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311 complaints about masks and social distancing peak on nice days

Chart of 311 complaints that mention mask or social distancing; peaks on nice weekend days

Adam Balsam has been charting 311 complaints about people not wearing masks or failing to social distance, and finds that complaints peak when the temperature rises and it's nice out, especially on a weekend - like, say, yesterday.



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Forecast Sat/Sun looks awesome for outdoor activities. There’s no way people are going to follow the mask orders. It’s so hard to breathe with them on while I’m hiking or playing hoop.

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I really hope you're not serious about playing "hoops" right now.

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One of my favorite early Cohen Bros films.

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I see tons of people wearing masks on the trails or while biking, even solo on the road.

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Or make a thinner one for active use.

You don't even have to be able to sew - just staple and tape:

I have a selection of balaclavas, snoods, and even a mask for super cold days and I don't seem to have much issue biking with them on (cold air triggers my asthma). They do get wet, so I bought a special one that captures moisture - doesn't fog glasses either and it can be rinsed out. It is a matter of picking something that is of an appropriate weight.

I hope that your "hoop" playing is solo or with people in your immediate household. As my mother always said, if you can't be good BE SANITARY!

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Thanks for the tips Swirly! And no, only family playing hoop!

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..is to get over ourselves thinking we are an exception to wearing masks. Wrap that rascal!

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Fix "weaing"

And really. More people. More reporting.

Not great story.

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The left side of the chart shows high temps with low reporting. The reports are climbing (as people are getting lazy or indifferent) faster than temps are climbing.

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I'm still waiting for nice days to stop being a novelty. Maybe if we had more than one every other week or so, some people would get used to other people being outside, and the other people would get used to not standing on top of each other outside.

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We're getting about one semi-nice day a week. It's really not surprising that everyone wants to go out at the same time.

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This week might be Wednesday, but I draw your attention to Tuesday.


Monday night to Tuesday...rain and snow.

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But do these 311 reports about social distancing issues kinda speak to a lack of public space to properly social distance?

Although maybe you went for a walk and didn't see any crowding yourself.


Only gonna get worse as the weather gets warmer and as you said, it's really not surprising that everyone wants to go out at the same time.

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The government has nobody but itself to blame. If they tossed us a few more sunny nice days, people wouldn't be so desperate to get out to the parks each time one comes around.

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And I didn't wear a mask or gloves.
I hope my neighbors don't rat me out.

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I bet if we interviewed those people who are not wearing masks we would get one or more of the following responses:

1. I can't breathe with the mask on because I am a smoker.
2. I don't know where I can a mask for free.
3. It's inconvenient.
4. I can't wear a mask because it fogs up my eyeglasses.
5. I just don't give a shit.

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This mentality will get progressively more extreme and extend beyond COVID 19. Near universal surveillance snd encouraging people to spy and anonymously snitch on strangers.

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A friend was mad at me because, for my birthday, I drove for 45 minutes in my own private space bubble to get to a place where I had massively more space around me and a lot fewer people in my environment than I do trying to hike in the Fells. Why? BECAUSE I DIDN'T STAY HOME. As in DIDN'T STAY IN MY OWN HOME.

Ridiculous, yes - but she's vulnerable, knows it, and really worried. She is also in an exurb and can't understand how bloody busy the local trails and even streets have gotten. She doesn't live with four other people, either. She's also not a scientist and can't evaluate the risks other than to follow what she thinks should be the advice (not what the advice actually is). It wasn't like I stopped somewhere to shop or eat or even use a restroom - that would be a risk to me and others. I didn't touch anything not mine, and didn't come within twenty feet of another human who was not in their own car the entire time.

And I wore a mask the entire time outside of my car.

But there it was - PANIC on a MISSION FROM GOD. I understand it, I have some sympathy for it, but won't obey it. I'll continue to follow the guidelines that include getting some fresh air and exercise, avoiding crowded areas, using a mask, etc. My mental health and physical health are important, too.

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...wherever you went is some other community's "local trails". It's not just empty space; people live there. So please, do be careful not to create another crowded area in another community.

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...wherever you went is some other community's "local trails"

I intentionally traveled in order to go someplace about five or more miles from, well, anything - certainly from any residential area. It wasn't a town facility, either - federal land. I also looked up the rules on line ahead of time - parking rules, social distancing rules. I went early on a weekday on a day when there was rain in the forecast and brought my rain gear with me.

I don't grudge people going to the Fells - we ALL own that. Just because something is near you doesn't mean that you own it. If you have to drive to it, then it isn't exactly local, either. Had the parking areas been full then I would have moved on.

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NYC just committed to opening 100 miles of roads. So now Marty is lagging behind even BDB, awesome.


Once the weather starts being more consistently nice (I know I know, its gonna snow Wednesday) more and more people are going to be out and our public spaces, people are already complaining about social distancing issues.

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New York City Set Up a Tip Line For People to Report on Their Neighbors. It Did Not Go Well.


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