 reports the case of the reprogrammed message board on Christmas went straight to the top - and state transportation czar Rich Davey says the unidentified worker will not be punished.
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common sense is not common on the T
By anon
Tue, 12/27/2011 - 10:02am
Lets see a passenger snaps a picture of the message and posts it on the internet. This sends a shock wave through the management of the T and no one has the common sense or the nerve to make a decision except Rich Davey, what is going to happen when a real crisis occurs and Rich Davey isn't around to make the final decision,
Isn't Davey also responsible for story mentioning termination?
Tue, 12/27/2011 - 12:30pm
If Richard Davey is worthy of praise for the sudden decision not to punish the dispatcher, then he is also to blame for the ridiculous initial press release suggesting that the dispatcher faces punishment that could include termination. Notice that it took an outpouring of support for the dispatcher in all media outlets, even a near unanimous UHub poll, for Davey to step up as the "hero" in typical "live shot" fashion. Davey oversees the creation of a dragon (the termination press release) then races in as the hero dragonslayer. And some even fall for it. Pathetic.
The original comments on the
By anon
Tue, 12/27/2011 - 12:53pm
The original comments on the Boston.com article were spewed from MBTA spokesman Joe Pesaturo. There's no indication that the comments came from Davey. I doubt they did because it's not his immediate department to comment on anymore.
By Allstonian
Tue, 12/27/2011 - 2:39pm
Per [url=http://www.boston.com/Boston/metrodesk/2011/12/mbt... article[/url] on boston.com:
I voted against disciplining the T worker, before I voted for it
Tue, 12/27/2011 - 7:06pm
@Allstonian, FYI as Transportation Secretary, Richard Davey has the final word at the MBTA, save for the Governor, hence Davey declaring on Fox 25, what the employee's punishment would (wouldn't?) be. Trust that given Davey's self-serving penchant for media coverage, Pesaturo doesn't say anything of significance without clearing it through Mr. Secretary.
It gets better. In a separate interview on ch. 7, Davey indicated that the employee would indeed be punished, but the punishment "won't be stiff." The Herald seems to have even more information. Kudos to ch.4 for announcing that the letter of reprimand "comes after a series of confusing statements from the Transportation Secretary."
With this guy's craving of media attention and willingness to take all sides of an issue, he is truly Mass. Democrat U.S. Senate nominee material. Betti Warren best be looking over her shoulder. Botched joke?
looks to me like Davey could
By 2ndfloorcityhall
Tue, 12/27/2011 - 8:31pm
looks to me like Davey could use a "stiff" one...
The way I see it...
By Arborway
Tue, 12/27/2011 - 8:49pm
If the T does nothing this time, someone can do something far less jolly in the future and say "How dare you punish me when you didn't even give the last guy a slap on the wrist!"
In this case, the management can just put a "LOL, don't do that again." on the employee's record, with the unspoken understanding that it won't affect their career. In doing so, they can cover their asses for anything that may happen in the future.
With this guy's craving of
By Ron Mexico
Tue, 12/27/2011 - 10:09pm
When are you spoon-fed, idiot shills going to realize that the Republicans are screwing you exactly the same as your hated liberals? At least the Tea Party understands that no one in government is truly on their side. I'll bet you actually believe that there is a "War on Christmas" going on, and that it wasn't just some inflammatory crap invented by the party of the rich so that baby boomer dopes like yourself vote for them so they can buttrape you even harder.
Honestly, why can't you see through ALL the lies? It is not that hard. Maybe you're not as "street smart" as you think you are.
Speaking of Fox 25 and
By PeterGriffith5
Tue, 12/27/2011 - 4:22pm
Speaking of Fox 25 and Christmas. Has anyone else noticed how Kim Carrigan looks like an elf? and what about Virgin Boy as Santa?
Talk about a tempest in a Wassail Bowl!
i cant believe this is a news
By bikeridersarean...
Wed, 12/28/2011 - 3:14pm
i cant believe this is a news story. in nyc the conductors say whatever they want all the time and lo and behold, the trains still work (much more efficiently than the T, actually). nobody says "what a horrible mismanagement of resources... I'll never ride the train again!!!" this shouldve been a funny holiday video and forgotten by the next day. of course since there's no real news in Boston this was probably on every channel and rehashed to death like every other inane headline. yet another reason why Boston is a horrible, depressing, worthless city full of people who wish they were important
I'm sure...
By Molly
Sat, 12/31/2011 - 7:44pm
...that NYC is proud to count you among its fine residents.