An outraged citizen files a 311 complaint about people running the light at Poplar and Beech streets in Roslindale, in particular a woman in an SUV around 8:30 this morning:
She was one house away when light went red, going fast enough that it was obvious she was not going to stop. She went through red light, while she was putting on makeup, applying blush to her left cheek, with her face turned to the right, so not watching the road at all.
Free tagging:
Like the job UHub is doing? Consider a contribution. Thanks!
Standard procedure
By spin_o_rama
Fri, 02/21/2020 - 9:45am
Was trying to make eye contact with a motorist as I crossed Canal St. this week although it was really hard to because they were moving their car forward while looking behind them for some reason. A quick "Hey!" got their attention but of course I was the asshole in that situation.
On a side note, heard Mass. State Senate will be looking at bill (S 2553) which will allow towns and cities to start implementing red light cameras to combat reckless driving.
And I was just in NYC this past weekend, marveling at just how well they work. Multiple intersections I crossed through Mid-town, each time the yellow came on and transitioned to red, you saw all the motorists actually stop on the line, no 3-go-free after the light turns like you see here in Boston.
Now of course some will whine about rear endings (which I didn't see) but thats just a further result of distracted driving, following too close and driving too fast.
I also should apply for
By Bilbo baggens
Fri, 02/21/2020 - 9:54am
I also should apply for assholes driving with dogs on their laps total distraction
Not only do you get three for free ...
By anon
Fri, 02/21/2020 - 10:05am
Mahty the Cah Guy has cut down the duration of walk lights in the city to the point that even if you step off the curb when the light changes, you have to move at 4mph to get to the other side before the light changes.
Every asshole who thinks he or she gets to play through and blows the horn to scatter pedestrians cuts into that already cut to the bone, ADA illegal time scheme.
Not true
By bigredinmass
Fri, 02/21/2020 - 11:54am
That is absolutely not true!! Maybe you don't understand how pedestrian signals work. WALK means step off the curb and NOTHING more. The Flashing Don't Walk (plus a few seconds of steady don't walk) is what must be legally timed to get you from curb to curb using 3.5 feet/second. This is how it is done - per the book (MUTCD - Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices - a federal document). Walk can be 7 seconds minimum - it is for reaction time to see WALK and then step off. It can be longer but has nothing to do with timing for getting you across the street. No one in the city is conspiring to break the law or shorten crossing times.
Pressing the button
By anon
Fri, 02/21/2020 - 1:59pm
Speaking of all this, does pressing the button for the walk light actually DO anything? No matter how much I ask I cannot get a definitive answer. There never seems to be a direct correlation between pressing the button and when the light changes.
By coffeeweasel
Fri, 02/21/2020 - 2:50pm
It depends on the intersection. Some of them absolutely don't do anything, some of them you have to wait through a whole red/green cycle before the Walk light comes on. I don't think there are any immediate "push button, receive Walk light" intersections.
Memorial Drive in Cambridge
By Bob Leponge
Fri, 02/21/2020 - 3:23pm
By MIT. Instant response to the walk buttons
Yes, but that's Cambridge.
By coffeeweasel
Fri, 02/21/2020 - 4:14pm
Yes, but that's Cambridge. Every button I hit in Boston says "Wait" if it says anything.
Adams St in Dorchester
By cinnamngrl
Fri, 02/21/2020 - 4:35pm
Across from Hemingway Park.
Memorial Dr.
By cw in boston
Fri, 02/21/2020 - 6:00pm
signals would be DCR and not City of Cambridge.
By mrotown
Fri, 02/21/2020 - 4:26pm
The pedestrian crossing by the Arboretum entrance on the arborway is on demand. Also the pedestrian crossing by the rotary on the Jamaicaway by the far side of the pond. Though with both if the light has just changed back over from a walk you have to wait a bit before it will go back to walk.
South Huntington Ave at the
By anon
Mon, 02/24/2020 - 8:24am
South Huntington Ave at the VA Hospital cross is near-instantaneous
Ha! Pedestrians don't count
By anon
Sat, 02/22/2020 - 5:30am
Ha! Pedestrians don't count in this city... drivers and cyclists think they're too busy and important to permit us to cross the street in the crosswalk. Happens to me every single day.
By anon
Mon, 02/24/2020 - 2:23am
I’m not going to jail for vehicular manslaughter, thanks. Unless they’re in my blind spot, I always stop for pedestrians and cyclists. If driver’s ed with Disco Bob back in the 1990s was good for something, it was some of the traumatic lessons learned with him (like being afraid to drive).
If it Doesn't it Should!
By anon
Sat, 02/22/2020 - 8:23am
Crossing the in this city is LARPing Frogger.
The flip side of the same problem...
By Bob Leponge
Fri, 02/21/2020 - 12:06pm
The city is chock full of what I call "Don't walk / No Reason" signal timings, in which "Don't Walk" is displayed for portions of the cycle during which no traffic could legally proceed through the crosswalk.
For example, where a one-way side street enters a main street in a T intersection signed "no turn on red", the pedestrians crossing the side street have a "Don't Walk" light while the light controlling traffic entering from the side street is red.
I suspect there's a circular problem here: nobody in the city pays much attention to getting the pedestrian signals working correctly because most pedestrians ignore them, and most pedestrians learn to ignore the signals because so many of them are set up incorrectly.
I have a few good examples of
By anon
Fri, 02/21/2020 - 12:26pm
I have a few good examples of this at a few intersections I walk daily. Frustrating but since I know the cycles I can deal. Someone not familiar with the lights tho, well, good luck.
By bigredinmass
Fri, 02/21/2020 - 1:42pm
Then call 311 rather than posting here.
I post them frequently to 311
By Bob Leponge
Fri, 02/21/2020 - 3:24pm
And am routinely brushed off with “working OK”
Vague description?
By bigredinmass
Fri, 02/21/2020 - 4:49pm
Maybe your description of the problem (or your opinion of the problem) is too vague. If you say 'the signal is not working right' with no other specific detail, the signal will be quickly checked to see if is working right and per plan and you get your answer.
Be more specific to what is not working (i.e. the xwalk crossing one-way side street should be on during main street).
The more detail you report, the more that can be investigated. Oh and if traffic related - include the time of day.
I've had the same experience
By anon
Fri, 02/21/2020 - 11:58pm
I've had the same experience as Bob.
And my reports are *very* clear and specific. For example, I recently reported that the light on the Greenway at the crosswalk near Leather District Park (the extension of South Street) turns red for cars, and then stays red for 35 seconds before the walk light comes on. During that time, *nobody* has a green light. So it's pure waste.
Boston's response? "Closed - pedestrian light is working."
I am very specific
By Bob Leponge
Sat, 02/22/2020 - 12:24am
My 311 reports say “signal at intersection of of Main and High is mistimed; traffic turning right from main into high has “no turn on red “ but pedestrians crossing main have “don’t walk” while cars on Main have red light.” And I get “ case closed, signal working properly “
I am very specific
By Bob Leponge
Sat, 02/22/2020 - 12:24am
My 311 reports say “signal at intersection of of Main and High is mistimed; traffic turning right from main into high has “no turn on red “ but pedestrians crossing main have “don’t walk” while cars on Main have red light.” And I get “ case closed, signal working properly “
By PerryD
Fri, 02/21/2020 - 1:08pm
Don't forget our famous WALK lights that encourage pedestrians to walk into the traffic that has a green turn arrow across their path.
Shouldn't Happen Ever
By bigredinmass
Fri, 02/21/2020 - 1:42pm
That would be a conflict and should not happen. Call the location(s) to 311.
Shouldn't happen ever? Lol
By anon
Fri, 02/21/2020 - 2:02pm
Right turns where the pedestrian has a walk sign happens in countless locations all over. It's the norm. What alternate universe do you live in?
But not a right ARROW. A
By anon
Fri, 02/21/2020 - 2:47pm
But not a right ARROW. A right arrow conflicting with a walk light is 100% illegal, and should be fixed ASAP.
Concurrent Xings are fine
By bigredinmass
Fri, 02/21/2020 - 4:37pm
Having a green ball (not turn arrow) on with a WALK for the crosswalk in the same direction as traffic is a concurrent crossing. Turning vehicles are required by law to yield to pedestrians in the crosswalk. This is used EVERYWHERE in the US - NYC, Atlanta, Florida, LA, Seattle, Porltand, etc etc etc etc. Have you seriously ever traveled anywhere outside New England? Exclusive pedestrian crossings make all traffic stop. They are a unique New England trend rarely found anywhere else in the country. They are the safest type of crossing but you also wait the longest to ever get a WALK in order to serve all movements and it leads to jaywalking from pedestrians getting impatient. Anon - I'm not in an alternate universe, but you seem to be living in an insular bubble. Get out and see the world. Just pay attention crossing the streets.
T intersections
By anon
Fri, 02/21/2020 - 6:52pm
What about T intersections where the drivers can only go right or left? Are those conforming? Causeway and Haverhill in front of North Station is a good example of one where it doesn't work well especially at rush hour.
Also the light coming out of
By Rozzie Girl
Sat, 02/22/2020 - 6:18am
Also the light coming out of the Stop & Shop plaza in Roslindale, by the gas station. T intersection, but a walk sign comes on when drivers have a green and can only go right or left.
By bigredinmass
Fri, 02/21/2020 - 1:43pm
Call those locations to 311. It could be a wiring issue or implemented wrong in the field.
There are so many
By downtown-anon
Fri, 02/21/2020 - 2:06pm
And I only use less than 1% of the crossings. I don't think it is a wiring issue as it is so prevalent.
File a 311
By bigredinmass
Fri, 02/21/2020 - 2:45pm
Again file a 311 on the one's you do know. Maybe there is another reason the signal does what it does. Or do nothing and nothing will happen and you can complain here. Or apply for a traffic engineering positions and you can fix it. They are hiring.
Ok, who is hiring?
By Parkwayne
Fri, 02/21/2020 - 2:52pm
Please post the job listing for traffic engineering positions in Boston.
Here you go.....
By bigredinmass
Fri, 02/21/2020 - 3:15pm
Weird postings?
By Parkwayne
Sun, 02/23/2020 - 9:50am
One is temporary and grant funded, because of course, it's not a full time, long term job to fix traffic in Boston.
The other two are listed as provisional appointments. Why wouldn't the city be trying to hire and keep good full time people for these positions?
Hello, 311?
By SwirlyGrrl
Sat, 02/22/2020 - 4:06pm
We seem to have a broken troll @universalhub. Repeats like a broken record without saying anything.
I mean...
By erik g
Fri, 02/21/2020 - 10:51am
I'm all for this, but what makes you think Boston as any interest in combating reckless driving, even if the state OKs it? I can name dozens of intersections where a posted traffic enforcement officer would earn 10x his/her salary in infraction revenue; I have never actually seen BPD write tickets for anything other than speeding. Meanwhile, the last time I saw an actual cop posted at a dangerous intersection during rush hour, he was angrily waving cars through the red light when pedestrians had the green.
Marty's a car guy, which means the rule of law doesn't apply to cars in this town.
Define "Boston"
By spin_o_rama
Fri, 02/21/2020 - 11:04am
Do you mean residents? Pols? Speedway enthusiasts?
Yeah, there is absolutely interest to make the streets safer in this city by any means, pedestrians and cyclists are sick and tired of almost being killed by motorists. But when meaningful road diets an changes are proposed (what up West Roxbury tools) people come out of the woodwork to fight against and so you say to them, whats YOUR solution to curbing road violence?
Usually its crickets, blaming cyclists, blaming pedestrians, blaming traffic engineers. They don't have a real answer, they just want to get where they are going, as fast as possible, everyone else be damned and don't you dare take away my free parking.
BPD doesn't do anything to combat road violence, they do not do traffic enforcement and when they do, its just security theater. Or they're pulling over cyclists to hand out helmets and lights, awesome, that'll help my torso when it gets crushed by a distracted driver right hooking me.
"Right on Red" needs to be eliminated
By anon
Fri, 02/21/2020 - 11:23am
The right on red rule needs to be eliminated immediately. It is very dangerous for pedestrians. I thought right on red means cars had to stop at the red light first and pedestrians had the right of way, and if there were no pedestrians the vehicle could proceed to turn right. Drives don't treat it that way.They simply bang a right as fast as they can without stopping and pedestrians be damned. I've never seen a driver get in trouble for this.
I think you meant "enforced"
By Bob Leponge
Fri, 02/21/2020 - 12:08pm
I think what you meant was "The right on red rule needs to be enforced immediately."
There's nothing wrong with the rule, which, as you correctly point out, requires drivers to stop and only proceed when safe to do so.
Right on Red
By Allah
Fri, 02/21/2020 - 12:44pm
I agree with this post. The worst right on red is the light at Belgrade and WR Pky. heading west, vehicles turn right onto Pky ignoring crossing light. What ever happened to red and yellow pedestrian signals by the way?
Red and yellow at the same
By anon
Sat, 02/22/2020 - 12:04am
Red and yellow at the same time is not a standard aspect.
I'm all for Boston-area quirkiness, but when it comes to things like traffic lights, nonstandard setups that out-of-towners wouldn't understand are dangerous.
Fortunately most of these have been removed. But I'm sure a few still exist on some ancient lights here and there.
I think you both mean ...
By Lee
Fri, 02/21/2020 - 1:12pm
... “No Turn on Red”.
At some intersections left on red is allowed.
In any case, it’s a big problem not only because no drivers stop first, they often don’t even signal.
Right on Red
By downtown-anon
Fri, 02/21/2020 - 2:08pm
There are many intersections that are labeled "No Right on Red", certainly any heavily used pedestrian crossing has that in Boston.
Enforcement might be a better solution.
You'd think so, but this is
By anon
Fri, 02/21/2020 - 3:50pm
You'd think so, but this is Boston. If BTD has a chance to do something stupid, they take it.
Boylston and Tremont, for example. It sure has a lot of pedestrians, with a college on one corner and a T station on another. But rights on red are allowed from Boylston: (The No Turn on Red is for traffic on Tremont.)
And the penalty?
By NEnder
Fri, 02/21/2020 - 12:18pm
"If caught by a camera, the vehicle owner could be hit with a fine of up to $25 under the bill", "camera enforced violations would not be made part of the owner’s driving record and would not count towards determining car insurance surcharges".
Better than nothing
By spin_o_rama
Fri, 02/21/2020 - 1:47pm
And of course we can petition our elected officials to push for heavier penalties and insurance surcharges.
But again, the whining of the car lobby will rear its ugly head even more in light of that.
It should be a $200 fine on
By Kinopio
Fri, 02/21/2020 - 5:15pm
It should be a $200 fine on first offense. $500 and 6 month suspension on second. Let's start acting like people's lives matter more than stupid criminal drivers and their vehicles.
no 3-go-free after the light
By waspypants
Fri, 02/21/2020 - 2:10pm
100% this. Good luck getting out of Charlestown at Austin & Rutherford during morning rush with cars backing up across travel lanes because they want to make the turn.
You don't even need many cameras
By Stevil
Fri, 02/21/2020 - 5:32pm
Singapore used to have boxes installed around the city. Maybe only 5% actually had a camera in them at any one time. They just moved the cameras periodically, but rest assured, you always slowed down when you knew there was a box ahead - which was frequent in spots where you might be likely to have a heavy foot.
What alternate universe is
By anon
Fri, 02/21/2020 - 3:37pm
What alternate universe is this where NYC drivers are safe and not aggressive?
Whatever you saw there, it's not due to the red light cameras. Local drivers know where the cameras are, and keep driving like they always did everywhere else.
Truth isn't the truth?
By spin_o_rama
Mon, 02/24/2020 - 10:04am
And who said anything about being safe and non-aggressive, they were just stopping because they know running a red has consequences now.
Kinda the point isn't it?
If this driver was so stupid
By anon
Fri, 02/21/2020 - 3:38pm
If this driver was so stupid as to endanger her own life (not to mention pedestrians and other drivers) by not watching the road, the threat of getting a ticket in the mail a month later won't help.
If one has no shame
By Sock_Puppet
Fri, 02/21/2020 - 10:47am
Extra blush may be required.
Traffic Calming
By Dennis Cloherty
Fri, 02/21/2020 - 11:41am
Do not blame the police for something that is not their fault. The fault lies with the road engineers that build roads to get traffic through quickly. The road defines the speed of the vehicles. Unfortunately people do not understand that driving a consistent 20 M.P.H. will get you to your destination as quickly as an inconsistent 40 M.P.H. and 0 M.P.H.
Back in the 1930's General Motors bought up numerous street railways and tore up the tracks, then sold them with the provision that the rails could not replaced and buses must be used. Boston, Cincinnati, and San Francisco kept their street railways. Los Angeles used to have the finest street railway system in North America. Eventually people will learn that the streets are our property and do not belong to General Motors or the Fossil Fuel industries.
West and Austin
By JPnik in Hyde Park
Fri, 02/21/2020 - 11:06am
Distracted or rushed motorists are rolling those stop signs all the damn time too.
She was one house away when
By I''mmadashell
Fri, 02/21/2020 - 1:50pm
You left out the part where the tag number was given. What's next - doxxing women who put on makeup while driving? "Get her ... kick her .... stupid b!tch!!!!" Yeah, that feels much better!
My apologies
By adamg
Fri, 02/21/2020 - 3:37pm
I didn't realize the post was so long you might not have been able to read the whole thing, like the part about how she was putting on blusher WHILE DRIVING THROUGH A RED LIGHT.
In case that sentence was too long, read the stuff at the end in all capital letters; that will explain why I posted this item, not because I hate women.
As for doxxing, yeah, that would be not cool, not cool at all. But it's not like the old days when the IDs of the owners of MA plates were considered public records, and any idiot could walk into the RMV down on Nashua Street and demand they name names, but the only person who seemed to do that a lot was Howie Carr, so the legislature changed that and now they're not public records, so the only way to find out who owns a particular MA plate is to be a cop, or work at the registry.
Oh, dear, there I go again writing long ...
Those were the days
By SwirlyGrrl
Fri, 02/21/2020 - 8:25pm
In the mid 1980s, you could get info on up to three plates at a time.
Some of my housemates did a beer run in Kenmore Square and were walking back to the house when they were accosted by some suburban mooks who jumped out of a car with a baseball bat. The assholes stole the beer under threat of violence, but what they didn't know was that their plate could be traced.
One of the victims went to the registry and got the address that the plate was registered to. They then went to the post office and changed the address to somewhere in North Dakota. This routed all their real mail away from their residence.
Next, since junk mail didn't forward, the victims collected some of those old business reply cards used to request information on various sorts of random things, from stamp collections to powerwashers to scams. They passed them out at a monthly house meeting so people could fill them out while the meeting was going on. This meant that their junk mail load would multiply extensively.
I don't know if the violent beer stealing suburban jackasses ever understood why this happened, but it was sweet revenge at a time when cops routinely turned a blind eye to armed robbery and not getting your paper bill to make your car and credit payments could be a real problem.
Private Investigators could get the info....
By Pete Nice
Sat, 02/22/2020 - 9:01am
Haven't talked to one in a while but it seems that 5-10 years ago they could get this info....
newly licensed respect
By A
Fri, 02/21/2020 - 2:32pm
I learned to drive and got my driver's license last year, at age 38. I've viewed driving as a daunting and special thing for so long, and am definitely appalled at how reckless so many drivers can be. Speeding, failing to signal, turning on 'no turn on red' (this is a big one)-- I guess they are so used to driving that they are desensitized to the real dangers. We rush too much. I have no problem to slow at a light, wait at a light, let pedestrians cross. I wish we could all be a little more relaxed and responsible on the road.
By B
Fri, 02/21/2020 - 3:03pm
It's Boston. It's a mess. The crossing signals are a mere cosmetic feature. You think they work? Lmao. Maybe 20% at most. You ppl whine like babies. Screw you and your cameras. This isnt NYC and I dont need more big brother. If you want a perfect grid and no charm and nice non Massholes, move to(or back) to the midwest and say how much Massholes suck. Guess what? Massholes dont gaf if you think we are so screw
Ok boomer
By spin_o_rama
Fri, 02/21/2020 - 3:08pm
Thanks, popsey.
By Coyote137
Fri, 02/21/2020 - 3:23pm
While that was some incredibly worthless commentary that adds nothing to the conversation, we're going to actually try and improve things a bit around here. From the sounds of it, you'll be dead in a collision soon enough, so you don't have to worry about seeing "big brother" do outrageous things like stop maniac motorists from plowing through a crosswalk full of human beings.
You seem to be the one
By Kinopio
Fri, 02/21/2020 - 5:18pm
You seem to be the one whining like a baby. And spelling like a 5 year old.