Downtown dancer guy gonna dance
Tom McLaughlin was enjoying the dancing by Downtown Crossing's newest character this afternoon when a cranky jerk demanded police do something about him. McLaughlin reports that as officers were talking to dancer guy and getting him to pack up, crank guy started screaming "faggot" at him, because, of course, haters gonna hate. McLaughlin adds:
Him and Keytar Bear would be some sweet combo.
The end of his performance came quickly once the police arrived, as Photographynatalia shows us:
She took a lot more photos of the guy.
Dancin' in the rain.
Second photo copyright Photographynatalia. Posted in the Universal Hub pool on Flickr.
Some people's happiness is infectious
Rock on dude.
Happy Friday.
The Amazing Strangers of Union Square
The Amazing Strangers of Union Square
Looks like
Elegant Elliot Offen!
♬♩"It's very easy to get caught in circumstance; it's even easier to break out in a dance!" ♬♩
Can you spend a dime to see an actual dancer?
We all pat ourselves on the back for being so tolerant and open, the truth is this is a schlock act from a human train wreck.
meanwhile actual GOOD dancers are basically starving here.
Dancer guy
I happend to be in downtown crossing to witness his dancing antics and I have to say it was DISGUSTING, REPULSIVE and down right WRONG! Im all for freedom of expression and what not. People can live there lives anyhow they want but when I'm walking with my kids and they have to see a man in a thong dancing that's a problem for me. At some point America needs to pick between RIGHTS and what's RIGHT!
I'm sorry...
was he exposing your little cherubs to something each and everyone of us has or did you just want to go on body shaming?
Just wondering.
The remedy couldn't be easier.
If you don't care for goofy attention whores, just ignore em.
As it is I'm psyched Adam covers this, so I can give that bit of downtown a wide berth if I ever end up there in prime attention whoring time.
This city is loaded with music and art school wretches who are stuck trying to extract some value out of a quasi useless degree.
Attention whoring is a more refined counterpart to panhandling, you lay your shtick on complete strangers out of a kind of neediness. Occasionally someone stellar like Keytar will rise above mere shtick and deliver something sublime.
Remember that poor performance art wretch who made a spectacle of himself last year over by the marathon line? It's funny to compare the comment stream, especially when some of the same people weighed in.
It's a comparable impulse only Edson was a bit clueless about context. Twinkletoes is shrewder and more earnest about shtick delivery that fits a space and time well.
someone think of the children
someone think of the children!!!
it was a long week, so maybe my sarcasm detector is off
but if not, let me welcome you to UHub...
and tell you that you're toast.
On a related matter, I think that the last time I heard someone say "faggot" was in a Dire Straits song - but as it turned out, he had his own jet airplane and was a millionaire.
"Im all for freedom of expression and what not"
I don't care about your kids
Snappy come-back!
Snappy come-back!
I'll file that away for future use myself.
Stay off the beach
I've seen worse at Crane beach on a Monday.
The guy was not doing anything illegal. And if you think your kids haven't seen worse on TV or youtube, think again.
There their
All you have to say is "some people like to dance in their underwear".
Been there, done that.
Seriously - get over yourself. Your children won't be damaged by this man. That's your job.
I agree. All the negativity
I agree. All the negativity you got was typical and laughable. The dancer clearly is not well, yet everyone thinks he is a hero expressing himself. Herself? Itself? Anyway, yea..
If you think it's totally
If you think it's totally okay to refer to someone as an "it" then you may need to think about your own mental shortcomings. For example, your lack of empathy. Your comment is essentially "I think this person is mentally unwell, so let's rag on them for their lack of ability to fit my narrow world view!" I don't really give a crap or not about whether you think someone should dance around in a thong, b/c it's a boring a timeless argument that apparently no one agrees on. But, really, if you're going to take the "this person is unwell" route then you should maybe tone down the shitty less-than-human rhetoric afterwards to avoid sounding like a bigot. It's not a good look.
If you don't want to expose
If you don't want to expose your kids to... well, all sorts of things, then why the hell are you walking them through DTX?
Jordan Marsh, at the beveled
Jordan Marsh, at the beveled corner of Washington and Avon Streets in Downtown Boston, was the perfect place for a larger than life copy of "Tales of Mother Goose" that is being opened by Santa Claus as the book's characters lead us to the Toy Department on the 5th floor of the Jordan Marsh Annex! Do you remember the excitement of shopping downtown with the sounds of ringing bells, the brilliant colorful lights, the bustling crowds and the aroma of all sorts of foods
Two words
Blueberry muffins
I've heard of people like you..those who would willingly give up their constitutional rights simply to avoid being offended, but I always assumed it was an exaggeration.
Well, don't you just sound like a real bowl of sunshine.
Judging from your post above I get the feeling that your kids are probably going to be far more damaged by whatever overprotective batshit BS you likely constantly subject them to than some kid dancing in Downtown Crossing. If he bothers you so much, just use this as a teaching moment, and if the real world bothers you so much, why don't you just lock them in whatever suburban hellhole you came from and stay there.
Hurt Feelings Report
We need to pick between constitutional rights, and what you think is right? Tell me more about how your personal beliefs are more important than someone's civil liberties. If you don't like it, turn around, walk away, take a different street. When he breaks the law, he will have to deal with it, until then.....sorry, you aren't the only person in the world, people will act how they will.
"I'm all for freedom of expression and what not"
I saw him there on Tuesday
He's a terrible dancer, and I'm being kind by calling him a dancer. He's a dancer like a kid in an elementary school production of Flashdance is a dancer. He wants you to be offended. But nobody in attendance seemed to be offended by him; most, myself included, seemed to be embarrassed for him.
He's from New York City
Qween Amor.
I am kind of tired of people performing near naked in public spaces in view of one and all. I like having options. I'd pay to watch if I was in the mood. I'm not always in the mood. Take it private or pay per view, thong man.
It's like anything else. If you don't want to see it. Walk away.
He wasn't naked. It was funny. He was in the park the other day.
I walked by, kept walking and forgot about it.
People seem to forget that's an option.
Much easier to be offended and outraged by every stupid thing.
What's the story with this guy?
He seems to appear on a regular basis now. Is he a street performer soliciting donations? Is he just bursting into dance for the love of life? Looking for attention? He seems to have a little setup of things off to the side. Well, anything is better than the clowns banging on upturned buckets.
The night I saw him, he wasn
The night I saw him, he wasn't soliciting donations. I think he's in it for the love of life! He's awesome! He makes people happy!
It's Qween Amor!!!
You need to check the google machine for Qween Amor. and QA's own twitter:
Since you approve, when
Since you approve, when should we come over and expose our naked derrieres to the kidlet?
Do butts make you feel afraid? Anxious? Terrified?
I'm sure Kidlet, and most kidlets, have seen a butt before.
please refer to them by their proper anatomical term, "Fannies"
May not be a good idea, some
May not be a good idea, some people call the front a fanny, not the back.
He does not have a vulva
(yet, anyway). Fanny is slang in England etc. for the girl crack in front. I hope to save you some embarrassment some day
Oh, butt out
Yeah, and they call cigarettes by a name that we wouldn't here. Same for blackboard erasers.
But this isn't England, so who gives a flying fanny?
Use is sort of archaic in New England
My father used "fanny", but I think its been in decline. Meanwhile, in places where they drive on the left, fanny is used for the anatomy and with children around, otherwise the c-word gets used much more than here!
Odds are high
this man has a serious mental health issue, such as bipolar. He is also a textbook exhibitionist.
Sure are a lot of armchair
Sure are a lot of armchair psychiatrists on UHub. You guys must be pretty good, if you can make such a precise diagnosis based on a couple of pictures and an eyewitness account. You ought to take your show on the road, maybe perform it in public somewhere. Make sure to tell us where, though, so we can show up and clutch desperately at our pearls while worrying for the sanctity of the eyes of our children.
Some accused me of narcissistic personality disorder!
So, clearly they don't know what they are talking about when actually confronted with a real attention whore.
Crucifix and red horns
So part of his schtick is cavorting around with a crucifix and red horns.
Together with the leather jock strap and the high heels, it's clear he's out to shock and offend. (See the fifth and subsequent photos in the blog adamg links to.)
So let me get this straight
As cops arrive somebody calls this dude a faggot. Why was the person that said that not arrested?
Arrested for free speech?
Arrested for free speech?
They're both free speech.
One is fun and life affirming. The other is a hateful attempt to oppress another person's Civil Liberties and freedom of expression.
Both are distasteful. A slur
Both are distasteful. A slur is uncalled for but the man dancing and prancing in a thong is also innaprotopate. I don't think it's an act of art by at BU student either.. Nor do I think this "artist" has a serious career. But I guess that's just me "judging" like all moderate minded evil people do...
OK to hate Christianity, not homosexuals
per some, that's why its ok to slur a religion of love and forgiveness, but not homosexual love.
What civil liberty is being
What civil liberty is being oppressed via dancing half naked in public or do you associate all flamboyant behaviour with homosexuality. I though the issue that was on the table was marriage rights, not anything goes provocative sexual displays.
How is calling someone names "an attempt to oppress another person's Civil Liberties and freedom of expression?" Someone calls you a faggot, you're perfectly free to ignore them, to respond with a raised middle finger, or to blow them a kiss.
Arrested for what?
Do you seriously believe that calling people names is a crime?
Maybe a reject
... from Jacques. If he is going to do a semi-drag he needs a better outfit.
Probably self promoting
Probably self promoting himself by getting free press on UHub and facebook then ... Maybe mainstream media. He is not naked as he has some item of clothing covering his important bits. He'll if my ass looked like that i wouldn't wear pants either. I wasn't there so not sure if he was dangerously dangling his dingle?
Live naked bodies are always awe inspiring. As wee lassies at L St. Bath house we would dig near the fence to peak at the naked men on the other side. Ahhh fun times.
He's not even sexually
He's not even sexually suggestive. When I saw him he didn't even gyrate, and he keeps a respectful distance from people.
I'm perplexed people are so offended by a man in underwear. And a butt ( )( ). Do the same people go to the beach? Go to department stores with underwear ads? Read magazines with underwear ads? Are they disgusted when they see a male or female jogger in a bikini bottom or Lycra?
Good grief! He's entertaining people and having fun! He is hurting NOBODY!
hes dancing/ prancing around in a thong.
It may not be the attire (or lack thereof)
I suspect that it is the attitude/aura/mannerisms this performer (and I use the term loosely) projects, rather than the lack of attire that is causing all the pearl clutching among some people. If it were some other type of street performer, a statue person for instance, wearing the same thing I doubt it would cause as much uproar.
Having said that, I will also say this "performer" is seriously unoriginal and has nothing to say. As a gay man, I have seen enough of this type of affectation that it has become tedious.
I have yet to see this guy and I work in DTX. I think this is great.. he's not any more annoying than any of the other street performers down there.
I do think he needs to rethink his outfit tho. Not that I care.. but in MA you can't expose your butt crack in public. You must have at least a 1" strap to cover your butt crack. And according to the picture.. yeah doesn't look like 1", which is probably why the police cared so much.
And the only reason I know this that I've attended enough underwear parties at bars, and you can't wear a jockstrap (because it has no back) because of this law. Well you can, but it requires draping a piece of cloth over your crack, which kinda defeats the point of wearing a jock to a bar.
(yes I know I am a weird weird soul..)
I just want to say
I enjoy your level of expertise about this particular topic. Legitimately helpful.
One never expects their knowledge of the law and derriere management to be of service to the general community, and then one day... this happens.
I don't think that's actually true
..and if it is, can you cite a statute?
In reality, each one of us has every right to walk right through Downtown Crossing as naked as the day we were born, provided that prior notice is posted that the general public may encounter nudity.
No I can't
However I have been told this by two Boston cops, and a Provincetown cop. I've also been told by countless bar managers and staff. I'm pretty sure it's a state law, but I could be wrong.
Now you could say that this is a bar rule, however the Provincetown cop (who is also a friend), said that people need 'street ready' when wearing such outfits. He told me even tying a tank top to the strap to cover up your crack is enough. (and trust me on this one, they see ALOT of this in Ptown)
Like I said, I can't cite a source except just being told this countless times you can't wear a jockstrap or assless chaps (or anything assless) in public unless you cover at least 1" of your crack.
It's Possible The Strap Is One-Inch Wide In The Area Of Concern
... but I wouldn't want to be the one who measures it.
Not in the actual statute.....
but there is case law on what can or can not be shown in public. Many of these cases come from perverts who expose themselves to children, and are not from cases like this one. I'll look it up tomorrow.
Pete Nice, I'll save you the trouble. 3 year felony.
391 Mass. 394
November 10, 1983 - March 13, 1984
To convict a defendant of open and gross lewdness and lascivious behavior, the Commonwealth must prove that the conduct is committed in "such a way as to produce alarm" or shock. This element of the crime of open and gross lewdness and lascivious behavior is not required for indecent exposure. Thus, if the Commonwealth were to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the defendant "intentionally, indecently, and offensively expos[ed] himself . . . to [a child] of tender years, without necessity or reasonable excuse, and in such a way as to produce alarm . . . [the defendant would be] guilty of gross lewdness and lascivious behavior." Commonwealth v. Wardell, 128 Mass. 52 , 53 (1880). See Commonwealth v. Adams, 389 Mass. 265 , 271 (1983); Commonwealth v. Dickinson, 348 Mass. 767 (1964).
Comm. vs. Quinn, 439 Mass. 492 (2003)
This case basically outlines that exposing the buttocks would meet the crime of open and gross lewdness (not indecent exposure), depending on the circumstances. As others have pointed out, this man may be protected under the Ora case, but he may not be if his sole purpose is to shock and alarm people and if children are able to see it.
My take on these basic exposure laws is that children seem to be the main focus on whether or not someone can be charged.
Anybody can be arrested
for causing what's called a public spectacle. If it's something that causes considerable consternation, you can be told to cease and desist, or be arrested. That includes walking around in a thong. Now if it were boxer shorts or briefs, it wouldn't be a problem. The thong, crucifix, and devil horns are designed to troll and provoke, similar if he were dressed up like an orthodox rabbi in a thong, carrying a torah, menorah, etc. or Mohammed in a thong, carrying a Koran. I'm not religious, but recognize a crucifix is very sacred to many people, so yeah, what's he's doing is not just a goofy dance n a thong, but something highly offensive and designed to provoke.
Yet, It Is Still Free Speech As Protected By The US Constitution
Yet, you're still being a
Yet, you're still being a douchebag when you pull stunts like this. Your non-government employer (not likely a concern in this particular case) has every right to boot your uncovered ass to the curb.
Just because you can do something
doesn't automatically mean you should. I go around a predominantly black neighborhood with a sign saying something highly offensive and anti-black. I have a legal right to do so. Doesn't mean I should. I have a legal right to go on the common in front of crowds of tourists and burn a fill-in-the-blank, which I know many would find offensive. Doesn't mean I should. It's childish to say 'I have a legal right to fill-in-the-blank' so screw fill-in-the-blank.
I really don't care about this guy dancing in his thong. The really offensive troll is the crucifix.
Ambiguous law is ambiguous
"for causing what's called a public spectacle"
Putting the Red Sox players on duck boats and driving all over town causes a lot more commotion, costs a lot more law enforcement overtime, and messes up more people's work day than dancing in a thong.
Feds and State Vary on rules
SCOTUS has ruled that in SOME instances, nudity when combined with other forms of communication, i.e. protest, dance, theater, may be deemed protected speech under 1st Amendment. However, the ruling remains subjective to allow each jurisdiction of take each case individually.
Locally - Commonwealth Vs. Ora - Nude dance in a public place as part of a protest. MA-SJC also ruled that some nudity is protected but not all and reinforced the need to take each case subjectively. Warning of nudity only works for certain venues such as theaters and similar. The SJC case is worth of review. Look it up.
MGL Chap 272 states nudity when conducted in a manner so as to alarm or affront may be deemed lewd and subject to prosecution, but Comm of Mass Vs Ora adds case law showing how this is to be applied.
There are no blanket "...this is OK..." ruling.
Otherwise, anal crevice must be covered on both genders and sexual organs covered on both genders, and female breast nipple and area immediately underneath covered except when breast-feeding.
MGL also available to look up but it is impacted by passed Chapter Laws (amendments not incorporated into MGL published versions) and Case Law (such as Ora) which impacts enforcement and application.
In MA, you need a lawyer.
Don't expect LEOs to know these fine points. Their job is to act on complaint and let the DA figure it out. Further they can take anyone off the street on a Disorderly Conduct charge just to clear the street, then let the DA sort it out.
PETA brings their attorney with them everywhere they protest. Do you?
You are not weird Cybah.
You are one of the nicest, and most helpful people here. And you have a great sense of humor, confidence in yourself and a good handle on human nature
In a field of vicious midgets who spend all their comment time sniping and carping, you stand tall.
I can't remember a time when you've slagged or sniped anyone the way so many of the bitchy queens here do as their main 'contribution'.
If everyone conducted themselves here the way you do, it would utterly rock instead of being a grump swamp where you begin to wonder if some men have a form of PMS too.
May you prosper, thrive and keep setting an example.
What lists of street performances are available?
a) What lists of street performances are available? b) What agencies, organizations, talent offices, fans have lists of street performers?
some real anti-butt crusaders here
my anaconda DON'T
my anaconda DON'T
my anaconda DON'T want none unless you got buns, hon
Artist, activist, Qween Amor sharing a special brand of Love.
My question for the peanut gallery
If this dude were a lady dressed like this and "dancing" at downtown crossing, would it be okay?
Equally inappropriate. There
Equally inappropriate. There's a time and place for these things, and out of simple decency, such "artists" should find an appropriate venue. This is assuming that a person eager to "perform" in such a way has any decency to begin with.
If this gentleperson was wearing a trench coat, and yanked it up to show his nearly naked ass to some 14 year old child at a bus stop on Mass Ave. at 10pm, it would be perfectly appropriate based on the comments here--no regulations were broken and they were "just expressing themselves."
Everyone is falling over themselves so enthusiastically in trying to be more inclusive and tolerant than the next person. I'd love to hear the responses to a Stormfront informational leaflet campaign at DTX manned by some leather-daddies in ass-less chaps.
It wouldn't be ok for for many applauding this man.
Those criticizing this man in the comments here would also not be thrilled with a dancing woman similarly dressed. But here at Uhub, criticizing the antics of gay men is out of bounds. The liberals here think that we must all accept their eccentricities no matter how outlandish or in your face. What does offend these Uhub liberals? Expressions of femininity. So yes, a dancing woman would be criticized by the liberals here. If it were a pretty bikini clad woman these female shoggoths in the comment section would take it as a form a fat shaming and would demand the woman's arrest.
Expressions of femininity?
In Boston, some of these gay men do a better job of expressing femininity than many of the women here! Many women around the world just seem to carry themselves with more sensuality, sexuality, and confidence than in Boston. Its great to see when one does. Its more commonplace for men to carry themselves that way, thought too, many don't, especially geeks.
WHY should I carry myself
WHY should I carry myself with sensuality and sexuality?
Don't you know?
Because you have no purpose other than to be ornamental and to perform a preassigned gender role to please men. Isn't that obvious? (/snark)
Somebody needs to learn the difference between the separate existence of gender (which isn't binary anyway) and gender expression (which is even more varied).
Read Qween Amor's statement
So, your true inner snowflake can shine through. Be all you can be. Don't be a victim of religious and moral repression etc..
& YES.
but this was ok too.
Understanding that some
Understanding that some people are offended. The city does need to move this guy along. Businesses can't tell customers, suck it up and come downtown. They need an appealing environment where people are comfortable. The phobic fear will drive customers away as quickly as the fear of various crimes. Not living in the city, it was always awkward to explain the homeless and other big city characteristics when we traveled in. I suppose it would have been more routine if we had done it more, but the T has always been the T. They really just took it all in stride and saw it as a snapshot of life.
A cry for help
The rainbow flag with the man's belongings is a great endorsement for the gay crowd. I'm surprised Marty Walsh didn't move this act over to the "new" circa-1960s Astro Turf on City Hall Plaza. While name-calling is needless, it's remarkable that the person who reported this is demonized while the lewd freak show is celebrated. No surprise, it's akin to Caitlyn Jenner's cry for help leading to all kinds of "courage" awards. One bright spot, the young female Boston Police Patrolman taking universal precautions with the rubber gloves. I've been out of the police academy for decades but it's great to see they're still teaching that, regardless of political correctness. Training takes over.
Just a matter of time before the purple gloves are replaced with a clear, colorless version or banned outright, to be "less traumatic" to the offender.
Throw your computer into the ocean.
tumblr pls go.
tumblr pls go.
stands for Dallas, Texas, right?
I mean, that's a group of folks that would get this upset about it, right? Not here. This discussion saddens me.
$18.5 billion to see our nation's past. Our future? Priceless.
According to the Boston Globe, $18.5 billion is spent by those touring Massachusetts and its historical sites, especially around Boston. To the rational mind, it must be confusing to reconcile our proud past while witnessing this as our future. It's not even an anomaly, the likes of Menino and Walsh traveled on parade floats in the Gay Pride parade endorsing people wearing even less, with some conducting homosexual acts. Comical to see the "experts" perplexed at the surge of Donald Trump.
I hardly ever agree with you
I hardly ever agree with you on this forum, but I have to concede here.
I have a number of gay and lesbian friends (many are married couples at this point) whom I've met socially and professionally. They are wonderful, decent people living their lives, and they would look sideways at this kind of thing. This is not helping _THEIR_ cause. This is perpetuating a caricature of a stereotype.
Be the change
This is the performance artist that is being featured in this article. Let me just say for the record, that I personally am tired of living in a world that is dominated by Fear, Guilt and Shame. This trifecta of evil is imposed on socities consciousness by our religious institutions. Im tired of living in a world that imposes its religiousy held moral convictions on everyone else and uses these religious convictions to influence our law and our states of mind. I've had enough. I've been told my entire life that I need to be the change I wish to see and I want to see a world where people are free to express themselves, a world where people are not condemned for being themselves, I want to live in a world where people are not shamed for their bodies and and sexuality is embraced not demonized. I believe in do unto others and the simple concept of the Golden Rule. DO NO HARM! Regardless of what religion and morality one has, the golden rule os universal and preached by every religion. The only rule I believe in is Do No Harm. All other rules are imposed by society and society has this ridiculous notion that everyone must conform to some normalized version of being human. The world is a magical place just full of people waiting to be offended by something. My intention is not to offend but to awaken. I am not going to tiptoe around societies ignorance as to avoid offending people. I am not going to comfort societies ignorance, but pop that bubble they call reality. Ill be dancing all ovet America without shame, without fear, without guilt but with a big fucking smile on my face. If you dont like it, if you are offended, if youvare uncomfortable then i suggest you do what Jesus would do and turn the other cheek. Or do the people who claim to believe in Jesus not really believe in the words he spoke?
Bless your heart.
Bless your heart.
Re: be the change
Qween Amor, help is available. In fact, if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor. That goes for psychiatry as well.
Blow me. Only a miserable
Blow me. Only a miserable soul would suggest such a thing, if you were truly happy in your life then my work would phase you not, unfortunately society is filled with people such as yourself who live their lives in a catatonic state of fear that prevents them from actually going out and living a life of meaning and bliss. I refuse to be one of those people who are to scared of life to live it. I refuse to be like you. Im gonna pop this little bubble that you people cling too. My mere presence will force society to question everything they think is real. The truth will set you free and im a free bitch baby.
idk how to make a picture actually show up in my comment, but this is what I have to say.
Oy vey.
Oy vey.
Lovely little sentiment...
Lovely little sentiment, I just wish I had the trust fund, government check or whatever it is that keeps this "performance artist" "dancing all over America without shame". If I didn't have to work I just might be "dancing all over America"a bit myself.
Go back to the reddit athiesm
Go back to the reddit athiesm board with this narcissism. If you truly didn't want to offend you wouldn't be using sacred religious icons in your clown show.
Were you buddies with the clown that mocked the marathon bombing with "performance art" too?