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Globe puts columnist on leave as it investigates Marathon columns

And it's bringing in "a third party with expertise" as it investigates allegations that he made stuff up.

Does Kevin Cullen still smell the Marathon explosions?



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I just cited Cullen yesterday as someone who had done excellent work reporting the Whitey Bulger story back when. Now, I wonder.

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Let's wait to see what comes out of the investigation first.

One of Minihane's allegations (and after listening to today's show, man, does that guy not know when to shut up? We get it, dude) was about the well known mistake Cullen made in misidentifying Martin Richard's father as a runner in the race in a column a couple days after the bombings. Yes, he did, but he also made it clear in the column that's what he was told not that he saw it himself. Maybe Minihane doesn't remember it, but a lot of reporters unfortunately made a lot of mistakes like that in the first couple of days (remember the Saudi guy who ran away? Turns out he was like everybody else - he was running simply because he was terrified). It was unfortunate, and the Globe should've apologized, but it's hardly a firing offense.

And after reading Cullen's most recent column several times (after first not reading past the first couple of paragraphs at all because I remember pretty well what happened five years ago, I don't need another reminder), I'm not convinced Cullen is saying he was at the scene when it happened. Yeah, he "can smell Patriots Day, 2013," but I imagine that was a smell that lingered quite awhile after the initial explosions.

Yes, Minihane brought up other stuff. So let's see what happens now.

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I'm thinking we see it in a similar light. "...he also made it clear in the column that's what he was told not that he saw it himself." I read it in a similar way. He said he was told by firefighters about Richard's father. Not the same as 'making it up'.

The most recent column seemed to be an emotional 'heartstrings' kind of column. You know, the kind people get paid to write when they have a job writing columns.

Having listened to a lot of sports talk shows, my filter for BS is set rather high. Minihane seemed in this case to be about 'shock jocking' Cullen. Not good, it's a big nothing burger.

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I could've written a heart wrenching column based on what I saw on TV too, Cullen should've admitted some parts were based on media reports. The smell might've lingered because it was a closed off crime scene and no streets were washed. Looking down from 500 Boylston the streets were still full of debris the first day back from work. I know Minehane is hated in Boston but he made some good points on Cullen's columns. There's no way Jane Richard encounter happened.

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It seems likely that the most damning accusation has to do with his BBC interview, and the false account of the firefighter who carried Jane Richard. Whether that originated with Kevin Cullen or he reported what he was told by someone else remains to be seen. But the fact that the Globe took the step of placing him on leave suggests they are seeing a lot of smoke.....

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"I just cited Cullen yesterday..."

Don't wonder. Cullen's a solid guy. He did do excellent work.

Oh, I have it on internet hearsay that Barnicle never wrote that Whitey Bulger 'kept drugs out of Southie'.

Anyone actually know?

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Because the Globe has a Rolodex full of disgraced former employees with experience in fabrication and plagiarism.

But seriously, though I think the Globe should eliminate all of its columnist positions, and plow every resource into by-the-book objective reporting, everything I've read this morning about Cullen's alleged embellishments doesn't look that bad.

But this prompt suspension of Cullen for an investigation raises the question WHERE THE HELL IS THE INVESTIGATION OF SHIRLEY LEUNG?! Instead of an investigation, on a matter of major importance to the city, the editor defended the suspect journalist, like she was a beloved young child.

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Sadly, the commentators get the most traffic. People don't care about news, they care about other's reactions to the news.

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The Globe took appropriate action and suspended one of their own for these violations. I would rather see Cullen judged by Brian McGrory and Linda Henry than Kirk Minihane and now this afternoon, Howie Carr.

Minidick and his pal the Cancer Kazoo™ are only this impressed with themselves because of again, the Globe and Leung making them pay and giving them the ignominy they so richly deserve. And I say this as someone who gives Leung shit all day long.

I failed to ever see them call out Carr and his rag for the many racists that infect the pages of The Herald, but that's EEI's bread and butter, thick necked idiots who could care less that those two scumbags are racist, they only care about their worship of brain damaged millionaires and the endless, useless discussion about the same.

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a possible criminal conspiracy to defraud, via the Olympics, and cause major economic harm to Massachusetts?

Where's the Globe Spotlight team?

Every day that Shirley Leung remains is another day that the Globe looks like a shameless propaganda outlet for a rich man and his friends.

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but you'd have to be member of the Fantastic Four to stretch her participation in the scam that was Boston2024 and now Amazon into anything criminal.

And despite Leung's proven obsequiousness to the real masters of this town, she's not a proven racist and nitwit like those two clowns that won't shut the fuck up about Cullen, like a child who wants their mother to see the really big shit they just took.

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But please, tell us how Shirley Leung broke the law. I can't wait to hear this story.

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Dollar in the jar.

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Are these your dollars that you stick in a jar whenever somebody mentions the rule of law? Why do you hate the phrase rule of law? Does the money in the Rule of Law jar go to a worthy charity, or what? Certainly rule of law is a perfectly fine phrase. Rule of law is descriptive of a useful concept. We should all love the rule of law.

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I mean, the anon wants a journalist locked up for advocating for something the anon didn’t like.

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Since you were trying to use "rule of law" sincerely without being an obnoxious troll. Fine rescinded.

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Kevin Cullicle

Also, that was my "last free article" from the Globe. Them dinging me an allotted freebie for reading an item about their investigation of supposed malfeasance of the news is almost as bush league as the alleged fabrication itself.

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This is the Libertarian way. What's mine is mine, and what's yours is also mine. The Globe gives you a gift, and you are angry that it is not more generous. You are a free agent, but others exercising their agency in a way that is inconvenient for you induces outrage.

"Allotted freebie". Look at you, you're practically a Welfare Queen demanding her entitlements.

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I was just calling out their disingenuity. I bought the Sunday edition for years, but not anymore.

For Chrissakes, my dad was a newspaper printer. I get the NYT on Sundays now. News on a dead tree will get my money as long as they keep making it.

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They offer five free articles.

The article you accessed was an article.

So it counts.

Also, everyone and their mothers knows the incognito browser trick.

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Found a workaround for that, so now I don't try.

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The “search” for “Fitzy,””Sean” and “Pat” is on!

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That’s a good start. Now they need to get rid of those sexual harassers

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Only on uhub would this fraud be defended. Adam, you have built an empire of crap reporting and really give Kevin a run for his money.

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Get home safe.

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i bet you're moneybags, raking in tons of loot from this lucrative blog...


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of balls to say something like that anonymously. Bravo!

Adam basically is doing a public service and I for one am very grateful.

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So what are you implying? That I should leave my personal information so Adam and I can fight? I don’t understand

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Tell us all how you and the kidlet like to go down to the vault at night and throw Kruggerands up in the air and let them hit you on the head!

Way to enjoy all the money you make giving anons a place to come and hit you where you live, liberal snowflake pussy!

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More times than not I enjoy his columns. I hope things work in his favor.

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