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Baker: Best to shut the door to all Syrian refugees

The Globe reports.

Mayor Walsh issued a statement:

As a city and as a country it is not our custom to turn our backs on people who are in need and who are innocent. We have yet to receive guidelines from the federal or state government on how they will move forward, however should we be told that Boston is accepting refugees, we will work with our partners at the federal, state and local levels to ensure the safety of Boston residents.



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No, I liked the posters reasoned comment instead of screaming idealogues on both sides.

Those who want to label anyone Muslim as a terrorist and those that feel the need to prove their enlightened view of the world as to refuse to admit that any Muslims have any part of this and to even suggest such a thing is punishable by being shouted down.

Each views are expected to come out after such a incident. It's predictable.

that's why I thought this post was refreshing.

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This is logic operating upon both ignorance and faulty assumptions. The US already has refugee screening processes in place that are vastly more thorough than those of the EU, and has for years.

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Hmmmm. Really?

I know the Tsnarnev family came though ok, and seemed to be on the up and up while they were here.

Funny how they missed the big parts of that family though, the trips back home to the home they had to leave in fear of their life.

And you wonder why people are skeptical? It's OK to be skeptical, isn't it? Or, is that what you consider ignorance?

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I'd love to know about the system of screening that predicts that 11 & 15 year old boys are going to become bombers in about 11 years.

And Tamerlan's citizenship application was held up in the screening process. Certainly he had raised some red flags from his long trips back home (along with other problems). There was nothing in Jahar's background that really would have raised any red flags as a kid just out of Rindge & Latin. It's impossible to know how someone is going to turn out, especially when they are that young.

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But just consider this as a practical administrative move.

Practical how? As a practical matter, just how is Charlie Blowhard Baker going to "say no" to Syrian refugees?

The numbers of refugees are unprecedented

Even a casual student of history knows that this is not true, nor are past responses a good yardstick for current action. Tell that to the Jews who couldn't escape Europe because the US refused to take them in.

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and if that's all Gov. Baker had said, "we need more data and a systematic approach", nobody here would be upset (on any side). That approach worked well for him on the Olympic issue. It's what he should have used for this, too.

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Since when does Massachusetts look to Alabama for political guidance?

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I suggest the State use eminent domain and seize some buildings in Downtown, Back Bay, Beacon Hill, and Cambridge to house our fair share of these unfortunate souls. They're just fleeing the insanity of the Middle East that US foreign policy has helped create. We owe it to them for bombing their homelands for over 20 years.

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As long as their not military age men. And no not because of fear that they're radicals, but because they should be fighting for their country, not us.

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For Assad, the rebels or ISIS/ISIL/Daesche?

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Hezbollah and Kurds.

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In the name of religion, they're fighting for their geographic safety.

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...please take a second to send the governor's office a message registering your disgust at this fear-mongering racism.

Casting our lots with a group of states I wish had won the civil war just so now I wouldn't have to share a country with them is not a good look on the Commonwealth.

While your at it send a letter to the Democratic party asking them to run REAL candidates in important elections, and not people like Martha Coakly, who would lose an election vs. a pet rock for cripes' sakes. Baker is making the whole state look like a bunch of assholes. I expect this much from New Hampshire, but not here.

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The Democratic Party insiders at the state convention are hardly to blame for Martha Coakley. The convention endorsed Steve Grossman. The rank-and-file voters chose Coakley instead.

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... favored Baker over Coakley in the general election (and have been unabashed cheer leaders for almost everything he has said and done so far).

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Thanks for the link.

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while talking out their asses. Invade muslim Iraq to free..muslims..Arm the Saudi's to the teeth while they are the lifeblood of ISIS. Egypt anyone? We are not a democracy but a Hypocracy.

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..because some Christians advocate murdering gay people according to their reading of the bible. And while you're at it Charlie, it's time to deport Scott Lively.

Back to reality, immigration is regulated by Federal Law. Charlie's hate mongering grandstanding is irrelevant as relates to actual policy.

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Hate mongering - really? Agree or disagree with Charlie Baker - he's a decent human being - or so say my friends that have worked for him.

Charlie - and the others are not against "the Syrians". They are looking for assurances that the next Tsarnaev brothers aren't in the mix. I am 100% sure if you have a method that can keep their ilk out, Charlie and the other governors would welcome a reasonable number of peaceful refugees with open arms.

So tell us - how do you screen out the potential terrorists among them?

You are all right - they can't keep the refugees out of the country - but they can make it damned near impossible to settle in any particular state. These people have to live, eat and work somewhere - and those necessary programs are largely state administered and funded.

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I am sure he will immediately issue a statement condemning and refusing all Christian immigrants and refugees from all countries until we find a way to screen the extremist Christians who want to kill all gays. Do you think he will do that?

Actually I dont agree that Charlie is a decent human being. He chose Polito as his running mate. Not a decent thing to do. She's made a career of hate mongering.

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The Tsarnaevs became radicalized long after coming to the US. It's impossible to predict that an 11 year old will become a bomber. "Minority Report" is still fiction.

And I'm guessing there are some rules in those programs that stop states from discriminating on the basis of religion or nationality. Maybe they can cut off all refugees, but they probably can't single out the Syrian ones.

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Yes! Deport Scott Lively! Send him to the Hague to stand trial for crimes against humanity!

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If the reasoning is 'Best to shut the door to all Syrian refugees' because the federal gov't doesn't have it's vetting act together after 239 years, then we really need to take the word Syrian out of the statement since refugees from anywhere are a risk. I support this decision. Refugee status is not a right and quite frankly our resources both natural, social, and governmental are overstressed. We're told daily about water shortages, housing shortages, homelessness, and hunger in this country. The population of this country was much smaller when we were able to take in large amounts of refugees. We can no longer support such efforts. It won't be long before America needs to consider a one child policy.

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Almost all of our population growth for decades has been from immigrants. We've doubled our population in about 50 years.

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from today's Boston Magazine article:

In September, Baker came out in favor of allowing Syrian refugees into Massachusetts, telling WCVB: “I spend every day trying to figure out how we do the best we possibly can for the people who are here. I think it would be a step back for the United States not to be part of this. This is a global crisis and one of those moments when I think it is important that the U.S. (is) part of the solution.”

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Syrians are living in Arizona, Texas, Michigan, and other states, if they want to move to Boston from Texas they can. So, It doesn't make any difference i, they're already here in America.

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This "we'll do it but only if it's safe" bullshit should be called out. Did you think we thought you'd make wild consequential naive decisions...but this time you wanted to assure us you'd be sure to play it safe? Why this time? Because of recent events? Do you think because of Paris that we are somehow more likely to let a terrorist in as a refugee than a year ago before Paris had happened? Do you think the refugee screening process is somehow going to stop anyone from lying their way into the country if they mean to get in?

I mean what are you playing at here? It's just lip service to backwards racists to say you're hesitant in this situation. There's no rationality to it and equivocating by suggesting your going to do what's right...but only if it's super safe...It just justifies the nativism/racism/ignorance that you don't tell them to move to Alabama if they are going to be stupid.

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A suicide bomber was turned away at the entry to the Stade de France where a soccer game was underway. While the security guard radioed police and other security guards about the potential danger (leading two others to be blocked), the bomber detonated his outfit outside the venue.

The name of the security guard who saved countless lives: Zouheir


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Its really no surprise that Muslims getting the shit jobs in France would be working security. All the better since they are better equipped to recognized the terrorists and appeal to their sympathies and not become collateral damage. The terrorists were late to the stadium and that's why they failed. The security guard was just doing his job.

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Now tell us, oh omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent one, how are you going to tell one from the other when they're trying to enter the US as refugees? It's going to be just a bearded guy with unverifiable (or no) ID in both cases.

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I kind of hate when these stories are trotted out like a video of a dog raising a litter of kittens or something--like it's so unusual or noteworthy that a Muslim is brave or didn't robotically join the terrorists instead of doing his job.

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"Human being does his job - but here's the twist! He's MUSLIM!!!!!!!"

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And it turns out the whole story about the Muslim saving security guard was false, or so I've read.

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As your cited article makes clear. He didn't stop anyone. (But job well done to him and the guards actually outside, who may or may not have been Muslim.)

Get it straight. Another bogus citation within minutes of the Breitbart cite.

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Have voiced the concern regarding this administrations plan to resettle Syrians with no real plan to screen people. The FBI and CIA have both voiced concern regarding how we screen individuals coming into this country.

It not that people don't want to invite those at risk of death an dissipate.

It that people have no confidence in this administration, and rightfully so.

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It has nothing to do with their confidence and everything to do with political point scoring. If they can make it seem like they're on the inside about this whole "refugee thing" because they're important state politicians and they don't "like what they see" (even though I'm sure absolutely nothing has been shared with them because they have zero say in this matter anyways), then they can ding the "Democrats" team while scoring points for their isolationist/nativist "Republicans" team by making it look like they're pushing back against an administration they have "no confidence" in not to "get us all killed" by "importing terrorists".

It's fucking bullshit.

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After the Lightbringer called ISIS 'contained' (which really didn't last too long), his good pal called him on it: "Feinstein Contradicts Obama: ISIS ‘Is Not Contained,’ It’s ‘Expanding’

He didn't like the CNN question, either:

It's not BS. It's real. Sorry, it's not political, it's about blood in the streets.

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10,000 gun murders per year (a Paris Massacre once a week)
1000 people killed by police this year

If you want to stop that, maybe some gun control like our less insanely violent neighbors use?

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We are a safe haven for all any refugee Pastafarians. No other state can say that.

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We're actually late to the spaghetti-filled sphere - a number of other states beat us to it.

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The Kennedy family must give careful consideration to Governor Maggie Hassan (D-NH) for this year's "Profiles In Courage Award." One must be either a Democrat or RINO to win. Governor Hassan joins a rapidly growing list of 25 governors demanding a halt to Obama's plan to admit a massive wave of Syrian refugees who cannot possibly be vetted because no accessible database exists to check anything. While such vigilance is expected of Republican governors, it took great courage for Governor Hassan to put common sense over Democrat interests. I realize she has already announced for US Senate against RINO Kelly Ayotte and Hassan may still "evolve" after the election but for now, it's nice to see at least one Democrat has integrity.

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I'm sure you still have this article from back in 2012 when she was running for Governor...


Where they impute that her husband is turning Phillips Exeter Academy grads into home-grown terrorists/sympathizers because they've had prominent Muslim speakers come to the school...and she's some how in on it by guilt of marriage.

So, which is it? Is she colluding with her husband to bring terrorists to talk to our school kids or is she standing with the Republicans to keep terrorists out as a bastion of sanity in the face of the D after her name?

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How many people are typing their "Syrian refugees are scary bad" comments on your iPhones and iPads and MacBooks?

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Seriously, not getting the connection. Because privilege and comfort? Enlighten me.

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You could have simply said so, for those of us who aren't iGroupies, but whatever gets the job done (no pun intended).

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What does that mean?
The US currently has many people who've emigrated from Syria, this is not new.

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Now stop with the comments about how anybody opposed to Baker's statements should be airlifted there. Well, actually, keep writing them if it makes you feel better, but with the proviso I won't be posting any of them.

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So Baker wants to go down in history alongside the people who are remembered for stuff like this.

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You're mistaken it seems. He did not say never as you seem to think. There is nothing wrong with wanting to be cautious in this day and age.
Yes, we will welcome refugees - we've never stopped, but to think there's something wrong with making sure systems are in place to properly vet these people under the current circumstances is just plain dumb.

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... that would-be Syrian refugee immigrants already go through an extremely long-drawn-out and onerous vetting process?

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Reading the news yesterday, you read about our own government officials declaring they do not have the proper system in place; Jeh Johnson* and even the FBI are concerned about the current process not being strong enough - under the circumstances these people are in.

The same passport found on one of the Paris bombers has been used eight times by various people. (Daily Mail)

Tsarnev, thoroughly vetted but "we" missed their flights back to the country they "escaped" from.

I have less faith in the feds than you do, obviously.

*Johnson has been a staunch supporter of Obama's administration, so I find his comments more telling.

“It is obvious now,” said Bernard Squarcini, the former chief of French intelligence. “Amongst the migrants, there are some terrorists.” Todays Washington Post.

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The part where French President Francois Hollande said:

In the same spirit, he added, “30,000 refugees will be welcomed over the next two years. Our country has the duty to respect this commitment,” explaining that they will undergo vigorous security checks.

Source: http://abcnews.go.com/International/french-president-francois-hollande-w...

Or this part:

Authorities believe the passports are all fake, and were forged either in Syria or Turkey.


Or, even, this:

Central to their world view is the belief that communities cannot live together with Muslims, and every day their antennae will be tuned towards finding supporting evidence. The pictures from Germany of people welcoming migrants will have been particularly troubling to them. Cohesion, tolerance – it is not what they want to see.


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After all, they don't want harmony, tolerance, or support for their victims. That's pretty clear.

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