Without knowing either Tom Menino and/or his family personally, my condolences go out to him and his family. Here's hoping for the best for all of them.
Today, I, along with my family, after talking with my medical team, have decided to suspend my book tour as well as my cancer treatments. While I continue to fight this terrible disease, I feel it is time for me to spend more time with my family, grandkids, and friends. The medical team at the Brigham and Women’s Hospital along with those at the Dana-Farber have been amazing in their care and treatment of me and the many other patients and families that suffer from cancer. I am hopeful and optimistic that one day the talented researchers, doctors and medical professionals in this city will find a cure for this awful disease. Angela and I are grateful for the tremendous outpouring of support and kindness shown to our family and ask that everyone keep us in their thoughts and prayers.
By Whurlz
Thu, 10/23/2014 - 5:46pm
I'm so sorry to see this. Damned cancer.
Best wishes for him and his family.
Prayers and blessings for all
By anonism
Thu, 10/23/2014 - 6:09pm
Prayers and blessings for all the family
My prayers go out for him and
By sunny
Thu, 10/23/2014 - 6:07pm
My prayers go out for him and his family. I've been in his family's shoes before, its very difficult.
I wish him and his family well
By anon
Thu, 10/23/2014 - 6:44pm
It sounds like he's going for a good rest of his life rather than a futile soul-sucking standoff.
Much peace.
Oh my goodness.
By be
Thu, 10/23/2014 - 6:48pm
Good Thoughts and Prayers being sent in the direction of Hyde Park from Somerville.
Hard to believe
By moxie
Thu, 10/23/2014 - 7:19pm
That only 18 months ago he was leading the response to the Marathon bombing. Wishing him the best.
Sorry to hear about Tom Menino's cancer.
By mplo
Fri, 10/24/2014 - 12:08pm
Without knowing either Tom Menino and/or his family personally, my condolences go out to him and his family. Here's hoping for the best for all of them.
Great Mayor and Man
By anon
Thu, 10/23/2014 - 8:38pm
He has a big heart. Sorry to know he is suffering. Glad to know he's got family he loves to entertain and help him.
Well put & seconded.
By bibliotequetres...
Sun, 10/26/2014 - 9:36pm
Well put & seconded.
Menino's statement
By adamg
Thu, 10/23/2014 - 11:44pm
From his Facebook page: