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Be a Masshole: Vote Yes on Question 3

Be a Masshole

Great Massachusetts political ad in 2018 or greatest Massachusetts political ad in 2018? Bonus: Videoed at West Roxbury's Porter Cafe. Language is NSFW and NSFYankeesFans.



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That is fantastic. Did you put this on Facebook? I'd really love to share.

Never mind. I figured it out. Not that smooth (technology wise :-) )

I have to admit, I felt it was a bit long, but I got slightly teary at the end.

Yes on 3.

The intended audience are people that listen to and watch Barstool whatever, right?

(Because if you are, you will know someone like this and should relate to him).

I know people who resmemble this fellow in part, but as portrayed it is an exagerated (and demeaning) stereotype.

Their poor feels?

My dad looks like an older version of that and he loved it!

And that is what makes this so good because it is so real. Sure I'm sure no one sitting in a WR pub is going to have a spiel like this so that is really the only thing that might be exaggerated.

As a life long Bostonian I didn't think it was demeaning at all. It's demeaning when they have people not from here try our accent:)

Let's try not to get too politically correct with an ad that is targeting an audience that needs it but yet in a humorous way.

Very few people in Boston are like that but you can find people like this all over the South Shore burbs and New Hampshire.

It amazes me how many people don't understand what Boston is like in 2018.

Go Philly Eagles!

The person that thought this up should get an award.



the original is the liberal with a hope of class consciousness the latter is the neoliberal, the later controls the purse strings and ultimately only cares about 1, 3 for them is cover for their class war against the working class and poor.

Are there many guys like that in West Roxbury?

Absolutely. What, you think we're a different country or something?

With foul language like that I can’t help but be persuaded!

Clear definition.

Know how I define it? Not specific magic words that shall not be uttered, but pretty much anything that comes out of nationalist mouths.

Way too long of an ad. They needed to trim it down to 30 seconds.

I love both the Yankees and this ad. This has to be the most on-point political commercial ever, I mean evah.

Still gonna be a no for me brotha!

Show this to all those people trying to do the "Baahstin" accent.

Just got punked by Big Bill from West Roxbury.

Sure are some thin and tender skins around here!

I think the idea was simple and conveyed humorously: there are certain obnoxious behaviors that people in the Boston area are known for, rightly or wrongly - but voting No on 3 is beyond obnoxious. Now, if you want to get fixated on the obnoxious behaviors being picked on, you do that. But if so, you are deeply determined to miss the more important point. And do not even try with the "this is just alienating people who would have voted yes". Bullshit. No one who would even consider voting against question 3 because of this ad was ever a supporter of it, so don't even go there.

You don't like the joke? Shake it off. Do what matters. Vote Yes on 3.

This ad is unnecessary. MA is a state of tolerance, mainly Democrats.

Diehl is tolerant?

The poll number are not there for it to be a safe win. We could lose this all because of a rainy election day. Everyone agrees with "non-discrimination" laws but when push comes to shove, many voters lose their nerve for whatever reason (dark exaggerated ads maybe?).

Houston in 2016 had the numbers 60% in favor of a similar non-discrimination law, and they only got 39% of the vote. People get scared from those awful bathroom ads. VOTE.


In the US, respondents to polls will tend to give the "correct" answer, else they will be seen as intolerant. Once in the polling booth, no one will judge them, so they vote as they want to. In short, the Bradley Effect.

I was fascinated to discover that in France, the opposite is true. Respondents there will freely say they are supporting whatever political party a member of the LePen is heading, only to cast their ballots for another party on election day.

FWIW, it's a good video.

Seems like it's unwise to assume. Please, do get out there and vote. Other people are depending on you.

It's un-needed.

Though the first 90% of the ad is spot on. Massholes are assholes - I like to think of them as a bunch of local hicks.

To live in a theoretical world where this isn't needed.

I've worked with and known trans people for 30 years. This is sorely needed.

There is a small number of people that, in today's parlance, can be said to "identify as disabled."


Let's postulate the pre-op/post-op dichotomy here and ask: should the ADA be enforceable on behalf of able-bodied people who ride around in wheelchairs because they identify as amputees? That is, would a person like that have standing to sue a place of public accomodation under the ADA for having a broken elevator or a blocked handicap ramp the same way a legitimately disabled person would have standing to sue?

I ask because right now...one might be inclined to say no because a broke elevator or blocked access ramp doesn't actually impede access for and a le bodied person with two working legs no matter if he chooses to ride around in a wheelchair for ni reason beyond his own crazy.

That's right now. Do you foresee a future where rather than being labeled a mental illness, body integrity identity disorder is reclassified into a legitimate lifestyle choice. And that not only would a pre-op voluntary amputee have standing to sue under the ADA but would be able to get his amputations paid for by his health insurance and psychological counseling aimed at discouraging voluntary amputation would be outlawed as an atavistic imposition of patriarchal ideas about "the right way to be healthy," rooted as they are in Greco-Roman ideals of beauty and Renaissance Christian conceptions of the image of God?

Is that SwirlySpeak for

1. I don't understand
2. I understand but have no answer
3. I understand, have an answer, don't like the answer, so I'm going to go all Swirly on you so you'll shut up and so I can save face

You can at least have a doctor sign off on getting an HP placard, say you can or can't walk, can't walk long distances because of a heart problem or even giving you permission to "identify" as something as a different gender if it came down to it.

You might have a better point if you used the example of service dogs or "comfort" dogs I should say. A friend of mine works at a gym where a woman is allowed to bring her dog in because of "comfort".

As for the people in that article, I think there are simply exceptions to every rule. You simply cannot make up laws that cover everything and at some point a judge (human being who uses their brain to problem solve) is going to make a decision on whether or not someone who chooses to cut off their own legs are allowed to be disabled.



Just a simple '3' would do

Talk to a transgender person sometime, all of them have stories of discrimination. ALL OF THEM.

Marie in the background corrected him -- "Eleven!"

(Of course her name was Marie.)

i think this guy did a dedham bank radio commercial that was much better.