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Police officer honored for saving lives in North End fire


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Did Ayanna really use the term "SHEroism" as opposes to HEroism? lol

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I'm just looking forward to the awkward phrase they'll need to come up with when a transgender person does something equally heroic.

After the meeting will she ask her staff if the femail had been delivered yet?

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So, you use hemail? Never heard of it!
Instead of sheroism, which I think is kind of amusing acutally, HERoism would have been appropriate seeing as though she was going for that sort of thing.

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Unless you are someone's doctor or intimate partner, there is no need to refer to a person as being other than the gender they tell you they are or chose to present.

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Referring to a woman who has done something heroic as HERoric is stupid and pointless. A hero is a gender neutral term! No reason to make up a word or imply gender has anything to do with being a hero.

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Lighten up... sheesh!

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because the HR department is so niggardly with staffing that it is often delayed into the next day. She has called central services over and over again to try to rectify the situation, but her messages never get returned; that office is a black hole as far as information is concerned.

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These things take a couple of weeks to resolve.

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I salute Officer Cottone for her incredible bravery! Again, faith in humanity restored. It's great to hear stories like this!

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Is Ayanna not familiar with the term heroine?

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Speaking as one who won the genetic lottery, was raised by highly literate parents, attended great schools, and developed a decent vocabulary along the way, I'd like to point out that none of that is either necessary or sufficient to be an excellent city councilor. Ayanna Pressley seems to be doing a great job.

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