Politico reports. The Globe has more, including an interview with Jackson, in which he says he first started thinking about taking on Walsh during the Olympics mess.
to allow the candidate to make their announcement themselves at the time they plan, instead of the media releasing the information prematurely because another cowardly "reported on condition of anomymity because they were't authorized to announce it" type leaked it beforehand. It's not like this is something "super secret" that people won't otherwise learn about otherwise.
I think everyone will understand your point (and why it's relevant today), but with this as a specific example, there's no way the news came from anywhere but the campaign or "someone close to it".
How else would he have a crowd (of reporters, at least) at tomorrow's announcement?
The Councilor failed to make readily available the Stenographic Record of Public Meetings of Boston City Council for ESL English as Second Language folks, for hard of hearing folks, for the Deaf Community, for all folks.
Not saying that your issue isn't important, it certainly is with the diverse makeup of our city. But this election is more important than I think a lot of people realize, and we need to really give each candidate a good look.
I actively dislike Tito (this pandering snow-shoveling exemption is just... Sigh) but will vote for ANYONE over Maaaahty.
Maybe a few terms of disposable mayors will teach these clowns to see the office as more than a lazy pension boost. If all you wanna do is kiss hands and shake babies, this job is not for you.
If Walsh ends up de facto mayor for life, I've really got to reconsider my previously-held view that Boston has at all improved since the days when it was jostling Chicago for Griftingest Hellhole in America. Imagine his weak-willed sleaze with a couple decades of seniority to its name. Hard pass to ALL that mess.
Do you live in his district? Why dont you gather your folks and meet with Daisy de la Rosa? Show her there is a demonstrated need for steno and stop trolling.
The area includes neighbors who do business there, shop and use services there, are clients of organizations there, have family and friends there, work there, etc. Campaigns for Election are often supported by neighbors to the area and employ neighbors to the area.
If residents of Boston can demonstrate to Daisy de la Rosa, a proven need to provide the stenographic record, she will examine the costs and benefits of providing it.
What is holding you back from meeting with her in person? In my opinion, a meeting with her and your elected representatives, would be far more effective than trolling.
If you're seeking the record in the spirit of transparency, and public record keeping, then say that, and make your argument.
As a deaf Bostonian, I don't like others speaking for our perceived needs.
Central Staff of Boston City Council have a corrupted view, routinely respond off key minimizing civic engagement. Don't expect an encouraging robust response on matters of how to make Boston City Council ever more open to enquiries.
Read the remarks of Councilors. Respond to Councilors' remarks in Public Meetings. Ask Councilors questions about their remarks. Give Councilors better opportunities to share their remarks with all communities' constituencies for greater civic engagement. There could be a better mechanism with the technology we're using here for responding to Councilors' remarks in the Public Meeting of Boston City Council. Imagine a favorite Councilor's remarks available online with responsive questions/comments sent back for the Councilor's consideration. Greater interaction than having to request a favor of Central Staff that hold contempt of those that get involved.
that effect the poor and working class, and yes minorities specifically sometimes (he reps Roxbury for cryin' out loud). However, it's a class war not a race war. He doesn't hate white people. He is not any more racist than the next politician, no matter their ethnicity.
Education can make a difference, but it didn't help Sessions or Thurmond much.
Meanwhile, my grandfather had an 8th grade education. That's it - went in the Army, sent his family the paycheck. Yet he was active in social justice movements and one of the most anti-racist people I have ever known. Despite seeing the aftermath of what the Japanese did in areas of China before the US entered WW II, he sheltered the assets of a Japanese family who had helped him while they were shipped off to a camp in Idaho.
You don't need formal education to know better than to blather about reverse racism or to know that it is ridiculous - you just need to believe in justice and fair play and understand why they are important.
Yeah, when will whites get a chance? We have it so rough. Did you know that there have been 9 black people elected to the US Senate in the 200+ years of our history? That's almost double digits! Time for white people to get their time in the spotlight.
What has Marty Walsh done for the city besides continue where Menino left off, chasing working class white families out of the city? He wants rich whites and poor blacks to comprise the population. Time for a change. Vote for Tito.
1) Biggest priority for any mayor in the budget is the schools. Menino did effectively zero in 20 years at the helm other than throw money at the system with few if any real reforms/progress generated by the city (most academic gains came from MCAS requirements, accountability had a huge impact). Walsh has hired Chang and I'm hearing some rumblings of change. The biggest (and probably best) so far is the move to a longer school day (for a mere $14 million which is a bargain in my opinion if implemented well). School budget proposals for next year should come out any day - we'll see what that brings. Sadly - we probably need fewer schools and some need to be closed - but it's an election year - so that's probably at least a year out. May get some other reforms though - perhaps on transportation reforms to save some money for other purposes.
2) Police - Hired Commissioner Evans (on a permanent basis) - a diminutive rock star in a long line of rock stars (Kudos to Menino here too - he had some excellent commissioners and did put Evans in on a temporary basis in the transition). We've seen the troubles in many other communities between the police and the citizens - Walsh has been able to keep that relationship here. We will need someone to step it up on the gun violence though and the problems in Eastie.
3) Fire - not much - but at least there seems to be a detente between the mayor and the fire department - it's a start and still better than Menino.
4) Other - Menino slashed just about every other department to keep funding up for the schools and public safety divisions - can't speak for other departments, but Walsh has re-prioritized the parks department and found them some much needed and deserved funding.
5) Development - Menino's main priority (almost only priority) was downtown luxury - it was lucrative for him and his cronies and meant he didn't have to take on the neighborhoods and lose political points. In my opinion, these policies to this day are one of the reason's Boston remains so outrageously expensive. Walsh has stepped up development of somewhat more affordable housing in other parts of Boston and held the developers' feet to the fire more than Menino on affordable housing payments.
Yes - the Olympics and Indycar were a disaster - but didn't have a big impact on the city or the budget in the end.- but Walsh is doing a lot of the little things pretty well for a first-termer. I didn't vote for him last time around - probably will this time. No knock on Tito - I'd probably rather go out to dinner with Tito than Marty because I've met him and he is an incredibly likable person. But we have enough instability in Washington - I don't need more of that in my backyard at the same time.
Menino didn't personally profit from the developments - the point was that you got the most bang for your buck from luxury - say $10k in incremental tax revenue per unit to keep the payroll coffers stuffed - but almost no burden on schools and city services. Very "profitable" for the city - compared to say a 2-3 bedroom in Brighton that might only generate $5k in taxes - but put a couple kids in the schools (although as we are learning - most of those units are getting bought/rented by people without kids).
On top of that - it was pretty well known that projects from the old FOTs (Friends of Tom) like Elkus and Fish had a huge leg up in the approval process.
And then there were the tax deals - ohhh - the tax deals.
And most curious of all - there was an amazing correlation between Tom's donor list and people that were tied to the real estate/construction biz in this town - go figure! (other big donors were city employees and unions - imagine?!)
Things didn't get done around here because they would benefit the city - that was just a side effect of doing things that got Tom re-elected.
I am not passing judgement here but in case you were not aware his big annual event is his Turkey Fry event in his back yard (is it still in his back yard???)
So I am not sure if the original comment meant it as racial but there is truth that he is very connected to fried turkey.
With all the talking Tito does about schools, wanna guess which mayoral candidate I have never seen in my school? Tito grandstands and postures about me and my students, but never actually shows his face, donates books or attends events. It's all talk. Mayor Walsh has done these things in my school as well as my children's.
I will proudly cast my vote for him in November!!!
I voted for Marty but I am not satisfied , and I'm looking for an alternative candidate. I thought Tito might be a good choice, based on his positions on most issues. But then I read the Globe article and found out that Tito says he "has been praying" to come up with his decision to run. I don't trust any politician that tells me he prays to make any decision. I don't know if Marty is or is not religious but he doesn't tell us that he brings religion into his decision making. So far, I'm staying with Marty.
If you are not satisfied with Marty why would you give him a thumbs up with a vote? Even if you know he will win and you're happy about that because you really don't like the other options, you want the race to be close (especially in your own ward) so that he feels like he still has work to do to win you over and could be at risk in the next election.
If there is low turnout or he easily defeats the challengers that's interpreted as a green light to ignore actual Boston voters and just cater to those that will fulfill his needs (whatever those are -- between the Olympics, closing down Long Island shelter, that Indy car fiasco -- I can't seem to figure out what the hell he's doing - apparently it had been angling for a position with a Clinton administration - don't know what he's thinking now.)
I thank Tito for running but I'm not exactly breaking out the pom-poms and "si, se pedo" chants for him. Really hoping that there are some other challengers and that a good debate on actual issues gets going.....yeah, yeah....I know. dream on.
America is a pretty religious country, so to hear anyone say that they are going to pray about a decision is par for the course. He's basically thinking things over with God. I'm willing to bet that on the campaign trail he won't be saying he's been ordained by God to shepherd Boston, so perhaps you can cut him some slack.
There is a difference between faith and religion. Marty has Christianity coursing through his veins, but he probably isn't too religious. Tito might be religious, but my bet is that he won't be governing based on the doctrine of a particular church. I think you'd be safe voting for either one on this point.
Oh Wow!
By dpalomares
Wed, 01/11/2017 - 5:52pm
I never saw this coming!
Would it be too much to ask
By roadman
Wed, 01/11/2017 - 6:06pm
to allow the candidate to make their announcement themselves at the time they plan, instead of the media releasing the information prematurely because another cowardly "reported on condition of anomymity because they were't authorized to announce it" type leaked it beforehand. It's not like this is something "super secret" that people won't otherwise learn about otherwise.
And no Adam, this isn't directed at you
I understand your point
By JohnAKeith
Wed, 01/11/2017 - 6:12pm
I think everyone will understand your point (and why it's relevant today), but with this as a specific example, there's no way the news came from anywhere but the campaign or "someone close to it".
How else would he have a crowd (of reporters, at least) at tomorrow's announcement?
Who cares?
By bosguy22
Thu, 01/12/2017 - 9:02am
What difference does it make who announces or when a candidacy is announced?
I'm announcing
By anon
Wed, 01/11/2017 - 6:10pm
My intent NOT to vote for Tito.
I, along with probably the
By anon
Wed, 01/11/2017 - 9:11pm
I, along with probably the rest of the BPD, would like to second that.
That's not how you do it.
By anon
Thu, 01/12/2017 - 12:31pm
That's not how you do it. You're supposed to leak the you are preparing to announce that will officially announce that you will not endorse Tito.
The Councilor failed re Steno Record of Public Meetings...
By theszak
Wed, 01/11/2017 - 6:27pm
The Councilor failed to make readily available the Stenographic Record of Public Meetings of Boston City Council for ESL English as Second Language folks, for hard of hearing folks, for the Deaf Community, for all folks.
Oh, well, that changes everything!
By adamg
Wed, 01/11/2017 - 7:06pm
Have you asked Walsh why he has failed to get the council to act, though?
Probably because
By Waquiot
Thu, 01/12/2017 - 9:05am
Since 1959, state law for some reason forbids what Zack wants.
It would be great if a nonresident got his state rep to repeal the law. If only someone not from Boston were interested in this issue.
(Edited for typo)
And the current mayor
By ChrisInEastie
Wed, 01/11/2017 - 7:42pm
Failed a lot of us, in a lot of ways.
Not saying that your issue isn't important, it certainly is with the diverse makeup of our city. But this election is more important than I think a lot of people realize, and we need to really give each candidate a good look.
I actively dislike Tito (this
By anon
Wed, 01/11/2017 - 11:20pm
I actively dislike Tito (this pandering snow-shoveling exemption is just... Sigh) but will vote for ANYONE over Maaaahty.
Maybe a few terms of disposable mayors will teach these clowns to see the office as more than a lazy pension boost. If all you wanna do is kiss hands and shake babies, this job is not for you.
If Walsh ends up de facto mayor for life, I've really got to reconsider my previously-held view that Boston has at all improved since the days when it was jostling Chicago for Griftingest Hellhole in America. Imagine his weak-willed sleaze with a couple decades of seniority to its name. Hard pass to ALL that mess.
"kiss hands and shake babies"
By anon
Thu, 01/12/2017 - 10:30am
"kiss hands and shake babies" lol
Deja vĂ¹
By Lmo
Thu, 01/12/2017 - 9:49pm
Not liking one, will vote for anyone but the other....
All the while thinking, there's got to be someone else!
By Kay N Trezist
Wed, 01/11/2017 - 9:32pm
Sorry, couldn't resist.
Oh really?
By Felicity
Thu, 01/12/2017 - 8:41pm
Do you live in his district? Why dont you gather your folks and meet with Daisy de la Rosa? Show her there is a demonstrated need for steno and stop trolling.
Neighbors are in the area besides residents.
By theszak
Sun, 01/15/2017 - 11:48am
The area includes neighbors who do business there, shop and use services there, are clients of organizations there, have family and friends there, work there, etc. Campaigns for Election are often supported by neighbors to the area and employ neighbors to the area.
Also of interest... By Peter Bachrach. The Theory of Democratic Elitism, A Critique
...available via ILL InterLibrary Loan at Boston Public Library Branches.
I dont follow.
By Felicity
Sun, 01/15/2017 - 9:16am
If residents of Boston can demonstrate to Daisy de la Rosa, a proven need to provide the stenographic record, she will examine the costs and benefits of providing it.
What is holding you back from meeting with her in person? In my opinion, a meeting with her and your elected representatives, would be far more effective than trolling.
If you're seeking the record in the spirit of transparency, and public record keeping, then say that, and make your argument.
As a deaf Bostonian, I don't like others speaking for our perceived needs.
Central Staff's corrupted view... greater civic engagement.
By theszak
Sun, 01/15/2017 - 11:44am
Central Staff of Boston City Council have a corrupted view, routinely respond off key minimizing civic engagement. Don't expect an encouraging robust response on matters of how to make Boston City Council ever more open to enquiries.
Read the remarks of Councilors. Respond to Councilors' remarks in Public Meetings. Ask Councilors questions about their remarks. Give Councilors better opportunities to share their remarks with all communities' constituencies for greater civic engagement. There could be a better mechanism with the technology we're using here for responding to Councilors' remarks in the Public Meeting of Boston City Council. Imagine a favorite Councilor's remarks available online with responsive questions/comments sent back for the Councilor's consideration. Greater interaction than having to request a favor of Central Staff that hold contempt of those that get involved.
Please see also... By Peter Bachrach. The Theory of Democratic Elitism, A Critique
John Connolly?
By anon
Wed, 01/11/2017 - 7:25pm
Does anyone know if Connolly has any intentions? I voted for Walsh, but I wish I voted for Connolly.
Connolly endorsed Walsh
By anon
Wed, 01/11/2017 - 9:49pm
Connolly endorsed Walsh already.
I hope this isn't true
By anon
Thu, 01/12/2017 - 6:33pm
I hope this isn't true because Connolly, Flaherty, Wu, Pressley and Tito could beat Marty Walsh one on one.
You and alot of other people
By anon
Thu, 01/12/2017 - 6:30pm
You and alot of other people that I am hearing it all throughout the city that they will not vote for Walsh again.
By Waquiot
Thu, 01/12/2017 - 7:17pm
Well, how many people do you know who voted for G.W. Bush?
Please remind
By Stephen Bickerton Sr
Wed, 01/11/2017 - 7:25pm
Tito that there are whites in the city also. Not meant as racist BUT he rarely speaks about anything other than minorities which is racist.
ito speas about issues
By Marco
Thu, 01/12/2017 - 8:24am
that effect the poor and working class, and yes minorities specifically sometimes (he reps Roxbury for cryin' out loud). However, it's a class war not a race war. He doesn't hate white people. He is not any more racist than the next politician, no matter their ethnicity.
Oh, good.
By erik g
Thu, 01/12/2017 - 8:41am
This is definitely the sort of high-minded commentary we need in our mayoral race discussions.
(Pro-tip: when you say of 'reverse racism' with a straight face, every person with a college degree stops listening to anything you have to say)
That's your opinion
By anon
Thu, 01/12/2017 - 8:59am
And you don't speak for everyone with a degree.
Don't go there Erik G
By SwirlyGrrl
Thu, 01/12/2017 - 10:00pm
Education can make a difference, but it didn't help Sessions or Thurmond much.
Meanwhile, my grandfather had an 8th grade education. That's it - went in the Army, sent his family the paycheck. Yet he was active in social justice movements and one of the most anti-racist people I have ever known. Despite seeing the aftermath of what the Japanese did in areas of China before the US entered WW II, he sheltered the assets of a Japanese family who had helped him while they were shipped off to a camp in Idaho.
You don't need formal education to know better than to blather about reverse racism or to know that it is ridiculous - you just need to believe in justice and fair play and understand why they are important.
Yeah, when will whites get a
By Kinopio
Thu, 01/12/2017 - 8:59am
Yeah, when will whites get a chance? We have it so rough. Did you know that there have been 9 black people elected to the US Senate in the 200+ years of our history? That's almost double digits! Time for white people to get their time in the spotlight.
By Waquiot
Thu, 01/12/2017 - 9:07am
He just proposed an ordinance to exempt seniors and persons with disabilities from the requirement to shovel their sidewalks. If only there was a way for you to know this.
Well the elderly and disabled aren't....
By Michael Kerpan
Thu, 01/12/2017 - 11:24am
...the majority of Bostonians....
You are a fool
By Felicity
Thu, 01/12/2017 - 8:44pm
You are a fool
Oh well
By anon
Wed, 01/11/2017 - 8:05pm
Somebody has to do it. Hate to have mayor in office for 12+ years.
Good Luck
By Arthur
Wed, 01/11/2017 - 9:44pm
What has Marty Walsh done for the city besides continue where Menino left off, chasing working class white families out of the city? He wants rich whites and poor blacks to comprise the population. Time for a change. Vote for Tito.
Actually a fair amount
By Stevil
Thu, 01/12/2017 - 12:32pm
1) Biggest priority for any mayor in the budget is the schools. Menino did effectively zero in 20 years at the helm other than throw money at the system with few if any real reforms/progress generated by the city (most academic gains came from MCAS requirements, accountability had a huge impact). Walsh has hired Chang and I'm hearing some rumblings of change. The biggest (and probably best) so far is the move to a longer school day (for a mere $14 million which is a bargain in my opinion if implemented well). School budget proposals for next year should come out any day - we'll see what that brings. Sadly - we probably need fewer schools and some need to be closed - but it's an election year - so that's probably at least a year out. May get some other reforms though - perhaps on transportation reforms to save some money for other purposes.
2) Police - Hired Commissioner Evans (on a permanent basis) - a diminutive rock star in a long line of rock stars (Kudos to Menino here too - he had some excellent commissioners and did put Evans in on a temporary basis in the transition). We've seen the troubles in many other communities between the police and the citizens - Walsh has been able to keep that relationship here. We will need someone to step it up on the gun violence though and the problems in Eastie.
3) Fire - not much - but at least there seems to be a detente between the mayor and the fire department - it's a start and still better than Menino.
4) Other - Menino slashed just about every other department to keep funding up for the schools and public safety divisions - can't speak for other departments, but Walsh has re-prioritized the parks department and found them some much needed and deserved funding.
5) Development - Menino's main priority (almost only priority) was downtown luxury - it was lucrative for him and his cronies and meant he didn't have to take on the neighborhoods and lose political points. In my opinion, these policies to this day are one of the reason's Boston remains so outrageously expensive. Walsh has stepped up development of somewhat more affordable housing in other parts of Boston and held the developers' feet to the fire more than Menino on affordable housing payments.
Yes - the Olympics and Indycar were a disaster - but didn't have a big impact on the city or the budget in the end.- but Walsh is doing a lot of the little things pretty well for a first-termer. I didn't vote for him last time around - probably will this time. No knock on Tito - I'd probably rather go out to dinner with Tito than Marty because I've met him and he is an incredibly likable person. But we have enough instability in Washington - I don't need more of that in my backyard at the same time.
To suggest that development
By Carty
Thu, 01/12/2017 - 4:24pm
To suggest that development was "lucrative" for Menino makes me think you did not understand the man at all.
By Stevil
Thu, 01/12/2017 - 4:53pm
Makes me think you don't know how the city works.
Menino didn't personally profit from the developments - the point was that you got the most bang for your buck from luxury - say $10k in incremental tax revenue per unit to keep the payroll coffers stuffed - but almost no burden on schools and city services. Very "profitable" for the city - compared to say a 2-3 bedroom in Brighton that might only generate $5k in taxes - but put a couple kids in the schools (although as we are learning - most of those units are getting bought/rented by people without kids).
On top of that - it was pretty well known that projects from the old FOTs (Friends of Tom) like Elkus and Fish had a huge leg up in the approval process.
And then there were the tax deals - ohhh - the tax deals.
And most curious of all - there was an amazing correlation between Tom's donor list and people that were tied to the real estate/construction biz in this town - go figure! (other big donors were city employees and unions - imagine?!)
Things didn't get done around here because they would benefit the city - that was just a side effect of doing things that got Tom re-elected.
Redistricting in Massachusetts...
By theszak
Wed, 01/11/2017 - 10:14pm
Massachusetts Election Administration, Campaign Finance and Lobbying Law
Chapter 10. Redistricting in Massachusetts
I'm hoping
By GoSoxGo
Wed, 01/11/2017 - 10:37pm
we will have several more viable candidates to choose from.
By Div2Supt
Wed, 01/11/2017 - 10:54pm
Shall he promise a fried turkey in every pot?
Dogwhistle racism
By MostlyHarmless
Thu, 01/12/2017 - 11:21am
The best kind of racism.
I am not passing judgement
By anon
Fri, 01/13/2017 - 8:41pm
I am not passing judgement here but in case you were not aware his big annual event is his Turkey Fry event in his back yard (is it still in his back yard???)
So I am not sure if the original comment meant it as racial but there is truth that he is very connected to fried turkey.
I did not know that
By Waquiot
Sat, 01/14/2017 - 10:37am
Boston, not Brookline
By SwirlyGrrl
Thu, 01/12/2017 - 10:01pm
He's running in Boston, not Brookline.
BPS Teacher for Walsh
By Anon.
Thu, 01/12/2017 - 8:52am
With all the talking Tito does about schools, wanna guess which mayoral candidate I have never seen in my school? Tito grandstands and postures about me and my students, but never actually shows his face, donates books or attends events. It's all talk. Mayor Walsh has done these things in my school as well as my children's.
I will proudly cast my vote for him in November!!!
By anon
Thu, 01/12/2017 - 9:30am
I voted for Marty but I am not satisfied , and I'm looking for an alternative candidate. I thought Tito might be a good choice, based on his positions on most issues. But then I read the Globe article and found out that Tito says he "has been praying" to come up with his decision to run. I don't trust any politician that tells me he prays to make any decision. I don't know if Marty is or is not religious but he doesn't tell us that he brings religion into his decision making. So far, I'm staying with Marty.
By John-W
Thu, 01/12/2017 - 11:01am
If you are not satisfied with Marty why would you give him a thumbs up with a vote? Even if you know he will win and you're happy about that because you really don't like the other options, you want the race to be close (especially in your own ward) so that he feels like he still has work to do to win you over and could be at risk in the next election.
If there is low turnout or he easily defeats the challengers that's interpreted as a green light to ignore actual Boston voters and just cater to those that will fulfill his needs (whatever those are -- between the Olympics, closing down Long Island shelter, that Indy car fiasco -- I can't seem to figure out what the hell he's doing - apparently it had been angling for a position with a Clinton administration - don't know what he's thinking now.)
I thank Tito for running but I'm not exactly breaking out the pom-poms and "si, se pedo" chants for him. Really hoping that there are some other challengers and that a good debate on actual issues gets going.....yeah, yeah....I know. dream on.
Good luck with that
By Waquiot
Thu, 01/12/2017 - 11:37am
America is a pretty religious country, so to hear anyone say that they are going to pray about a decision is par for the course. He's basically thinking things over with God. I'm willing to bet that on the campaign trail he won't be saying he's been ordained by God to shepherd Boston, so perhaps you can cut him some slack.
There is a difference between faith and religion. Marty has Christianity coursing through his veins, but he probably isn't too religious. Tito might be religious, but my bet is that he won't be governing based on the doctrine of a particular church. I think you'd be safe voting for either one on this point.
Doug Bennett has endorsed Tito....
By bulgingbuick
Thu, 01/12/2017 - 11:46am
The Jackson/Plywood coalition is formidable.