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Man convicted of killing two doctors in their South Boston condo

NBC Boston reports.

WBZ reports on one of his outbursts today.



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"You better hope I never get out of jail"

I think I speak for many of us that we share that hope.

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That outburst surely sealed his fate with the jury. Innocent people just don't go there.

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And I doubt they can be told the reason for his absence, for fear of tainting their eventual verdict. This might be for the best, assuming a guilty verdict -- the last thing we need is a mistrial, or fodder for an appeal. This is one scary dude, and I hope he goes away for a long, long time.

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It was a good thing the judges, the DA’s, and the rest of the liberal establishment went for a reduced sentence against this shitbag when he was violently robbing banks. The poor man, who was only here to make a better life for himself, would’ve been deported. What a shame that would’ve been.

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Yah why did the judge let him off? I thought bank robbery was a serious crime.

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Judge gave him 364 days as convicting him to 365 day would have tipped of ICE.

That judge should be ashamed. Also that was after the second bank he was caught robbing.

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and people who commit crimes, such as murder, as going to obey immigration laws and not try to return to the US after being deported.

crazy is crazy is crazy.

trying to justify inherently racist policies with the actions of the insane is, well, insane.

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Keep fuckin that chicken

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What does that mean?

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I believe that the poster "thomas" is encouraging the poster "anon" to continue engaging in sexual relations with poultry. Hope this explanation helps.

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Both of these doctors were immigrants from Columbia and England.

If you close the border, you exclude a few deranged criminals, but also young doctors.

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To do with our borders, this is a guy who should have been deported for past felonies.

You’re trying to compare legal immigration with illegal boarder crossings and someone who should have been removed. All in a single comment. Impressive.

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It's not an immigration problem, it's an emigration problem, and it's a statism problem.

Deportation doesn't work if the state you send them to doesn't lock them in a cage. What would happen if every state on Earth said that you weren't welcome?

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People who come here legally and don’t commit crimes while here won’t have any problems. Actually, people who come here illegally and don’t commit crimes don’t usually have a problem either.

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It’s racist to enforce immigration laws to people of all races? Those two people would be alive today if that piece of shit was deported.

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Thanks Obama!!1!

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This guy really got to me. The lies he used in his defense. Yes, I'm going to assume he lied when he said he was having an affair with the woman and the husband hit her, etc....

This guy is sub human. I can't imagine the families having to listen to his bullshit. Hope he rots.

These two people had so much to offer and so much life to live. Every time I see their picture my heart breaks.

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He seems like he just spouts off a mixture of fantasies and lies that change rapidly and contradict each other.

I'm so sad for the family. The only thing harder than listening to this lunatic prove there was really no reason behind picking this couple and killing them must have been listening to how botched the emergency response was from 911 or the building's private security, that hired this lunatic in the first place.

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Would be an insult to scumbags

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Link added.

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I saw our useless DA Rachel Rollins on the news. She says she’s going to look into filing additional charges because this should’ve been deported piece of shit threatened the ADA. Funny how it’s a serious crime to threaten someone from her office, but when the common folk are threatened, she’s all for CWOFs and dismissals. Another liberal hypocrite.

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Your post suggests you may not be aware that this murderer was initially let off with light sentences for earlier violent crimes by Dan Conley.

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I am aware that Dan Conley was responsible for this. Shame on him. Why are DA’s looking to do favors for criminals? DA Rollins shares the same belief in protecting illegal alien criminals. I find it odd that when the illegal criminals threaten her staff, she wants to throw the book at them, but when they commit crimes against me and you, she’s looking for ways to let them off the hook. But you are correct; this murder is on Dan Conley.

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