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Polite protesters plan third visit to Steve Lynch's office to try to convince him to say something about border camps and impeachment

Protest at Lynch's South Boston office

At this past Thursday's protest in Lynch's office. Photo via Tonya Tedesco.

On July 12, six of Steve Lynch's constituents visited his South Boston office to ask him to join other Democrats in working to close the camps and stop family break-ups. Lynch wasn't there and didn't respond.

This past Thursday, some 70 people visited Lynch's South Boston office - and his office in Quincy - to ask him to say something about the camps and join the call for impeachment. Lynch wasn't there; a spokesman said Lynch has visited Central America but took no position on the camps.

Tonya Tedesco, who organized the first visit, said she and others will try again, this coming Friday, between 12 and 2 p.m. at Lynch's South Boston office, 1 Harbor St., Suite 304, in South Boston.

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You bozos, of course he wasn’t there.

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I realize you're obviously a busy man and all and so probably took one of those speed-reading courses where you skip every other word, but the protest was on Thursday. Why it even says so twice right in the post. I'll leave it as an exercise for the reader to find both places where it said the protest was Thursday.

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Hey bozo, you are 3 days late.

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But I'm actually several days early. The point of my post was really to let people know about an event that is happening this coming Friday. Reading is hard, I know, but if you read the entire original post, which somebody who has graduated middle school should be able to do in about 30 seconds, you'd realize that.

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Lynch was arrested in 1977 for smoking marijuana at a Willie Nelson concert at the Illinois State Fair, leading to a $50 misdemeanor fine. He was again arrested in 1979 for assault and battery of six Iranian students at an anti-American protest in Boston, a charge which was later dropped.

Lynch is no stranger to a jail cell. He is also a lawyer. No doubt he remembers what he witnessed in jail and what he was taught in law school. In loco parentis (in place of a parent) has been a bedrock of our criminal and child protection laws since the arrival of the Mayflower. I'm sure Lynch recalls that there were no children in the adult cells in IL or Boston. That's because when a parent is arrested, the government takes the parental role for the child's own good. Are the protesters advocating putting the children in with the adults or issuing an invitation to bring a child and walk right over the border? If Lynch were to advocate against separating a child from an arrested parent, he'd also have to attack Mayor Walsh, DA Rollins and Commissioner Gross for similar "family separation" policies when an adult, accompanied by a child, is arrested in Boston or anywhere in MA.

As for "kids in cages," did the Lynch protesters see the House Dems racing to delete photos of migrant children in cages? Seems the photos were taken in 2014 during the Obama administration. It would take a heart of stone not to laugh. Lynch occasionally shows some welcome independence. He also refused to go along with disastrous Obamacare. Good for him. With 70+% of the vote last time, I don't think he's losing sleep.

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OK, not with the bigger part of your premise, because these people haven't done anything illegal, so they shouldn't have been arrested.

But yes, we should stop incarcerating parents and others who have committed nonviolent offenses and aren't a danger to anyone. And child "welfare" policies are embarrassingly decades behind research that shows that most kids are removed because of poverty and would be better off staying with their parents.

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At a Willie Nelson concert? And then for beating up some foreigners in Boston?

You really think a night in jail for those is the same as being held for weeks on end without adequate food, showers, etc.?

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Why are you mentioning his skin color? I Google searched you and you seem to be white. Very, very white. So, whatever beef you have with white men, you are only battling yourself. Must be very confusing to be you.

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Republican, Google white guilt and you will have your answer.

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Google "liberty and justice for all".

Bet you don't know where that comes from. Let alone that you have recited it thousands of times in your life, but don't seem to have understood it once.

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If you can’t do the time.

Rather simple concept, no?

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"In loco parentis (in place of a parent) has been a bedrock of our criminal and child protection laws since the arrival of the Mayflower."

You strategically italicized the wrong word, intentionally I assume; the key word in this sentence is actually criminal, as in, "crossing the border and claiming asylum is not a criminal act, so these people, adults and children alike, are not in the criminal justice system".

Border Patrol's Trump-mandated decision to charge asylum seekers with criminal unauthorized entry is itself illegal, violating both domestic laws and ratified treaties.

Since your entire post relies on your obfuscation, you may as well just delete the whole thing.

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You strategically italicized the wrong word, intentionally I assume; the key word in this sentence is actually criminal...

This is the bedrock strategy of reactionary trolls here and elsewhere. Then they don’t respond to thoughtful critique. Rinse and repeat.

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How about fixing somethings in Boston or Massachusetts or the USA first. Maybe like homelessness, hunger, poverty, or education. It's tough at the border, but, it was where the illegal immigrants came from and tough on their journey.

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That you cannot perceive of people who care about more than one thing at a time? It is possible to care about both conditions in concentration camps AND conditions in Boston's poor neighborhoods.

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I may have missed it, or perhaps I’m not as “woke” as others here, but where exactly do we have concentration camps in the US?

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Of course this one is not as atrocious as the jury rigged facilities built to take care of the deadly migrant caravan attack.

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Maybe like homelessness, hunger, poverty, or education. That's 4, that's a start.

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Stephen Lynch getting primaried out of his seat next year. I’m in his district, and will happily vote for whoever wants to Ayanna Presley him. Ain’t nobody in the Commonwealth got time for Blue Dog dems these days

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Heaven forbid the Commonwealth be represented by a broad range of candidates with a broad spectrum of political beliefs representing the same diversity of peoples and their beliefs that make up the Commonwealth. Nope, has to be young pure woke Maoists fresh out of university or bust. Screw all those people with wrongthink, they are probably going to die soon anyway, damn wreckers and Kulaks.

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But then, you're not actually from around here, are you? Because if you were, you'd realize the member of Congress you're talking about is neither young (except when compared to the Racist in Chief and Moscow Mitch, perhaps) nor fresh out of college. In fact, she never finished college because she dropped out to take care of her ailing mother. She's also not a Maoist, but then, knowing that for sure would require knowledge of what Maoists actually believed, and knowledge is not something I've noticed is a given commodity among the sort of people who fling around old taunts like "Maoist."

Anyway, Orwell was exactly right about doubletalk - in the form of racists who declare themselves not to be racists right after they say some racist thing.

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I'm really into this trend of idiot right wing blowhards labeling everybody with a D next to their name as Maoists and Stalinists. You're just making it easier for actual left wing politics to come into the mainstream. Bernie Sanders and AOC are probably the two members of congress furthest to the left in this country and they would be center-left in most other countries.

P.S. Orwell was a socialist and Huxley was a humanist and a pacifist. Both would be appalled by what the U.S. is doing to people coming across the border right now.

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I'm also in his district and I'll also be doing my part to vote him out in the next primary. He's a conservative Democrat who sides with Republicans on more issues than I'm comfortable with. We can do so much better than this in Massachusetts.

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He is essentially a Republican. He lives on my street and is a nice guy....but his politics aren't really in tune with his constituents.

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Mass will probably loose a seat. The state will get reshuffled so at least one Dem will be packing regardless.

Wouldn't be surprised if Moulton was out in the primaries either.

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for the 2020 elections? I thought it was based on the census, which won't be tallied until after the election. Either way, you're probably right about MA losing a seat... my hope is that it gives entrenched party leadership a much-needed kick in the ass, since AOC and Ayanna are now part of the de facto party leadership despite being freshmen.

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Changes won't happen until the 2022 elections.

Of course, if those who are aghast at the political gerrymandering in places like North Carolina are truly in favor of non-partisan Congressional District, come 2022 the rough district area will probably elect someone ideologically close to Lynch.

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air conditioning and ice water, but that's not happening either, unless you believe Brianna Wu is going to increase her primary vote.by 27%.

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But sadly (for the protestors) there isn’t really a viable candidate our there that would be significantly to the left of Lynch.

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Lynch's ability to skirt the cray cray extremists of his party is one of the things I admire most about him.

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Splitting the difference between fascists and humanists is too. Every time.

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Concentrates on his constituents not grandstanding on the Southern Border. The methadone mile is overrun with desperate souls and the MBTA is a disaster. We can no longer be the world's policemen or Doctor and we have to solve our own problems of income equality and racial hatred in our on city first before we can solve the problems on the border.

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What has Steve Lynch done to solve the problems of Methadone Mile and racial hatred in Boston?

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The same as Marty Walsh and everyone else. Nothing.

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And your "we must take care of ourselves and not be the worlds policeman" comment is a laughable as it was just after Japan bombed Pearl Harbor.

To ignore the USA's historic (and strategic) role in geopolitical affairs is infantile, shortsighted, and exactly what I'd expect from a Trump devotee.

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