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The new patriotism
By adamg on Thu, 05/07/2020 - 10:13am
The soldiers at the Puerto Rican Veterans Memorial on Washington Street in the South End now wear face coverings and urge people to mask up, wash their hands and stay home during the current crisis.
Free tagging:
After huge protests, Baker becomes 49th Governor to allow golf
Moments ago, Governor Baker changed his mind and allowed all golf courses to open in the Commonwealth, becoming the 49th Governor to reconsider bad policy. It seems that the huge Liberty Rally at the State House on Monday is already yielding results. Some golf course operators had also announced they may open regardless, forcing Baker to
flip-flopevolve. How appropriate that peaceful forums organized by "commoners" proved so effective in a place once known as the Cradle of Liberty.GIVE ME CONVENIENCE
OR GIVE (some other guy) DEATH!
Who cares about over 4,000 dead. Who cares about unnecessary worker exposure. I WANNA PLAY!
It's not going to make much difference
as far as I'm concerned. In my neighborhood, there are kids running all over the place playing with other kids. None wearing masks. I've seen plenty of people walking down main streets too without masks on. Golf, where people are staying far enough apart, is not as bad as what's out on the streets.
Oh, truly, truly wonderful news, snort
As the State House News Services Massterlist put it this morning:
*Small protest
What do you think had more influence, precedent from other state governor's and advice from experts or a bunch of cosplayers shipped in from outta state?
Also since we are posting Newsweek articles:
The job is filled thanks
Trump isn't looking for a press secretary at the moment.
I doubt most of those 500 yelling yahoos
in front of the State House could tell the difference between a golf ball and a badminton shuttlecock.
Much more likely, Baker listened to the calm and reasonable lobbying from golf course owners and golfers.
Enough already
People need to stop with the putting masks on statues, ducklings, giant heads, etc. We get the point. It has become trite.
Public pressure
The masks on statues, etc., are a constant and peaceful reminder that nearly everybody around here supports the efforts to stay home, wear masks, and contain the spread of COVID-19. I remember when people used to smoke on public transit, in movie theaters, lots of places where No Smoking signs were posted. Public pressure made that stop almost 100%. Public pressure will make more people get smart about the virus.
The masks represent just one person's support of the effort, the same way graffiti is just one person's expression of 'art'
Yes, masks on statues are easily removable while graffiti is not, which makes graffiti bad. But call a spade a spade.
Remember back when The Righteous Patriots would rise up in indignation if someone wore a depiction of The Flag as part of their clothing? Flag Desecration! UnAmerican disrespect! Now, of course it's A-OK for country singers and other True Patriots to wear flag shirts, flag hats, flag jockey shorts and flag masks. Progress!
Also remember
There was a time about 19 or so years ago when every single statue had a flag.
And every car and truck had a tattered and faded one fraying in the breeze, too.
And every house, and backpack, and ...
Abbie Hoffman
I'm old enough to remember when Abbie Hoffman (of Worcester, MA) got arrested for wearing a shirt with a flag design on it. It was considered UNpatriotic back then. And he received criticism for naming his son "America". Now we have respected actors and actresses named America. Like America Ferrrera. How the meaning of things changes over time.
Not sure all that advice is good.
You really shouldn't be wearing gloves unless you are also changing frequently; i.e. don't keep the gloves on while driving and use the same pair at Mahket Basket and CVS -- then you're just spreading potential contamination around.
Straw man
If you're referring to the sign in the photo, which is the only reference to gloves I see here, it says "Wear gloves." It doesn't say "wear the same gloves all day," or "in multiple places," or "in the car." You're right that changing them between exposures is te right thing to do.
Please tell me if I'm doing it right: Before getting out of the car, I put on mask and gloves. Go in the store, and do my business. Come out and load purchases in the trunk. take off gloves and leave them in the trunk. My car has different handles for opening and closing the trunk. Get in the car and take off the mask. Repeat if going to another store. When I get home, I put on gloves and take my purchases into the house. Then I collect all the used gloves and put them in the trash. Is there a problem?