Ed. note: I've changed the headline on this post. Although it sounds like a good bet the kids in question were BLS students - they got off the same train that BLS students take - as people have noted in the comments, there is a chance they could go to some other school.
So many Boston Latin School students who live in Roslindale and West Roxbury board the 3 p.m. Needham train at Ruggles that the train's conductor sets aside two cars just for them.
This afternoon, an Asian-American BLS student who lives in West Roxbury got off the train, as she does most days, at the Lagrange Street stop. She reports what happened as she walked down Dent Street:
I had to walk home from the train today listening to little white boys chant "We hate the chinks. We hate the n******. White supremacy." Tell me again how BLS doesn't have a race problem.
She says it was four guys. They all seemed young, so probably "sixies" - seventh-grade students - or maybe eighth graders, she estimates.
Before they started with the epithets, they decided to announce, "This whole street is white,' she says. "So I assumed it may have been partially directed at me." She adds she doesn't know what set them off; she wasn't paying any attention to them until she heard their chants.
She adds this is the first time she's run into something like this at the train stop.
In January, BLS became the subject of national attention - and a Justice Department probe - when black students used social media to complain about their treatment at the school.
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Where does she report this?
By anon
Thu, 05/05/2016 - 6:07pm
Where does she report this?
She posted it on her Facebook page
By adamg
Thu, 05/05/2016 - 6:21pm
Which my daughter, who knows her, saw, then showed to me. Then I chatted with her via Facebook.
Note to the doubters: Doubt away. I agreed to not use her name and I'm not going to reveal some of the reasons I trust her story because they could help ID her. You're not going to believe her or me anyway. I can live with that.
Well then...
By JPNative617
Thu, 05/05/2016 - 9:13pm
If she posted it on Facebook, it must be true.
This story reeks of bullshit.
By SwirlyGrrl
Thu, 05/05/2016 - 10:12pm
Because, as a white man, nobody ever harassed you like this.
It fails the "white man must believe it" test for all harassment and discrimination of women and minorities.
There's the scientific method for ya
By Roman
Thu, 05/05/2016 - 10:26pm
Time travel is real because there's a green gnome that lives in the garden who will send you back in time to whenever you want thereby proving time travel. Except you have to take my word for it, because if you try to find the gnome to ask him to send you back in time to verify this breakthrough in physics, he'll hide from you. Because you're a white male.
Seriously, Swirly...
By JPNative617
Thu, 05/05/2016 - 10:31pm
Shut the fuck up.
Sorry if I'm constantly bombarded by news of professional victims, attention whores and straight up liars of this coddled, pussy generation to be skeptical.
Save your white guilt for someone else.
White Male Opinion is not automatically truth
By SwirlyGrrl
Thu, 05/05/2016 - 10:40pm
I will shut the fuck up when I decide the time has come. I don't take orders from illiterate twits - even if they are self-appointed superiors to all women.
You are only angry because I called you out on your presumption that your reactionary opinion matters more than this young woman's story - Because people like you believe that they are Special by decree of God and Donald Trump, and that we should always take the word of a white male internet commenter with a known fact aversion over anything some silly little Asian girl might report about her lived experiences.
The world doesn't work that way anymore. Grow up, get over yourself, and deal with it.
You have derailed...
By JPNative617
Thu, 05/05/2016 - 10:51pm
Seriously, you have issues. I said the story reeked of bullshit and you go off on a diatribe about how white men are the devil and....I don't even know what you're getting at. White men suck apparently, #killallwhitemen.
Let's take her story as fact, forget due process and kill all of the white boys involved in this (alleged) verbal assault. We should have done the same thing with the white devils involved with the Duke lacrosse case, University of Missouri, University of Albany, Kean University, Tawana Brawley, etc, etc, etc.
I have derailed nothing
By SwirlyGrrl
Thu, 05/05/2016 - 11:00pm
I'm not the one with issues, either. You are. I am completely sane. You are attempting to paint me as insane for failing to recognize your self-appointed superiority and challenging your bullshit.
I'm not the one who decided that my remote opinion was reality, and the account of someone that Adam knows "must be a lie" because we have to trust the opinion of a known racist and sexist internet troll commentator over any young Asian girl's reports.
Your arrogant statements about how this girl must be lying was an attempt to derail this thread. Pointing out your arrogance was not.
By JPNative617
Thu, 05/05/2016 - 11:23pm
"Known racist and sexist", huh? You don't know me, I am the one thing you cannot pretend to know everything about.
You flew off the handle because I disagreed with your opinion. You're derailed. You're insane. You cannot handle other people having a different opinion than you.
I never said the girl was lying. I said I didn't believe it. You always ask for facts, right? Where are they? Video? Audio? Oh, nothing.
If Adam wants to report on what he reads on his daughters Facebook, that's fine. I can't wait until tomorrow's story about some girls sisters cousin who saw Ferris pass out at 31 Flavors last night.
in defense of white male supremacy
By Anonymous
Sat, 05/07/2016 - 3:27am
You started out with a full
By Dot net
Fri, 05/06/2016 - 4:33am
You started out with a full out bs and stfu, and then threw in some hysterical hyperbole about "#killallwhitemen" and "forget due process and kill all the white boys", in a story that names no names.
You're accusing someone else of going off the rails??
"White Men?"
By Stephmcc
Fri, 05/06/2016 - 7:15am
The problem here has less to do with "white men" than it does with ignorant, insecure attention-seeking adolescents who are enabled to shoot off their mouths by reactionary adults and internet trolls like YOU, JPNative617. It may line up nicely with the anti-intellectual loud-mouthery that's in vogue these days but doesn't often turn out well for the kids in the end. Just ask Joseph Rakes, "the flag kid." (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Soiling_of_Old_G...)
Swirly, jeeze - I even agree
By anon
Fri, 05/06/2016 - 7:59am
Swirly, jeeze - I even agree with you that the dude's privileged experiences are probably blinding him to how often this happens, but this response is so over the top and full of ad hominem and frankly ridiculous reaches of logic. The guy has an extremely common (wrong, but sadly super super common) response born out of systems of oppression that exist everywhere and you brand him an automatic trump supporter and call him names?
It makes the effort to break down these blindnesses look really shrill and a little crazy, man, just saying.
this is your description of a teenage girl?
By Joe Owen
Fri, 05/06/2016 - 8:07pm
"whores and straight up liars of this coddled, pussy generation"
wow. you seem nice
Universal Hub, come for the misogyny..
By Anonymous
Mon, 05/09/2016 - 2:29pm
Come for the misogyny, stay for the anti- Asian-American sentiment.
Well, yes someone has
By anon
Fri, 05/06/2016 - 9:34pm
A woman called me a cracker (neither Stonewheat or Ritz) recently because I - a white guy - asked her to turn down the grossly loud volume of her boom boom car. This was only a month ago.
But it's easy for me to believe that 4 white boys would start the racist language verbal trash. That is based on my experience as a white male growing up around white males. Including the occasion that friend of mine (he was black) and I had sticks thrown at us by white guys I knew because he was black.
Literally not a single word
By anon
Fri, 05/06/2016 - 6:17am
Literally not a single word of what's reported here "reeks of bullshit." Your response, however, reeks of something else...
So let's get this straight
By ChrisInEastie
Fri, 05/06/2016 - 10:25am
Because a student posts this on social media instead of going to the Globe, Adam refuses to ID a CHILD, and the girl hasn't reported it to a school with well a documented history of racism and sweeping said racism under the rug, you call bullshit?
I call bullshit on your bullshit call. That's like bullshit double jeopardy, so GG.
What's this well documented history
By bosguy22
Fri, 05/06/2016 - 11:34am
Of sweeping racism under the rug? I must have missed this.
Here ya go
By ChrisInEastie
Fri, 05/06/2016 - 11:53am
And here.
And here.
And here.
Oh hell, just use this.
Yes, they are supposedly working to fix it. But when it gets to the point of a federal investigation, how can you say it wasn't being ignored?
So, I don't disbelieve you at
By bgl
Thu, 05/05/2016 - 11:00pm
So, I don't disbelieve you at all - I can also remember an incident similar to this in front of Brighams (maybe it was Yoohoos or w/e at that point) on Centre St, where a group of kids harassed my friend (who is Asian) and I when we walked out with similar slurs. We almost kicked their asses, but, being across from the police station, a cop rolled up pretty quickly and sent everyone on their (not so merry) ways. At the time, I figured they were CM kids.
However, what I don't agree with is assuming they were Latin school kids. Assuming they are, though, what does it honestly matter? It was after hours and nowhere near the school. The headline just seems to place BLS at fault here, and I think that is unfair - no school can police students outside of school/school hours, or be held responsible for the actions of little shits like these. If anything, its the parents of these kids that should be called out.
That said, the kids in questions, if identified, should have their parents' notified (although I have a feeling that the parents might not exactly care that much behind closed doors), and, If they are BLS students, the head master should also be notified and their racist asses should be "asked to leave". I feel this would be a pretty simple and agreeable solution/punishment if they do go to BLS.
Don't jump to conclusions.
By anon
Fri, 05/06/2016 - 8:28pm
Don't jump to conclusions. The girl says she's never seen these kids before. So we don't know if they are from BLS or not. We don't even know if they are from West Roxbury or not. They could be from somewhere else visiting a friend in WR. Who knows?
If this did happen, I hope those boys are identified and not only punished but also educated because it sounds like they are extremely ignorant.
And for people who don't know: Very few students from West Roxbury attend West Roxbury High so when you hear of a problem at that school, it is most likely caused by a student who lives outside of West Roxbury.
By anonamizzle
Fri, 05/06/2016 - 7:20pm
Why are white people showing up in swarms to automatically defend the white students in this situation?! Why not defend the Asian-American student? Oh, right. I know why.
How can you tell
By Rick C
Sat, 05/07/2016 - 7:20pm
What color someone is by reading a posting online?
I think you have a bit of a reading problem
By Waquiot
Sat, 05/07/2016 - 11:01pm
I have yet to read here any defense of the white students. The closest you get is the claim that it was an invented story, which is a bit different than trying to spin "this is a white neighborhood" into something silly. If the claim is that there was in fact no situation to begin with, there would be no defense of the kids. The kids, in this view, don't even exist. The second circle you could be upset with is the note that there is no way to prove that these are BLS kids, that they could be CM, Roxbury Latin, Holy Name/St. Theresa or kids from some other school. That's not really a defense of the actions, just the attempt to separate this from what is going on on Avenue Louis Pasteur.
I'm not in either camp, but I can read, and that is a summary of what most of the people you are griping about wrote. I think Adam can smell a liar, so it is most likely true, and it is probably BLS kids, but there is a chance that they are not.
That behavior is wholly unacceptable
By anon
Thu, 05/05/2016 - 6:16pm
but how did she know they were BLS students, if she didn't recognize them? Just because they took the same train? Wouldn't there be kids from other schools on the same train as well, given that school gets out around the same time for most kids?
Their behavior is deplorable and they should be in a giant heap of trouble no matter where they go to school, but I think it's jumping the gun to hold a particular school accountable until they know who the kids are and what school they attend.
Theoretically, yes
By adamg
Thu, 05/05/2016 - 6:24pm
They could have been BC High kids, some of whom also ride commuter rail home to West Roxbury. But BC High kids wear identical outfits, and these kids weren't.
By 500Monkeys
Thu, 05/05/2016 - 6:21pm
Adam - there's a substantial lack of clarity in the way this account is presented. Were the taunts from BLS students? Or, er, "locals" from some other school? As a BLS parent (and fan of your coverage on almost all things), I think this needs to be fleshed out so readers don't run amok without enough detail to know what actually happened.
See my answer above
By adamg
Thu, 05/05/2016 - 6:27pm
Theoretically, yes, they could have been from another school, but it seemed unlikely to her, given the train they got off of.
Needhm Commuter Train
By BRail
Thu, 05/05/2016 - 8:14pm
There absolutely are students from other schools on that Needham train. Since the MBTA eliminated the dedicated school buses for many Boston high schools, students from Boston Latin, Boston English, Latin Academy and several charter schools travel on that very train.
Fair enough, but...
By 500Monkeys
Fri, 05/06/2016 - 7:55am
...when I add this awful incident to other recent West Roxbury high school incidents I start to wonder if it's West Roxbury rather than BLS that has a racial issue in this instance. (*ducks*)
I'd imagine there is video
By anon
Thu, 05/05/2016 - 6:23pm
I'd imagine there is video surveillance of the little brats -- identify them, contact their parents, suspend them from school, and have their parents pay for a diversity presentation at school.
By Anthony
Thu, 05/05/2016 - 9:07pm
This would be one of the best consequences for these little demons in addition have their parents sit through every presentation in fact even introduce their parents before the presentations begin.
Your reporting on racial issues
By Rick C
Thu, 05/05/2016 - 6:30pm
Should be taken with a grain of salt.
Your past reporting on minorities being harassed don't really reflect well on your
reliability in reporting verifiable facts.
By Kathode
Thu, 05/05/2016 - 7:18pm
This one comes to mind
By Rick C
Thu, 05/05/2016 - 8:45pm
If you read all the comments
By Dot net
Fri, 05/06/2016 - 4:19am
If you read all the comments on that theater email thread, you would have seen that that incident was substantially corroborated enough.
If a source is anonymous for good reason, and it's Adam's source, I'll take that any day.
Not in my eyes
By Rick C
Fri, 05/06/2016 - 8:10am
"substantially corroborated enough"
I came to a totally different conclusion, we have to agree to disagree on that.
Adam's posts on "racial"
By Republican
Thu, 05/05/2016 - 8:13pm
Adam's posts on "racial" issues are a joke. This post about the Asian on the T is total hogwash. Adam will believe anything another leftie spits out.
Another lefty?
By adamg
Thu, 05/05/2016 - 8:33pm
Nope, not here. Here it's just a disgusted high-school student.
I can believe this
By anon
Thu, 05/05/2016 - 6:40pm
Kids are stupid, and say stupid things and bully, especially when in groups.
For what it's worth, the kids might not really be biased against Asian-Americans, but that doesn't mean it does it doesn't make the target feel that way.
Adams own agenda...
Thu, 05/05/2016 - 7:03pm
Is always there. More spin than a f#$%&ing carosel.
This site is going down the tubes and Adams tone and inflection are just PATHETIC!
Yea, this blog has definitely
By Republican
Thu, 05/05/2016 - 8:17pm
Yea, this blog has definitely declined in substance lately. Even some of his kind are neutral on this post giving it has ZERO credibility.
Since you got here
By SwirlyGrrl
Thu, 05/05/2016 - 10:07pm
Going down the tubes
By SwirlyGrrl
Thu, 05/05/2016 - 10:08pm
Your grammar and spelling never went up them.
Learn proper writing techniques and maybe people will pay more attention to what you have to say.
Fri, 05/06/2016 - 7:59am
Dr. Freud says you are in hysterics.
And I post like EE Cummings and Bartleby.
You love it.
Consider, you post with such excellent gramar and alacrity and it is all still LEFTY MILKTOAST. We know what your going to say before you say it. Zzzzzzz.
Get a job. Or just get your head out of Gaffins ass.
^ milquetoast
By ElizaLeila
Fri, 05/06/2016 - 9:02am
you're welcome
^^ missed this one
By ElizaLeila
Fri, 05/06/2016 - 1:12pm
By MattyC
Fri, 05/06/2016 - 1:40pm
Kids are stupid
By Kathode
Thu, 05/05/2016 - 7:20pm
and they do say mean things and bully. Why is this OK, given the current racially charged climate? Are you saying this behavior is OK?
It's not OK
By anon
Thu, 05/05/2016 - 10:54pm
I said "for what it's worth ... but ...".
It's not OK. But the intention might not be as bad as it seems, for what that's worth.
Demands active response from WR political and faith leaders
By Andrea Doremus
Thu, 05/05/2016 - 7:00pm
My friend from San Francisco who had no knowledge of recent BLS events, just wrote: "Don't want to imply or assume that these students reflect a school-wide trend or sentiment, but these "small things" (sic) can be reflective of a much larger lack of awareness...or much worse." I explained: Since January BPS District and BLS administrators have been in a panic "trying to deal with this." ALL BLS students have at least been minimally exposed. This is for sure not about a "lack of awareness." This is active, conscious CHOICE.
Now.... tell a 7th grade ANYone that they are NOT supposed to do something, and of course that is exactly what they are going to do. BUT THIS IS SO BEYOND that. This is indeed reflective of family and school and maybe neighborhood acceptance of "what is OK" and what are some cultural norms of "what is not spoken in polite company" - yet still believed.
Certainly NOT the outright hatred and ignorance that is revealed here (I don't think any parent today would allow this)....but a whole set of "understandings" that could make these "babes" think that this is a funny thing to say. This is so scary and ugly and I believe demands a response from our "community leaders" elected, civic, business, and faith (clerics). AND each of us.....
All Schools need sensitivity training
By Anthony
Thu, 05/05/2016 - 7:26pm
All of Boston School sensitivity training especially Boston Latin.
WEST ROXBURY you need to check you prejudice environment of the neighborhood. It's obvious to me , WEST ROXBURY still have some very Racist population or people in the neighborhood, these kids learned this behavior from home more likely.
By anon
Thu, 05/05/2016 - 9:55pm
If Boston Latin offers "sensitivity training" at some point, they might as well clean out their closet and get rid of the institutionalized bullying. From my experience, the whole "sixie" thing is a kind of bullying encouraged by the BLS culture.
When did you last have anything to do with BLS?
By adamg
Thu, 05/05/2016 - 11:25pm
It's not like it used to be. Sixies are basically just seventh graders now.
"Sixies" = good natured ribbing
By HenryAlan
Fri, 05/06/2016 - 10:36am
They don't actually haze or bully them, and there is nothing inherently offensive about calling them that. If anything, it's a bit of an endearment. Now I do think the term used for 9th grade entrants is a tad inappropriate, but even that probably falls in to a category similar to first world problems.
By Div2Supt
Thu, 05/05/2016 - 7:31pm
What a bunch of cheeky little fucks. I wonder if they would be willing to so boldly test the limits of their white supremacy walking down Humboldt Avenue...
Are you implying
By Rick C
Thu, 05/05/2016 - 7:46pm
People on Humbolt Avenue have a propensity for violence? Maybe they would just call the police on the punks.
Dont Generalize
By Anthony
Thu, 05/05/2016 - 9:03pm
Don't generalize buy encompassing the entire community please always phrase your comments as some people. You should never demonize an entire community for a few Reckless individuals. The majority of people on Humboldt Ave are hard-working honest bostonians.
Hardly, Rick C...
By Div2Supt
Fri, 05/06/2016 - 7:33pm
The point of the comment is that these kids don't think twice about shouting out this nonsense in West Roxbury as there are few, if any, people who'd directly call them out on it. There are tons of white people who nominally are anti-racist. They'll say stuff like "Well, I simply don't see color." and will be appalled by neo-Nazis and the KKK. But when it comes to looking in the mirror and at their friends and neighbors, they are suddenly all thumbs at dealing with racism; especially subtle forms of it.
At least on Humboldt Avenue the very possibility of getting disapproving looks, cold stares and public scoldings would probably keep these kids in check.
You win the white guilt award of the day.
By Rick C
Sat, 05/07/2016 - 12:25pm
Generalizing the motives of an entire race of people is not helpful.
Where did you get these facts about how people in West Roxbury react to racism, subtle or otherwise?
And do people who live on Humbolt Ave react the same?
I believe it ...
By ManyXBoston
Thu, 05/05/2016 - 9:07pm
... I live on a nearby street, use that stop (named West Roxbury) and walk down that street often. Dent and the other streets around it are just like Boston - a lot of subtle, and not so subtle, racism. And bullying.
By anon
Thu, 05/05/2016 - 10:04pm
This story gets more bizarre by the day, we are now learning that the MBTA provided special buses for white students to attend Boston Latin while black students are expected to travel by subway to schools miles away.
A couple of days ago you posted a sexual assault arrest of a predator who attacked a young teen on the subway. How safe is the T for sixth and seventh graders and why do politically connected parents get dedicated buses for their kids.
We are now learning?
By adamg
Thu, 05/05/2016 - 10:17pm
Maybe you are. But the "charter" buses for BLS - and BLA - are hardly new and are hardly just for white kids. They're not even completely exclusive to BLS and BLA students - they bear regular T route numbers and anybody can use them, with the proviso they will end up somewhere different than the regular destination (so beware the 39 headed to Ave. Louis Pasteur if you want to get to Copley Square)
And BLS and BLA kids routinely take the subway or regular T buses (and, yes, commuter rail) when they miss one of the charters because they stayed late at school for extracurricular activities (or in the morning, because, oh, the regular 39 comes before the charter 39).
There are probably plenty of examples of white privilege you can point to. This isn't one of them.
I would much rather ride the
By anon
Thu, 05/05/2016 - 11:02pm
I would much rather ride the subway than a bus. Just look at how long it takes each one to go a mile, and how frequently each one runs.
Bus service is much slower
By anon
Fri, 05/06/2016 - 7:54am
Bus service is much slower but ultimately more reliable. One bus goes down, the route can keep running with other drivers.... one train goes down, the whole line gets stopped up for hours.
I have zero doubt that it
By JPHipster
Thu, 05/05/2016 - 10:45pm
I have zero doubt that it made Adam's day to post this "story". Anything to assuage the great white guilt is a good thing.
Jeepers, Adam
By anon
Thu, 05/05/2016 - 10:58pm
The comments are full of a particular category of reactionary responses and upvotes.
Did this story get linked somewhere these people lurk, or was it a different recent story that got them hanging around here (the Qatar slavers one?), or is there something about this story that brought them out of the woodwork?
Adam--you know I'm a fan but...
By Sally
Thu, 05/05/2016 - 11:00pm
this whole thing makes me very, very uncomfortable. I don't know--as a news story coming from a FB post that can't be verified without outing the girl, etc. There's no question that the language in question was foul but boy...having ridden various buses filled with school kids, you hear a LOT of stuff--all kinds of racist, homophobic crap, nasty talk about girls that makes you want to vomit, and loads of just plain stupid 8th grade bullshit. I hate the idea that there are nasty little Westie kids saying stuff like this but is it newsworthy? And again--I'm not saying it isn't worth addressing but not sure that this is the place to address an overheard conversation among middle-schoolers. Respectfully submitted.
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