WBUR reports city officials have granted a permit to white supremacists for a rally on Boston Common on Saturday.
Boston police are urging people not to bring backpacks, sticks or anything that can be used as weapons. Police are planning to have extra officers on hand, as well as barriers to separate demonstrators and counter-demonstrators.
The Dig has details on the two counter-protests being planned.
On Monday, Mayor Walsh vowed to keep the city safe and said he was urging any families thinking of coming into Boston on a nice summer day to continue with their plans. One thing those families won't be able to do, however, is buy an hot dog or soda or try on a T-shirt or ball cap, because the city Parks and Recreation Department has banned all of the vendors who normally ply their wares along the Common's main paths.
In an e-mail to vendors yesterday, a Parks Department manager told the vendors:
Per order of the Boston Police Department and the Boston Parks Commissioner there will be NO VENDING OPERATIONS ALLOWED ON BOSTON COMMON on Saturday, August 19th. No vehicles will be allowed on the Boston Common as of 7:00 a.m. and throughout the day as needed.
I do apologize for any inconvenience this causes, however, public safety is of the utmost importance to the City of Boston. Please reach out to me if you have any questions. As more information becomes available I will update you accordingly.
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Are you actually that tone-deaf
By erik g
Thu, 08/17/2017 - 8:29am
or are you just doing a terrible job of dog-whistling?
That's twice you've used the
Thu, 08/17/2017 - 1:04pm
That's twice you've used the phrase dog-whistle. You must have learned in on MSNBC the other day and are proud to put it to use. Clearly you see anyone who doesn't agree with you as a Nazi. Step off the progressive soap-box and maybe take him for his word you judgmental prick...Its never ceases to amaze me how intolerant and illiberal some liberals truly are.
And begin the count down for me getting slandered and called a bigoted nazi trump supporter. 3....2...1....
By anon
Thu, 08/17/2017 - 5:07pm
That wasn't the same person, twice.
Enjoying your biscuit?
I don't know if maybe you
By ZachAndTired
Thu, 08/17/2017 - 8:49am
I don't know if maybe you're under the impression that this is a case of people just classifying run of the mill republicans as nazis or something, but it's not. These people are legitimately, without hyperbole, white supremacists and neo-nazis. One of the speakers at this event has a published paper in favor of eugenics and has openly stated that he's trying to start a civil war. If you want to align yourself with these people, that's your business, but I think that's despicable.
Oh, honey
By anon
Thu, 08/17/2017 - 2:23pm
Charlie Baker is a Republican and there ain't nobody gonna call him a Nazi!
By erik g
Thu, 08/17/2017 - 8:27am
Call me old fashioned, but when I see protesters marching with torches, waving swastikas and chanting "We will not be replaced" and beating black people, I can't help but suspect that there are Nazis afoot. I'd be real careful of denying that fact on its face, because history has not been kind to people who have denied the existence of Nazism.
And yet you have to argue the point.
I don't know what GOP you think you're part of, but the party of stern men in suits, shaking their heads and telling us we can't afford it, died thirty years ago. In its place, we now have a party that, even if it doesn't officially espouse white nationalism, is headed by a man who refuses to condemn Nazis for killing American protesters. Or, as we used to call them, "a Nazi sympathizer." It's a shrieking, frothing chorus of madmen who would let genocide happen if it meant they could get the top marginal tax rate down to 20%. Paul Ryan won't be at the rally on Saturday, but each and every senior party leader who isn't calling for impeachment is now complicit in whatever bloodshed is to come. And there will for damn sure be more bloodshed, because, as I may have mentioned, there are NAZIS marching on BOSTON FUCKING COMMON.
So why violence? Are we going
By Metoo
Thu, 08/17/2017 - 8:57am
So why violence? Are we going to try and force them to like us through violence? I think a better option is to ask everyone to stay home and let them have their rally by themselves. We are not going to change any of their minds. How fun would it be for them to show up to an empty Common? My wife and I deal with racism and homophobia on a daily basis so I get the frustration part but bloodshed will not erase hate. There has to be another way.
It's not about changing THEIR minds
By lbb
Thu, 08/17/2017 - 10:48am
You deal with racism and homophobia on a daily basis and you still think this is about "frustration"? Really?
Honestly, I'm astonished that you deal with racism and homophobia every day, and you still think that those who fight against oppression are "try[ing to] force them to like us" through violence or any other means. Really?
We live in evil times, yet I wonder if you've ever had the experience of walking past a rally of people dedicated to your eradication and saying so in no uncertain terms. That is what happened in Charlottesville last weekend. Imagine it. Bring the full force of your imagination to bear on it. Imagine being in that black church, surrounded by armed white supremacists baying hate slogans. They were not there for peaceful political discourse, they were there to intimidate, to strike fear into the hearts of those they would oppress. Imagine yourself there. Or imagine yourself, a queer POC who simply wants to walk across Boston Common on a Saturday, and runs into these yahoos. Imagine yourself as a queer POC who wants to avoid Boston Common on a Saturday, but who still runs into a gang of racist thugs who have spilled over into neighboring streets.
That is what happened in Charlottesville. The Nazis and KKK didn't simply stay in their assigned areas and then disperse peacefully to enjoy the happy hour special at Applebee's. They went looking for trouble. And while I have tremendous confidence in BPD's ability to do a much better job, they are not gonna follow the thugs once they disperse. Been there, done that. Homophobes used to hang out at the fringes of Boston Pride and target people leaving.
So that's you now. Do you want to stand alone? Or do you want a hundred, a thousand, ten thousand people there saying that they will not stand by while you are targeted?
This is not about getting them to "like us". This is about showing up and standing with the oppressed. We cannot do this if we mouth platitudes as an excuse for inaction. You will make your choice, and others will make theirs. But don't try to claim the moral high ground and second-guess the outcome, because the evidence is against you.
You do it your way and I'll
By Metoo
Thu, 08/17/2017 - 11:02am
You do it your way and I'll do it mine. We have done our share of protesting so don't need to be lectured. It's the pro-violence talk that we just don't agree with. Let the police do their job.
By anon
Thu, 08/17/2017 - 2:11pm
What "proviolence" talk.
Is describing the violent murderous acts of recent note perpertrated BY WHITE SUPREMICISTS somehow "pro violence talk" in your confused little brain?
If so, you will find a lot of help available on the web for your reading comprehension problem.
Oh and be careful and use
By Metoo
Thu, 08/17/2017 - 2:56pm
Oh and be careful and use spell check next time you're trying to make someone feel less than.
So why violence? Are we going
By Metoo
Thu, 08/17/2017 - 9:42am
So why violence? Are we going to try and force them to like us through violence? I think a better option is to ask everyone to stay home and let them have their rally by themselves. We are not going to change any of their minds. How fun would it be for them to show up to an empty Common? My wife and I deal with racism and homophobia on a daily basis so I get the frustration part but bloodshed will not erase hate. There has to be another way.
That's Nice
By HenryAlan (not ...
Thu, 08/17/2017 - 10:37am
but NAZIs are fascists regardless of their opinion on the first amendment. Also, they are inherently violent and need to be stopped.
Roman Lamplighter
By anon
Thu, 08/17/2017 - 1:57pm
Here to spew methane and clouds of "it's not nazis blah blah blah".
Back again to gaslight.
Cut off the monster's head, I say.
By Dan Farnkoff
Wed, 08/16/2017 - 11:43pm
We all know who's responsible for this resurrection of evil. Better to surgically excise the gangrenous tissue at the top of the body politic than to get goaded into a bloody civil war.
Dude, you just goaded
By anon
Thu, 08/17/2017 - 2:10pm
Dude, you just goaded everyone into starting a bloody civil war.
Why do they need to hide
By anon
Wed, 08/16/2017 - 11:47pm
Why do they need to hide their beliefs behind a dressed-up euphemism such as "free speech"?
By perruptor
Thu, 08/17/2017 - 6:30am
So that people like one here can claim, "Oh, they're not necessarily all Nazis." Sometimes guilt by association is a valid basis for judgement.
Proud to be this lady's
By anon
Thu, 08/17/2017 - 1:30am
I'm getting a feeling it
By anon
Thu, 08/17/2017 - 5:43am
I'm getting a feeling it would be wise to keep a keen eye on protecting our Jewish temples in Boston and surrounding Brookline, Newton, etc. while these monsters are in town.
Need more options
By Boston_Bloke
Thu, 08/17/2017 - 6:50am
Is there a counter protest option for those who also don't want to associate with Black Lives Matter? Church groups? Ecumenical groups?
There are two protest events
By Ron Newman
Thu, 08/17/2017 - 7:28am
One starts at Reggie Lewis Center in Roxbury and marches up to the Common. The other is a stationary rally in front of the State House. Choose one.
Yeah I mean you definitely
By anon
Thu, 08/17/2017 - 8:57am
Yeah I mean you definitely don't want to have anyone think that just because you're against Nazis that you're also against the unjustified shootings of unarmed black men and boys by the police state.
Big fan of this narrative...
By Doug1001
Thu, 08/17/2017 - 2:16pm
The unjustified shootings bit...100% of shootings are unjustified...exactly.
My other favorite is that anyone who isn't liberal or who doesn't enjoy the ideology is a Nazi/White Supremacist.
You guys always put a smile on my face....keep fighting the good fight <3
I believe the protest for
By JJ3
Thu, 08/17/2017 - 9:02am
I believe the protest for people who don't believe black lives matter is on the common and has about ~150 people going
are you sure...
By kc
Thu, 08/17/2017 - 9:14am
Are you sure you mean "counter protest"?
The news media will outnumber
By Chris77
Thu, 08/17/2017 - 7:40am
The news media will outnumber the rally.
What a week this was!
By anon
Thu, 08/17/2017 - 7:53am
We started the week worried about our brothers and sisters on the island of Guam getting nuked by a nut job..We then proceed on to the great state of Virginia where keyboard klansmen and nazis hold a torch rally and do battle with left wing anarchists. The next day a beautiful girl is murdered by a domestic terrorist, Now we await the battle of Boston Common to commence on Saturday. Compare this to last year when all you had to worry about was getting chomped on the leg by a great white shark off the coast of Cape Cod. I worry about the lack of leadership in this country but a young girl named Jeannie Richards who has more courage and leadership qualities than the whole lot of them restored my faith in America.
*Woman. She was in her 30s.
By blues_lead
Thu, 08/17/2017 - 10:26am
*Woman. She was in her 30s. And her beauty has nothing to do with anything. Please show respect.
By Irma la Douce
Thu, 08/17/2017 - 1:48pm
"battle of Boston Common"? I don't find the violent hyperbole helpful, especially since organizers of the counter-demonstrations are making every effort to ensure peaceful protests.
Also I am not sure who Jeannie Richards is, do you mean Jane Richard? Who, with her family definitely has displayed welcome courage and leadership this week.
I'm sorry but the tough guy
By Patricia-can't ...
Thu, 08/17/2017 - 9:49am
I'm sorry but the tough guy talk of Uhubbers is making me laugh.
And no, I'm not a Nazi or sympathizer (I shouldn't even have to say that but it is 2017)
What "tough guy talk" would that be?
By lbb
Thu, 08/17/2017 - 10:51am
What "tough guy talk" would that be?
If you disagree with the UHUB masses....
By Doug1001
Thu, 08/17/2017 - 2:21pm
Not only are you a Nazi and a sympathizer, you're all of the following:
bigot, racist, sexist, xenophobe, Islamophobe, demagogue, white supremacist, Trump supporter, anti-American, and a whole host of other adjectives that I can't recall at this moment...
You guys have all of these memorized, so feel free to fill in the blanks with anything I missed, if you like.
If the jackboots fit ...
By anon
Thu, 08/17/2017 - 2:26pm
We don't "call" you those "names" ... you have posted plenty enough here to EARN those like a bunch of jackoff merit badges.
Oh, be we know you are excited for tomorrow.
The jackboots do not fit and never have....
By Doug1001
Thu, 08/17/2017 - 3:21pm
I've earned exactly zero names except from morons like yourself. People here happily call anyone out and jump to one or more conclusions (usually using at least one buzzword) when their vision isn't properly aligned....I don't see eye to eye with liberals on most things so evidently that's a big issue and I've earned names? I'm not offended.....it cracks me up, but it's an odd approach. It does make you happy so by all means, continue.
Isn't the rally on Saturday? I'm out of town and don't attend rallies anyway....but have a ball...and give 'em hell out there.
I realize this is serious but
By The first anon,...
Thu, 08/17/2017 - 10:26am
I realize this is serious but I can't be the only one that read the headline as "Boston bans food and clothing" from the common on Saturday... just an observation. Yankees suck, Nazis more so.
Freeze peach
By Sock_Puppet
Thu, 08/17/2017 - 10:54am
Yes, you can come and exercise your first amendment rights, but for security's sake you must be naked and hungry.
It would make security much
By The first anon,...
Thu, 08/17/2017 - 5:48pm
It would make security much easier at these things
This sucks that they'd grant
Thu, 08/17/2017 - 11:05am
This sucks that they'd grant a permit to something that is so potentially dangerous at the detriment to local businesses.
I'm sure this puts me in the minority
By poster
Thu, 08/17/2017 - 11:36am
But I think the best thing we can do to these alt-right Nazi types is ignore their rallies.
They are rallying for attention. They want to cause a scene. If we meet them with gawking and media and noisy counter-protests, we are giving them what they want, which is attention and to upset others and provoke them into behaving emotionally in response.
What I propose is we freeze them out. They host a rally, we clear out the area. Residents who live in the area take a day trip elsewhere, or stay in their homes with the curtains drawn. Businesses who can close, so rally attendants cannot purchase water, snacks, meals, or souvenirs. Businesses who must stay open do not watch the rally and quietly and calmly refuse service to anyone who is openly displaying evidence of having attended the rally. People who do not need to be in the area avoid it, people who must travel through the area look away as they pass through.
Shunning is a valid, peaceful, and powerful way of making a point that some behaviors are so wildly unacceptable that they should not even be acknowledged in polite society, and a great way of refusing to take the bait of those who are deliberately trying to incite violence in others.
That's not going to happen.
By anon
Thu, 08/17/2017 - 2:23pm
That's not going to happen. People in Boston have a lot of frustration built up going back to November 9. These counter protests are an outlet.
and quietly and calmly refuse
By roadman
Fri, 08/18/2017 - 8:03pm
Nice idea, except for one big problem. It would NEVER pass legal muster should the patron(s) denied service decide to sue.
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