By adamg on Tue., 11/10/2015 - 5:15 pm
Beth Gavin captured protesters demanding a $15 minimum hourly wage outside the Old State House this evening.
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I've got news for you
By Stevil
Tue, 11/17/2015 - 10:53am
You're not that smart either. Nothing personal - nobody is. Not you, not me, nobody.
Funds will underperform their benchmark by about the level of their fees. Over a long enough period of time 80-90% of funds (assuming they survive that long) will underperform. The performance of the remaining 10-20% is effectively randomness and the law of large numbers at work.
The last equities "superstar" manager, Bill Miller, blew up 15 years of work in about a year during the financial crisis. Local rockstar at Fidelity Contrafund Will Danoff has underperformed the S&P by about 0.25% over the last 5 years - and note that's a period where his growth style of investing has been in vogue. If value stocks come back - and they will - he's toast.
Buy a good mix of low cost index funds - when one becomes too small a piece of the portfolio - buy more. When one becomes too big - sell some. If you don't know how to do that part - hire someone to do it for you. If your average fund cost is over 0.5% you are doing something wrong. About 0.25% is your target (and if you are paying an advisor over 0.25% for any significant amount of assets, you are also getting ripped off).
I quite literally "wrote the book" on this.
I buy index funds.
By Dot net
Tue, 11/17/2015 - 5:23pm
I buy index funds. And then when I thought I forgot all about it, you pull me back in.
The only index fund I bought....
By Michael Kerpan
Tue, 11/17/2015 - 7:30pm
... in spring that it is NOT underwater is one dedicated solely to Japanese stocks.
$15 wage
By George Dickel
Tue, 11/10/2015 - 6:30pm
These folks do realize that $15 per hours for a 40 hour week kicks them off benefits. Just ask the folks in Seattle. So be careful what you wish for.
What I wish for is for people to argue from facts
By Kaz
Wed, 11/11/2015 - 12:14pm
The "Welfare Cliff" is a Fox News fairy tale.
Do the right thing-Pay the rate!
By Joey
Tue, 11/10/2015 - 7:03pm
It should be set at $15.00 and indexed to the cost of living every year for the Commonwealth. Everyone who is willing to work deserves to be respected with a decent wage that allows them to live appropriately. What are we a bunch of scrooges?
Bro you know what else is indexed
By anon
Tue, 11/10/2015 - 8:11pm
The cost if goods and the cost of living.
By Anon
Tue, 11/10/2015 - 8:33pm
We, unlike you, work for a living. Also, we're already paying ridiculously high taxes that are subsidizing those who are flipping burgers instead of getting a real job - are you really naive enough to think taxes will go down if burger flippers start getting $15/hour instead of getting the $7-$10 that the market is currently dictating? Your taxes will remain the same, prices will go up, and your retirement account will take a big hit once retail and food service industry stocks tank due to shrinking profit margins and drag down the rest of the market with them. Is that what you want?
"Everyone deserves a decent wage"
By Lunchbox
Tue, 11/10/2015 - 10:27pm
It's a lovely notion but money doesn't grow on trees. There's no free lunch. With such a large increase in wage, businesses must raise prices, cut jobs, or both.
Can't touch
By anon²
Wed, 11/11/2015 - 8:37am
Those profits, right?
You can
By anon
Wed, 11/11/2015 - 12:24pm
But then the value of that funny thing called 401k will go poof. I know it doesn't matter much to the social justice heroes here who are patiently waiting for their daddy to keel over and leave them his $2.5M Newton mansion and $10M or so cash, but it does matter a lot to those of us without the above option.
Old State House?
By John Costello
Tue, 11/10/2015 - 7:34pm
First big shout out to the uncrowned Queen of Brighton for the picture.
Second, the Old State House really hasn't been a government building since about 1800. I hope the protesters didn't think the Bostonian Society has a great influence on wage levels in the area. Snark.
Look, you don't think Thomas
By anon
Wed, 11/11/2015 - 7:22am
Look, you don't think Thomas Hutchinson cars about wage increases? :)
That intersection is one of the more important ones for the area and blocking it causes the most attention and chaos. They also were are Faneuil hall, but not inside
They should've worked P/T
By Bugs Bunny
Tue, 11/10/2015 - 8:15pm
They should've worked P/T from age 18-22 and gotten a finance degree at the same time. Boom, problem solved, they'd be making 70k now in the financial district.
I'm sorry to say but I don't
By anon
Tue, 11/10/2015 - 9:13pm
I'm sorry to say but I don't think someone working in fast food should be making $15/hour. I've been working for 18 years in a low salary field and make just a little over that. I've worked very hard to get to this point. I started with minimum wage and earned $ slowly. It seems a majority of people live outside their means. Obviously you can't afford to live in the city if you're working at McDonalds.
15 years ago I was living in
By anon
Wed, 11/11/2015 - 4:07am
15 years ago I was living in Cambridge and watched these whiners (well, a previous generation of them) protesting at Harvard about a "living wage." They were earning $10.25 or $10.50 at the time and demanding a 25c/hr raise. They were marching and protesting and had all the nitwit trust-fund college kids on their side, making it look like it was some huge important social movement when it was over a bloody quarter an hour.
I was making $14/hr doing IT work at the time, putting half that in the bank, and living just fine (acceptable apartment in Cambridge, all bills paid with no trouble, monthly T pass, more than enough food, etc.) on the other half. IOW I was living on $7/hr.
I think you can figure out what I thought of idiots complaining $10-something wasn't enough to "live" on and an extra quarter would make all the difference.
Replace them with robots and be done with it.
Careful now
By Roman
Wed, 11/11/2015 - 2:56pm
Outing yourself as a dangerous intellectual will get you thrown into a gulag up in New Hampshire when the revolution comes.
Your Annectdote Is Dated
By BlackKat
Wed, 11/11/2015 - 6:23pm
15 years ago, at the time of your story, rents in the area were 1/2-2/3 what they are now. And that's not the only thing that is more expensive now. And just because you were underpaid does not mean everyone else should be to. You should have been making perhaps $20 an hour at that time.
The more money businesses pay workers, the more money workers make, the more money workers spend, the better businesses do.
By mplo
Thu, 11/12/2015 - 10:54am
Unless either one lives in subsidized housing, or they own their home(s) outright.
Adam I own two small business
By anon
Tue, 11/10/2015 - 9:13pm
One of which happens to be a pizza place (redacted for obvious reasons). Hypothetical, we live in Boston, obviously! Your kid wants to get a job and earn extra cash while in college. Why should I pay him $15 which really after taxes is $20, seeing he has no experience, he's still in his teens and has no value added. Because I'm a nice guy?
What do you pay your longterm employees?
By adamg
Tue, 11/10/2015 - 10:20pm
The adults, the ones who are actually supporting their families, rather than kids looking for some extra spending money?
The problem is that there are a lot of people in that position these days, in a way that you never would have seen 30 years ago.
By anon
Tue, 11/10/2015 - 10:49pm
Should small business owners who might end up with perhaps $70-80k a year for themselves while paying their burger flippers current market rate instead pay an artificially inflated rate and end up with $30k instead just because burger flippers thought they could raise a family flipping burgers? Do you think they'll just settle for $30k and leave everything as is, or will they raise prices, fire some of their employees, or perhaps simply close shop?
Why is the business owners responsibility
By bosguy22
Wed, 11/11/2015 - 8:39am
To pay someone with an adult, who hasn't advanced his/her set of skills past those of a high school student, a higher wage?
Yeah, fuck them poors and stupids!
By anon²
Wed, 11/11/2015 - 9:19am
Let's not pretend that same business will suddenly pay them better wages. No, the employee will leave for greener pastures and the employer will look for new subsidized low skill labor.
If there's a job, it should pay a living wage where taxpayers do not have to subsidize it with the EITC or welfare. It's really that simple.
While we're at it, why don't we lower the taxes on businesses with under 50 employees and repatriate all the corporate cash overseas and tax it at top rates.
The problem for small business isn't that paying a fair wage will kill them, its that big buissiness has so stacked the deck against them that need welfare to survive. Time to reshuffle the deck.
Uh huh
By Roman
Wed, 11/11/2015 - 3:01pm
And what's gonna be your answer when that one-time money tree has been chopped down for firewood, comrade? Put all the bourgeois bankers and lawyers and engineers to work flipping burgers at minimum wage?
By anon
Wed, 11/11/2015 - 3:33pm
This is not USSR - businesses will pay $15 an hour to someone who brings in at least $15 worth of value to the company, and $8 an hour to those who bring in $8. Actually, had this been USSR, everyone would have been getting $8 regardless of their contribution. In the end, everyone is uniformly poor and uniformly mediocre.
So taxpayers should?
By anon²
Wed, 11/11/2015 - 9:00am
So taxpayers should foot the bill because they have a business that isn't doing enough business to pay their employees without paying a wage that puts them on the dole?
By bosguy22
Wed, 11/11/2015 - 9:14am
It's not the taxpayer who should foot the bill, nor should it be up to the business owner to pay inflated wages for a job that could be done by someone with zero skills. It's the responsibility of the worker to increase their skill set over the course of their life to make themselves more attractive to an employer and demand a higher wage.
We tried that
By anon²
Wed, 11/11/2015 - 2:56pm
We tired that, it didn't work.
More adults have moved into low skill, low paying work then ever, even as productivity, profits have skyrocketed. All while education levels have increased as well.
To put it another way, you don’t need a Master degree to be a secretary because the job is demanding enough to warrant it. People used to do the same work with a HS diploma just fine. The work is relatively unchanged, and some might argue easier with advances in technology.
You now need a Masters to be a secretary because your employer can demand it in an environment where entry level wages are below the poverty line, driving down the wages of Master degree earners and everyone else not in the top 1%.
He said pizza place and not
By anon
Wed, 11/11/2015 - 8:16am
He said pizza place and not State Strert Adam. With no education or skills 15.00 and hour is almost enough to make me quit my job I need a masters for to deliver pizzas or flip burgers...
The real question
By Stevil
Wed, 11/11/2015 - 8:57am
Why are these adults flipping burgers or tossing pizzas for $9 an hour- a few examples
1) Friend of mine is a contractor advertising jobs from $30k with little/no skills up to $70k for trades - and can barely even get people to respond
2) There is a nationwide shortage of truck drivers - average salary about $41k and climbing
3) Talked to a RR industry lawyer a couple years back about a major company that was trying to hire thousands of people a year - willing to train - but couldn't find enough people that could pass the drug test
4) Globe article reports Tufts recently said they have tech spots going unfilled because they can't find people with the skills (apparently available through community college)
5) On Republican debate Rick Santorum brought up a stat (fact checkers go ahead) that there are 250,000 openings for welders making $50k-$100k. A guest of his in the audience that owned a manufacturing biz had a job opening in each department that he couldn't fill.
6) Another friend of mine owns a food biz locally. I guarantee you none of his employees make $9 an hour - they probably don't make $15 either - but with a roommate or two sharing expenses - I'd bet several of them have household income ranging from $50-$75k or more or 2-3 people.
$9 is a start or an extra job. It takes very little beyond some effort and perhaps some sacrifice (not easy to be a truck driver) to easily make double that.
1) Blame the people who think
By anon
Wed, 11/11/2015 - 10:51am
1) Blame the people who think sanctuary cities are such a great idea. Why hire your friend when an illegal immigrant will do it for less?
By erik g
Tue, 11/10/2015 - 11:06pm
Because it's a law the Commonwealth should enact, aimed at establishing a baseline of "If you work 40 hours a week, you should be entitled to live above the poverty line." Which the federal minimum wage does not even approach. If you can't pay your employees that much, then you're expecting the rest of us to pick up the bill for the difference, to which I respond "If you can't afford to pay your employees what they're worth, then you deserve to go out of business."
I have reason to suspect that you do not understand taxes, wages, or indeed any part of Econ 101.
We can legislate away poverty
By anon
Thu, 11/12/2015 - 6:13am
We can legislate away poverty just like that? Why stop at just enough to get by? That's cruel. Let's pass a law that everyone who works 40 hours a week should be a millionaire!
Slippery slope need not apply
By Kaz
Thu, 11/12/2015 - 10:54am
When has "why stop if the solution works" ever been the right response to anything? What happens if I ask you the same thing?
Well, hell, you're right! We *can't* just legislate poverty away by raising the minimum wage. So, why stop where it is now? Why not just get rid of the minimum wage and let the corporations decide how much payroll they want to pay. If people start getting trapped in some sort of dystopian company town scenario it's only because they weren't motivated enough to get out of their shitty situation in life...
Because his monthly cell bill is $80+ alone
By Markk02474
Tue, 11/10/2015 - 11:33pm
How can fast food workers live without the latest $650 phone every year and gigs of data every month to watch videos, movies, shows, selfies, chat, facetime, Facebook, Tinder, Twitter, Uhub.... kicks, threads, shades, booze, and incidentals like food and shelter?
Ah, the old BUT THEY HAVE CELL PHONES cannard
By SwirlyGrrl
Tue, 11/10/2015 - 11:40pm
I dare you to find a way to get a landline phone for less than $60 a month.
Then, find wireless (no cable) on top of that for less.
Cell phones are the cheapest way to have a phone and internet. Period.
Also consider that some of us wealthy people gift phones to less affluent relatives for birthdays and holidays and put them on our family plans for $20 a month. You can buy used 3G and 4G phones for a lot less than new now, and get pay as you go plans.
Funny how people who have plenty of money think that they are such experts on what being poor costs.
The way to have "plenty of money"
By Markk02474
Wed, 11/11/2015 - 6:49pm
is by not spending it. I'm still using an Apple iPhone 3GS, my Q6600 (OC to 3 GHz) desktop is 7 years old, my Sony W900 monitor bought at bankruptcy auction was made in 1999 (and betters LCD at dynamic range). But when it came to driving safer at night, I recently spent the money for Zeiss DriveSafe eyeglass lenses/coatings.
[edit: I'll add that I still have not bought a tablet or replaced my broken laptop, or bought Night Vision goggles Army Rangers in Afghanistan have that Swirly expects all drivers to use to see pedestrians and cyclists at night dressed in all black with no lights or reflectors]
[edit 2: Microsoft: GET OFF MY LAWN. I don't want your free Windows 10 upgrade. I don't care if 110 Million people already did. W7 is just fine and I don't want to buy more RAM. ]
It's not "people with plenty
By anon
Wed, 11/11/2015 - 11:01am
It's not "people with plenty of money." It's people of moderate means shocked at what "poor people" are able to afford for themselves. It makes those of us who do without to save money feel like schmucks because our tax money subsidizes that lifestyle.
You've never actually been poor, have you?
By adamg
Wed, 11/11/2015 - 11:13am
Cell phones are hardly markers for wealth these days, and not everybody who lives in those "poor" neighborhoods is actually poor.
By Greta
Thu, 11/12/2015 - 5:30pm
I'm a girl, why do you make these unnecessarily gendered assumptions? I wouldn't want to work for someone like you who assumes anyone capable of working is a man.
I recently ate at the McDonald's
By aging cynic
Wed, 11/11/2015 - 7:39am
just out of that aerial photo. Those workers are already overpaid.
The one on Washington Street?
By adamg
Wed, 11/11/2015 - 11:15am
I ate there recently as well, and if anything, I'd bet they're underpaid, given what they have to put up with from the drug addicts who seem to congregate there.
So I take it everyone
By Matt
Wed, 11/11/2015 - 11:36am
So I take it everyone who is for a $15 per hour minimum wage is willing to pay 60% more for a cup of coffee, a sandwich or 60% more at a retail store? This of course includes those who are out there protesting for the increase in the wage... they will pay more for everything in the end. It will be like not getting a raise at all... Good luck.
By adamg
Wed, 11/11/2015 - 11:40am
Only if you assume wages make up 100% of your average coffee shop's total expenses. I don't run a coffeehouse, but I suspect the percentage is a bit lower than that.
true but...
By Matt
Wed, 11/11/2015 - 11:51am
When I did my stint as a manager for a certain fast food chain years ago, labor cost was kept at roughly 30% that of daily/weekly sales. Judging by the increase in the prices at this chain over the years, it is clear that the 30% labor cost is still the norm.
Such a huge increase to the minimum wage will be passed on to the consumer if the business is expected to keep the same level of service - we will all pay more in the end and getting no where as a result.
Stop pulling numbers out of your ass
By Kaz
Wed, 11/11/2015 - 12:10pm
Look, why not just say the price of coffee would go up 2000% in order to support your opinion that you don't want the minimum wage to go up? I mean if numbers are meaningless, 2000% sounds a hell of a lot scarier than 60%...or were you trying to strike that middling ground of "scary, but still seemingly plausible enough that people will just accept what I say and agree that they don't want to pay 'more'"?
Purdue University researchers found that a jump to $15/hr for fast food workers would equate to a FOUR PERCENT increase in restaurant prices. FOUR, not FORTY or SIXTY. And that's restaurant prices. A previous study found the same for food prices, but for overall prices the increase would be 0.4%...not even a single percent!
And further to the point, more and more places are starting to realize that even in a shitty fast food job, there's institutional knowledge about how their particular location/clientele, etc. operate the best. Losing your workers because you pay them the bare minimum and then act as if they're completely interchangeable with anyone who comes in off the street tomorrow means losing that institutional knowledge and ultimately that's lost value as your new staff wastes even more time learning all the pitfalls your past staff already ran into and learned to avoid/workaround. So, keeping workers paid better so they don't seek other opportunities and even going further to letting them see some of the profits of their work through profit sharing or other equity type methodologies means they remain more invested in helping you make more money in the end (less wasted product/costs, less downtime on the job, less customer service complaints). You end up doing much better as a whole when everyone involved is well-compensated and invested in the team and not more worried about whether they can afford to buy bread that night or whether the landlord can wait a week for the rent.
By Felicity
Wed, 11/11/2015 - 7:01pm
I would rather pay more for goods and services, and have the satisfaction of knowing that the people that manufacture my clothes, and pour my coffee, are treated well.
Let's reframe the discussion
By Kaz
Wed, 11/11/2015 - 11:54am
Arguing about $10/hr or $15/hr makes it seem like we're arguing over pennies and let's people get away with suggesting stupidly low wages for people attempting to survive. Let's talk about survival and how much it costs to live in Boston.
Rent in Boston is high. On the *low* end, areas like Dorchester, Allston, Somerville are still averaging about $900-1000/mo/person ( That equates to $10,800-12,000 per year in rent alone. In other words, for $10,800 in rent for the year you have to make a minimum of $5.20/hr (2080 is 40 hrs/week for 52 weeks/year) JUST to rent a room somewhere close to where you work so you can take the T or walk or bike and not need to afford the extra costs a car requires.
It's recommended that you keep your rent/housing costs to 30% of your annual salary. In order to do that, we'd be at $17.33/hr or $36,000 in annual salary. But let's add in some of the basic necessities on our own to your $900/mo rent ($10,800 annual) rather than just assume the 30% number. Your utilities (nothing fancy) will run you about $75/mo if you want a phone (cell plan or otherwise), electricity, and maybe even cable/internet although that would probably be $50 on its own, but we'll get it in the $75/mo because of all the roommates you have to live with. It's another $75/mo for the MBTA LinkPass so you can use the train and bus since you don't have a car (or its expenses). Let's also say you live close enough to Shaw's or even Market Basket and are able to beat the average of $350/mo on food/groceries and stick to a tight $250/mo instead.
We've added $400/mo in groceries, utilities, and transit. So your expenses are now $1300/mo with rent too. That's $15,600 for the absolute bare minimum to eat, sleep, get to and from work and keep your lights on assuming heat is included in your rent. No kid, no taxes, no car, no difficult circumstances like an illness/medical bills/repair, no vacation/time-off, no entertainment, no clothing (used or new), no eating out, no internet, no retirement savings.
$10/hr is $20,800 per year. That's barely $5000 more for everything else in life over the entire year than that meager existence as laid out above where you are sharing a room, barely eating, and have absolutely zero complications in life otherwise. It's a fucking joke to suggest someone living in Boston could make due on $10/hr. It's a fucking insult to suggest someone living in Boston could actually break the cycle of poverty and achieve anything other than survival on $10/hr. Oh and until Jan 1, the minimum wage is $9/hour, or $18,720/yr. It goes up to $10/hr in the new year, or $20,800/yr. If rents go up another 4-5% next year as they've done steadily since 2009, then $600 of that $2080 increase in the minimum wage is already going into keeping pace with rent alone.
$15/hr, or $31,200/yr is completely reasonable as a *minimum* for survival in Boston. And that's assuming you find a job that pays an hourly wage and will pay you for 40 hours/week. Any reduction in hours for any reason will shrink that annual number...but the costs don't shrink.
Ok, let's work with you numbers
By Roman
Wed, 11/11/2015 - 3:25pm
Out in the inner suburbs, like Arlington or the Belmont/Watertown line, it's possible to rent about 600-700 square feet for under 1500 (about five years ago it was under 1100), within walking distance of groceries, a bus to Cambridge, and everything you'd need to live without a car. Most of that housing stock is 3 deckers or "garden apartments" so it's entirely reasonable to have that split over 1 or 2 additional people so that you cost of the bare minimum housing drops from 1k a month to maybe 600.
So yes, it's getting harder to live within city limits on 10 or 7 an hour. But there are options for people to do so, and raising the min wage will just raise the prices, both because of passed on wage costs and because people will now be able to pay more.
It's been well documented that basic services cost more in absolute terms in urban ghettos than elsewhere, and raising min wages will not fix that.