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Note to Globe non-subscribers: No, subscribers didn't get papers with the fake front page on top

As Steve Garfield is chronicling, media accounts about the faux Trump front page (including the Globe's) are making it sound like those of us who still get the Globe on paper woke up to Donald Trump's face snickering at us from the front page of the papers sitting on our front steps.

In fact, the fake page was the front of the Ideas section, buried several sections in, and the first thing we saw was the real front page (you can tell because it says "Boston Sunday Globe" at the top) with stories that have nothing to do with presidential politics.

But, as long as we're talking about the fake front page, did it work?

Dan Kennedy found it simultaneously inspired and a bit juvenile - unavoidable, he writes, when dealing with somebody like Trump. Ultimately, though, it won't change anything because one of the last places Republicans are looking for advice is in the opinion section of the Boston Globe.

Over at the Dig, Chris Faraone pivots the fake page with his own fake page involving what he says GE and the neo-liberals at the Globe are doing to Boston.



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Brought back memories of an oldie but goodie when the Weekly Dig ran it's "Hennigan Defeats Menino" front page back in 2005 a la Dewey Defeats Truman.

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Well, the way my paper was folded it was the first thing I saw. I then proceeded to put the whole thing in the recycling bin except for a few pages for kitchen prep work and of course the comics.
I didn't even bother to look further.

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The one I got at the corner store had the real front page on the outside, but you could easily how other papers, particularly ones that are delivered, could end up that way: The Sunday papers are printed in two or more bundles-- one less newsy, and printed earlier (Ideas, real estate, etc.); one more newsy (front page, sports) and done last-- and then one bundle is stuffed inside the other by someone else somewhere else. The channel 7 story either didn't get this or chose to ignore this.

When you assemble these, usually it's clear which section goes on the outside: the one that says "Boston Globe" on it, of which there's usually only one, but not this time.

Having said that: Dick, pointless, and desperate move by the Globe.

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I was disappointed that it wasn't the actual front page. Would have made a bigger statement. Burying it in the Ideas section just makes it a novelty, amusing yet terrifying, piece of the paper. Printing it on the actual front page would make everyone confront the issue - anyone who looks at the paper in the store, regardless if they purchase it, would have to confront the reality of Trump's America.

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Is it really any worse than the reality of today's America? $18 trillion debt, severe income inequality, Presidential campaigns bankrolled by Wall Street, and unchecked government surveillance?

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sounds like something a business man could get us of... but nahhh

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When a paper is floundering and has an uncertain future you'd think that management just *might* have the faintest idea that pissing off a significant portion of your potential readership isn't a wise idea.

But then again these are the same fools in management which have run the paper into a ditch. So they must not be that wise to begin with.

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I personally was pretty embarrassed by the faux cover. No, I'm not in favor of Trump or in favor of deportations, but, like, Obama has actually carried out deportation raids. Trump is just screaming what most of the other politicians are whispering. But hey, the Globe got its moment in the sun. Whoopee.

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Trump is "news", using the definition of the word. His campaign has been very good for the media.

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I get that. It's a pecking party, though - or, if you prefer non-hen metaphors, a positive feedback loop. The louder Trump gets, the more people react and respond to him. The more people react and respond, the more the media amplifies his message (for free). The more the media amplifies his message, the more people react and respond to it. And so on and so forth. They sell more papers, get more clicks, enjoy some climbing ratings; and meanwhile, spread necrosis of the American soul. Cool. Good job, everybody.

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The Trump fake-front page went along with the Globe's detailed editorial of why Trump is dangerous. Had they just published the editorial, people would have just said, "The Globe doesn't like Trump. Big surprise there."

The fake page got people talking and hopefully thinking.

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Not my take at all. If we're this late into the election season and the Globe felt this was really going to make a difference, well they just show how out of touch they are.

Desperate, childish, insulting...I could go on.

What hasn't been said already?

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I am not a Trump supporter. But machinations like this, wherever they be placed, should be left to satirical outlets like the Onion (who do them far better, by the way), and not to a major metropolitan newspaper. Shame on the Globe.

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Ultimately, though, it won't change anything because one of the last places Republicans are looking for advice is in the opinion section of the Boston Globe.

It will change some things. Just last week, Globe editor Brian McGrory desperately asked staffers for "ideas" to save the Globe and this is what the "Ideas" section produces? I'm not sure what's worse, that McGrory approved this idiocy or hopefully he didn't know about it. He should be fired regardless.

372,000 Massachusetts Republicans and Unenrolled voted for either Trump or Cruz a few weeks ago and were just denigrated by the so-called paper of record in the state. I would infer that people who take the time to register, then vote in a primary are likely consumers of the news. Having enthusiastically voted for Trump, I'm not looking for the Globe's advice but until now, I had enjoyed some of the local news, sports and commentary while ignoring the incessant, anti-Trump drumbeat. As it hemorrhages subscribers, how many more like me, educated, financially stable and community minded, can it afford to lose?

If it can get any worse, last night the Globe trotted out a giddy young editorial staffer on TV to remind us that the editorials are separate from the news department. By using a facsimile front page and fake stories designed to look real, the Globe apparently just wanted us to forget that distinction for the day. When I call to cancel my subscription this afternoon, I hope they let me keep the Stop and Shop gift cards used to entice me. Maybe I should shop now before canceling. Farewell, old Globe.

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I think they were shooting for clever, edgy, and funny, like The Daily Show with Jon Stewart. Instead, it came across as ham-fisted, obvious, and cringe-worthy, like The Daily Show with Trevor Noah.

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This isn't quite the Great Blue Hill volcano hoax but I predict some fallout on this. After a lengthy time on hold, I felt sorry for the young lady CSR who practically begged me not to cancel, offering all sorts of alternatives to no avail. Once the cancelation was complete, I asked her if others had canceled today for the same (Trump) reason. After a pause, she replied sadly, "Yes, many, many." Probably not the way John Henry wanted to spend Opening Day. Expect an apology from Henry or McGrory soon.

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          ( but it will quickly die out because their "non-fake" pages are also a joke )

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Given the amount of complaining I'm hearing here from Trump supporters.

Apparently Trump is the only one allowed to "Tell it like it is**"

**It being a moving target, apparently...

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Too bad that they dropped the article about secretary of Commerce, Sirley Leung, berating Americans for not giVing the brilliance of President Trump a chance.

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....they'd fire Jeff Jacoby.

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If they were into equal time/space, they would have Cruz, Clinton, and Sanders issues from the future, too.

Too bad they can't seem to get over their obsession with Casino Musselini.

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