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Dorchester man charged with shooting another man in the legs over $10 debt

MassLive.com reports Asa Cooper, 28, was arrested on several charges, including assault with intent to murder.

Innocent, etc.

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Shooting someone in the legs over a tenspot is kinda badass. Just sayin'.

It beats reading a saga about little rascals pasting papers 'round town and slapping the local constable's hand away. George Carlin would have a field day with it all.

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you really aren’t

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george carlin was funny
you really aren’t

Are you sayin' I am not funny? Like a Pagliacci-esque tragic clown?
Like I am here to bemuse you? To invoke inelegant blubbering? How the fluff am I not funny?

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The way you tell the story. It’s not funny.

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Just racist and stupid all at the same time.

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i thought the point of shooting someone in the legs was to avoid attempted murder charges ?

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That Leonard Washington does not do.

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What is dumber?

Shooting someone over $10?

Or shooting someone over $10 and then escaping in your (or your mom's?) clearly labeled school-bus van?

Also, in prison, are you known as a badass for shooting someone over $10? Or are you known as a stupid idiot for going to prison over $10?

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Lol its all dumb even though its about the principal. Its never about the money until its a couple hundred at least. The mindset is basically this- So you think I'm the kind of person that you can just not pay and there won't be any consequences? Take this bullet/beating then. It stems from insecurity and a lack of control over emotions as many situations do. As far as prison/jail goes nobody behind the wall thinks of anybody being a "badass" lol, you're either a convict or an inmate. I can tell you from experience 95 percent of guys in there don't even carry themselves as "badass", and 85 won't even fight or defend themselves . Its nothing like what gets shown on tv and in movies

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But it means a big deal to you.

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Did he get the $10 after that? Also, how much do bullets cost?

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