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So a bunch of Nazis walk into an anarchist book fair ...

Mike captured the scene this afternoon when some fascists tried to stir up some shit at the Boston Anarchist Bookfair at BU's Sherman Union.

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This set of fascists trying to disrupt a book sale posted right after a boy is dragged by the car of men who robbed him. The Nazis promised order while Germany descended into chaos. With hindsight we know that part of the chaos was caused by Nazis. How many historians believe that the Reichstag fire was caused by a Communist instead of a member of the NSDAP? But fascists including Trump as well as religious fascists use this justaposition to declare that the homos, liberals, etc. are making the nation a place of utter chaos.

How many voters for Trump, and for Republican Senators a few weeks ago, perceive the chaos and are willing to believe that law and order political philosophy is the way to go, no matter how much one has to hold their nose to the stench that rises from Trump, McConnell etc? Nixon ran on law and order. Trump is using the same playbook - except that Trump actually loves chaos and loves causing pain.

Trump ramps up the terror by focusing on MS-13 or the terror of poor people trying to escape the disaster of the the Central and South Americas. Add the "spice" that comes with their skin color and the American and human spiritual immaturity that calls for a lily white America, Trump understands how to motivate the worst of us.

There is a moral crisis. Not from the homos and liberals. But in the clerics and political leaders who don't teach their congregations, who don't go on tv and create their own liberal televisions churches, who don't use the pulpits to give answers that people want. Why is there violence? Why does there seem to be more violence? Is society falling apart?

Society is not falling apart. But we are not doing any favors with the continued failing current Prohibition, the dilution of neighborhoods by automobiles or the dilution of family bonds with televisions and personal computer entertainment.

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Definitely not us. Meanwhile, let's all rage and froth at the following list of easy scapegoats stereotypically-coded-as-Republican. Pay no attention to the glaring irony. It's just an optical illusion, we assure you. You're not really seeing it. You just think you are because you're not as intelligent as we are.

Meanwhile, the dude who shouted Heil Hitler Heil Trump in a crowded theater turned out to be a drunk leftie who did it as a protest. Just like I thought he was, based on the simple fact that leftist trolls outnumber actual Nazis by a wide margin.


At least he had the courage to issue a public apology.

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my dude these were guys from patriot front, an explicitly white nationalist organization. (in their own words: https://patriotfront.us/manifesto/) they came in chanting "blood and soil."

but hey "leftists trolls" or whatever.

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Just like the "trump supporter" who was beaten up last year who has explicit ties to nazi organizations and talks about murdering trans people and gassing jews under his own name on twitter (before he shifted to gab, the fascist social media site) and youtube, the point in claiming these people are innocent conservatives is to include them in the conservative movement and normalize their politics. The way to respond in not "they are really fascists" but instead "you are really a fascist."

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Please use a proxy when linking to fascist sites, do not give them the traffic.

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of writing these faux-intellectual whataboutist rants? writing coherent sentences -- although it sets you apart from the rest of the MAGA crowd -- doesn't lend any legitimacy to idiotic talking points like "hurr actually, the liberals are the nazis!"

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maybe three rhetorical tricks up his sleeve, all hilariously transparent: projection, whataboutism, and straw-man arguments, without a grain of intellectual integrity or good faith in the lot. We could probably save time by coding them.

For example, his latest could be represented as R-W.2, Roman using whataboutism with a wind factor of only two paragraphs. Thus, responses could be reduced to TR-W.2, CBBtR, for Too Roman-whataboutism-medium-gasbaggy, Couldn't Be Bothered to Respond.

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It's something special to be accused of being an NPC by a guy who literally makes the same accusations about my supposed motivations in literally every single post responding to one of mine. Orange man bad. I get it. Aren't you due for an update?

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Because the only people who use the term NPC are Nazi sympathizers.

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As in, "non-player character," like in role-playing games? Goddamnit, is there anything these assholes WON'T co-opt?

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But we have to stay inclusive and diverse. So some of the racist frogs are gay.

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Kind of like racist frogs. But we have to stay inclusive and diverse. So some of the racist frogs are gay.

MCSlim, you forgot one: jaw-droppingly disingenuous bullshit. Typical example, Roman claiming not to recognize (much less use) an alt-reich meme.

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The chosen user name is more or less a dead giveaway these days.

Check out https://eidolon.pub/black-athena-white-power-6bd18... and https://twitter.com/SarahEBond

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I read about the first quarter of your first link so far. Interesting perspective, and something I never really heard about since I'm an engineer, not a classicist. But let me point out a very simple set of facts:

This is the same quasi-strawman nonsense that I hear from the MSM about Trump heralding a new era of white supremacy. Nonsense. The people screaming the loudest that Trump is an anti-Semite or a white supremacist or a whatever are the liberal media.

Similarly, the classicists screaming bloody murder about "aryans" blaming the fall of Greece or Rome on ethnic dilution are arguing against straw men. It's well-established by mainstream historians (and has been for a while) that Rome fell because Rome got too big and too corrupt to be managed as a unitary state. Having been a multinational empire for many centuries before its fall, arguments about ethnic purity don't hold much water. And elevating the people making those arguments onto an intellectual pedestal does nothing except highlight the fact that it's an active search for an intellectual enemy where none exists.

Finally: there are three or four different options for my choice of username:

1. It's as you say, a more classically-minded version of "Deiter von Aryandude"
2. It's a random name I picked out of a hat
3. It's a generic Slavic name to reflect the fact that I'm from that part of the world, and a whole lot of Russian Jews have names like "Roman" and "Boris" and "Stanislav" as well as names like "David," "Moishe," and "Solomon." Maybe even more, in fact, since back there the anti-Semitism was about 10 or 20dB more than it is over here, and parents didn't want to tattoo a gold star on their kids' foreheads with an ethnic given name.
4. It might even be my real name, if I was feeling particularly brave or careless when I picked it three years ago before the American Left snowflaked out, decided that sticks and stones and words really were the same thing, and that bike locks and baseball bats were as valid a set of rhetorical instruments as anything else.

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Now be a good leftie and get to work on figuring out why "QED" is racist too.

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popular /pol/ /r_TheDonald/Gab expression poking fun at leftists/reasonable people that dislike Trump.

How long until Roman goes full 1488? If he spends as much time on those trash websites as it seems, not very long.

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You forgot slippery slope and false dichotomy

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Hey, Trump and Adam have something in common, they are focusing on MS-13. I guess you must have missed the stories where they hack up 15 year olds in cold blood.

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I guess it's worth noting that most of the current local court cases were brought under the Obama administration with the active participation of the police in several local sanctuary cities. The Dotard in Chief had nothing to do with these cases.

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Thanks for validating my comment by replying to it.

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If the right gets to blame Obama for 9/11 it only seems fair to give credit for those MS-13 cases to Trump.

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Marxist are the opposite of anarchists.

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You’re retweeting and crediting a communist Adam. Nazis are horrible but so aren’t the beliefs of the person filming this. Neither should have a place in modern society.

But yet you simply denounce one.

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At least these days they aren't driving into crowds or beating people in garages.

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Adam, where can I get a pair of the blinders you are wearing?

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You are already wearing blinders, dear.

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where you can provide us an example of a Communist driving into a crowd.

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Why beat the shit out of one guy when they can starve millions.

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Cuz no one in this country is starving, wooooo America

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And no one is being told at the point of a gun to work themselves to death in the fields either.

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You forgot another one. Flat-out lies.

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gunpoint to work themselves to death in the fields, but there are plenty of people here in the United States who are starving, and don't have enough food to eat, enough clothes to wear, are without decent housing, or without housing altogether. Don't kid yourself, Roman.

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Malnutrition almost doesn't register as a cause of death in this country.

Table 6 on page 32, 2nd and third rows from the bottom:


7000 deaths from obesity, 5000 from nutritional deficiencies out of 2.7 million total in 2015. About 4000 out of those 5000 are aged 75 and over. As in people whose bodies are shutting down rendering them unable to ingest and digest food.

Almost no one starves to death here. Not being able to afford fillet mignon or cruelty free organic shitake mushrooms for your kale, granola, and pine nuts salad is not starvation.

In contrast, millions starved to death under Communist policies in the 20th century.





All measured in millions of deaths from starvation over just a few years.

And it's still happening.


In a country one tenth the size of ours, "hundreds " of children dying from malnutrition. 400 in the 21 hospitals NYT investigated in 5 months in 2017, possibly up to 11,000 nationwide in 2016. Compared to fewer than 25 in the whole United States in 2015.

Not. Even. Close. To. Comparable. Shame on anyone who implies it is.

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I need to make a Roman bingo card.

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the list of things you have no answer for, and will therefore just mock in an attempt to look smart.

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Pol Pot wanted to cleanse Cambodia of it's Vietnamese and Chinese residents, and it's Muslims and Athiests. He spoke of returning Cambodia to it's "mythic past".

He wanted to.. Make Cambodia Great Again?

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Now it's Trump that's gonna march us all off to the killing fields!

You can watch the Orwellian inversion in action!

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so now the comparison isn't apt!

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Attacking communists while open neo-Nazis chant blood and soil in public is quite literally what they want you to do. Also learn the damn difference between Leninists/Stalinists/maoists and anarchists it's ridiculous to smear anarchists with the crimes of the soviet union that executed anarchists and massacred workers seeking self emancipation at Kronstadt and elsewhere, to say nothing of playing an active counter revolutionary role they played against anarchist revolutions in Ukraine, Manchuria/Korea, and Spain. Many anarchists are communists but anarcho communism has nothing to do with the state capitalism of the USSR and PRC.

Any communists worth the name seek freedom and before you start saying otherwise, actually read marx, he is mostly a diagnostician of history and capitalism but what he does talk about in terms of communism is rooted in freedom, specifically free development "the free development of each is the condition for the free development of all." Marx even explicitly rejects absolute equality as possible or desirable in the critique of Gotha program. Anarchists of course always have conceptualized communism as relying on the free association and self organization of the working class.

Again from Marx this in the critique of German Ideology: "Within Communist society, the only society in which the genuine and free development of individuals ceases to be a mere phrase, this development is determined precisely by the connection of individuals, a connection which consists partly in the economic prerequisites and partly in the necessary solidarity of the free development of all, and finally, in the universal character of the activity of individuals on the basis of the existing productive forces. We are, therefore, here concerned with individuals at a definite historical stage of development and by no means merely with individuals chosen at random, even disregarding the indispensable Communist revolution, which itself is a general condition for their free development. The individuals' consciousness of their mutual relations will, of course, likewise be completely changed, and, therefore, will no more be the "principal of love" or devotion than it will be egoism."

Communists seek freedom. Fascists seek domination. Free the workers. Fuck the fascists.

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Is why I take the time to post.

If I didn't, whackjobs like this would have that much less pushback when they write this kind of ahistorical baloney.

Marx was a whackjob whose theories have led to ruin every single time they were tried. Just that simple. Not a one off whoopsie, but nearly a century of death. Give it up already.

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some days it just looks like we are all gonna be dead because Facebook.

way to break stuff.

Putin clucks with delight from Trump's courtesy reach-around.

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I took me a while to figure out what they chanting even though I knew it had to do with Nazis.I'm curious about the Deobandi guy in the turban, which side is he on? Either side would be highly unusual for someone aligned with the Taliban.

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Trolling leftists automatically makes you a "Nazi"? That's a big jump.

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If you do it in the uniform and insignia of a fascist right wing NAZI worshippng group ...

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Proud Boys classified by FBI as 'extremist group' with ties to white nationalism

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On Sunday I made the annual pilgrimage to the Hynes for the Antiquarian Book Fair. Missed all the excitement of this shindig. Actually I'm sure being at it would have been far more enjoyable than the Roman-focused thread above. Talk about much ado about nothing....

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Diverting the discussion to the bad Communists (any remain in the US) is ironic considering COMMMUNIST China is one of the largest trading partners of the US. There are probably very few housedholds that have not purchased items made in China - and I don't mean Taiwan.

Using Communists to divert attention from the reality of economic (Koch brothers), political (Ed King) and religious fascists - Falwell II, Pat Robertson and a large, and very telegenic Fundamentalist - Evangelical crowd makes my original point. It's a mirror - in media - of the burning of the Reichstag and blaming the Communists for destroying the German capital building.

Makes a person think that history can repeat itself - in the worst way.

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China abandoned Communism as its state ideology in the early 1980s. Calling Chinese success in business a point in favor of Communism because the Chinese Communist Party still kept it's old name is like saying The Flintstones was a secret Hollywood plot to turn the frogs...I mean the kids gay because of the last line in its theme song.

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...nobody's a communist, even if they say they're a communist, if YOU say they aren't.
And anybody's a communist, even if they say they're not a communist, if YOU say they are.

So...when exactly did you become the boss of everything?

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explain to me how China practices Communism. I promise I'll shut up when you do.

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Explain to us what you know about how China isn't really governed very much by the central government and is highly controlled by the local party/mob bosses.

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The Chinese allow private property, private enterprise, and a large amount of free market competition among many of their state owned corporations. Whatever else they have going, Communism is not how they run their economy. You can tell because they aren't starving to death anymore.

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