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Revolutionary cities stick together; Boston joins Philadelphia in celebrations

People celebrating Biden win at Boylston and Charles street

Celebration at Boylston and Charles continued for hours. Photo by Edward Orde.

Ed. note: This post has a lot of videos from Twitter, which is running slow today, so it could take 20 or 30 seconds for them to load.

John Hayden reports from Jamaica Plain this morning:

Hearing church bells right now in JP. I found out by neighbors rushing out banging pots and pans.

That would be the First Church in Jamaica Plain, at the Monument.

State Rep. Nika Elugardo banged a pot and continuously wooed while being driven down Centre Street towards the Monument.

But JP was hardly alone.

People rushed out of their houses with pots and pans in Roslindale as well.

In Brookline, people outside began cheering. From Coolidge Corner, Roar of the Tiger reports:

To the people in my neighborhood who ran outside with vuvuzelas the INSTANT the news was announced, I salute you.

MNDA reports:

honking and cheering up Dalton street by Back Bay station. At least one car passed me on Boylston cranking Queen’s “We Are the Champions.”

Further down Boylston:

In Cambridge, a band began to play.

In Somerville, somebody shot off fireworks.

L reports from Arlington:

I definitely heard a number of shrieks in Arlington, and friends have reported lots of car honking and cheers too,

At Holy Name Rotary in West Roxbury:

Congratulating Biden and Harris in West Roxbury

Even in normally staid Concord (granted, home of the Old North Bridge), the horns got leaned on:

Biden got 82% of the vote in Boston. In Philadelphia, they've been dancing in the streets for two days now.

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post about the election now that Biden has won. not sure why this matters to me, but I bet it matters to many who read here

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Cambridge was up over 92%, only beaten out by Provincetown.

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If it had a D after it's name.

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Republicans should consider adopting policies that appeal to people who live in cities?

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Which part of electing an establishment Democrat of 47 years, who was also the previous vice president, with a divided electorate, and split Congress is "revolutionary?"

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“Revolutionary” here is referring to the cities of Boston and Philadelphia, which were important locations during the Revolutionary War. It is not being used in reference to this election in any way.

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I guess that's how I'd vote!

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You know, with the hand washing and all.

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I’d vote for the eels.

Not that I’m comparing Joe to a bag of eels. I like Joe. If he was running against a bag of eels, he’d definitely get my vote.

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that a bag of eels, grilled and brushed with unagi sauce, is also awesome and something America needs more of now.

Trump, on the other hand, is the bag of cold, half-eaten McD's cheeseburgers left over from last night's meth bender: shrunken, soggy, stinking of rot, rife with lethal pathogens. You can't get that direly regrettable choice into the trash and out to the curb fast enough.

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Grilled eels are a Christmas Eve tradition in Naples and southern Italy. I once read a description of a preparation in which they are cooked outdoors over a fire of laurel branches - that is, burning bay leaves. I've been dreaming of it ever since.

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Who are Governors of Mass and VT? Are they popular?

Who was the 2nd to last GOP candidate for President and where was he from?

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They’re Rino’s of course!

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And certainly didnt carry Boston.
Baker was elected Governor and didnt carry Boston.

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"You went to Cranbrook, that's a private school" (--B. Rabbit)

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provides hydration

literally all humans need it

can't be beat on transparency

and when the other option is "narcissist wannabe authoritarian Orange Drink surrounded by evil people who actually know how government works", then yes, I'll have a glass of water please.

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The election is not over until the legal cases work their way through the state and federal court systems. Florida 2000, remember?

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Even if we discard the Supremes' specific ruling in the 2000 case that it was NOT a precedent (efforts by Justice Kegstand to try to make it one before Tuesday notwithstanding), the key difference is that that involved just one state. This time, to win legally, 45's legal challenges (led by Rudy Crotchgrabber, it seems) would have to convince the Supreme Court to overturn the results in several states (WI, PA, GA, NV and possibly AZ) for a multitude of different, in some cases contradictory, reasons. Not very likely.

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I think the best thing for #45 to do is concede, wish Biden luck, and then fade into the sunset.

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with his coloring, fading into the sunset would be a snap.

however, when has he ever done "what's best"? I'm not sure he knows how to identify that unless it serves his ego.

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He'll continue whining until he is forcibly dragged out on January 20th.

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I can see him going down to Florida and sulking for the rest of his term. (Also a chance to soak up a few more taxpayer dollars on his way out.)

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Some months back, Palm Beach County announced they have a signed agreement with him, that stipulates Mar A Lago cannot have any permanent residents.

It was converted from a residence to a private club during the 1990's and is taxed as such.

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Because of tax codes.

Soak in how awful that is.

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this isn't the act of the government but the grifter who owns the shelter, trying to dodge taxes by not claiming it as a residence but still trying to use it as such - he was the one who chose to have it listed as a private club. If he wants to live there, he can, but he'll have to pay more taxes, same as the other people who also live in the area but didn't lie. Nice try though

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This isn't "limiting shelter", it's saying "you can't get tax breaks for having this be a business that no one lives at long term while also living there long term". If he wants to live there full time that's fine, but there's no reason that the government needs to continue to give him a tax break that he would no longer qualify for.

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This was him agreeing to terms.

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If someone were registered to vote at a place that does not have any permanent residents, would it be voter fraud?

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Trump signed an agreement that Mar-a-Lago could not be used as a residence as a condition for the permits to convert it to a club. So Mar-a-Lago is a business address, not a residential address. Does that mean Trump committed voter fraud?

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Aside from whether or not Mar a Lago can be a legal residential address, he made an earlier attempt to register in Florida where he put down his current address as Washington DC.

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As much as the scene of Trump getting physically bounced from the White House is a liberal fetish, it's not going to happen.

Trump will not openly concede, and will forever claim the 2020 election was stolen, but the man who travelled to France for the 100th anniversary of WW1, and then stayed at the hotel during the ceremony because the rain would destroy his hair, will pack and leave before letting himself be "dragged out".

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Utilities cut off.
Servants paid by the US removed.
Secret service takes the football to Biden and retreats to the perimeter dictator shithole fence.
Limo at the ready.

I give him 5 hours in cold and darkness without phone service before he skulks off to the limo.

And since he is not in office at that point, term expired, he doesn't get to use Marine 1 or AF 1 to head to Mar a Fuego, either. Will have to be a private plane at his own expense.

His cultists also don't get a martyr to whine over like they would if he was dragged out.

Bonus points if they leave a lot of sensitive material behind because he refuses to face the reality of his eviction.

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he doesn't get to use Marine 1 or AF 1 to head to Mar a Fuego, either. Will have to be a private plane at his own expense.

No problem! Trump Shuttle still runs flights from Reagan to LaGuardia, right? He can get the M60 bus to 125th Street and take the Lexington Avenue IRT down to midtown from there. I hope he remembers to top off his Metrocard.

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it's clear that Donald Trump will not go off gently into the night, and he especially won't concede and wish Biden and Harris good luck.

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And not one of them could explain it.

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This one, which has to do with the distribution of numbers in leading digits?

Or the other one:

Benford's law of controversy is an adage from the 1980 novel Timescape, stating:

Passion is inversely proportional to the amount of real information available.

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can explain it, which was why it should never be cited as a law.

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The election is not over until the results are certified. Same as it is in every election, and same as it was in 2016 when Trump was declared winner and Clinton conceded. Even then, the results had not yet been certified. But that didn't stop Trump supporters from celebrating their win, did it? At this point Biden is ahead in the vote count and so far no one has presented any law suits significant enough to overturn his lead. Regarding 2000, that was about a recount in one state and has little to no relevance in this election.

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vote for Biden won't be like those who didn't vote for Trump in 2016 and start protesting from day one saying "he's not my president."

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your boy has now lost the popular vote twice. he really wasn't anyone's president last time.

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happen is that Trumpies will spend the next four years claiming the election was stolen. I already see my Trumpie friends frothing and hyperventilating with cuckoo conspiracy-theory BS on social media.

The left could legitimately complain about nefarious factors that led to Trump's victory (Russian interference, Comey's harmful CYA business late in the game), but nobody was seriously saying the election was fraudulent or stolen except Trump himself, because his eggshell-fragile ego couldn't handle the fact that Clinton won the popular vote by 3M.

The margins in the key swing states that gave Trump the Electoral College victory were similarly razor-thin -- a total of maybe 80,000 votes spread across the three of them (PA, MI, WI) -- but Clinton conceded in the wee hours of the morning after Election Day anyway.

And then the Obama administration engaged in a conscientious, helpful, peaceful transition of power to the Trump team, though most of their efforts were ignored (see the pandemic response.) Do you remotely believe that Trump and Co. are going to emulate that?

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I'm waiting for all the Trump supporters to follow all the Bush supporters and start pretending that they never supported him and that they're the smart conservatives who just happened to be overruled by the crazies in their party.

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The biggest reason for the protesting in 2016 is that Trump lost the popular vote by a solid margin.

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I think all of it is probably propaganda and racist because Obama is half black (and Orange Man Bad, of course) but I don’t think it was as peaceful as you claim.

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Citations, please.

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Regardless if you voted for him or not he was the President of the United States. So he was my President. Did I like him? No, but still he was the President.

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Have you heard of spygate starting the Obama administration anywhere or is that right wing conspiracy theory (not to mention racist because Obama is involved, and that’s always the case).

None of your favorite outlets like CNN, MSNBC, WaPo/Mother Jones, et all carry that stuff, so maybe not. Just curious

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they just didn’t come to the same “conclusions” that fox news et al did.

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Interestingly, many of Trump's razor thin margins were just high enough to be above the thresholds for recounts. For example, if a recount threshold was 0.5%, Trump got 0.6%. (Sorry, I no longer have the citation, but if anyone is interested, they can look up Trump's margins and compare them to each state's recount laws.) As close as the 2016 race was, there was not one recount.

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Jill Stein convinced enough people to send her money to get Wisconsin ballots recointed (it resulted in a few more votes for Trump).

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Biden winning narrowly is like a person who's had a stroke recovering to the point of being able to be fed with a spoon instead of an IV drip.

I'm glad he won and Trump lost but I'm pretty depressed about the future of America. The GOP has ensured it will be minority rule for at least the remainder of my lifetime.

The Constitution wasn't written with the expectation the population would be so concentrated in just a few states. And the minority with power isn't going to share it willingly.

Also, the Democrats really suck at politics.

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Just think of all the damage the present occupant of the White House did through administrative fiat - either directly or through his appointed henchmen (and that one henchwoman). If nothing else, that all stops Jan. 20 (maybe even earlier as people quickly try to leave and pretend they never worked for him or just start ignoring him). And then it starts getting reversed.

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But unlike the Secretary of Education, we never heard much, one way or the other, about Secretary of Transportation Elaine Chao (except for occasional references to her husband, perhaps).

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Do you think they'll approve any of his cabinet picks? And the Supreme Court will likely overturn most of his executive orders. (Unlimited power only applies to republican presidents.) Biden won't be able to get anything passed.

The court has already allowed limitless gerrymandering and the GOP has control of more states. In 2022 the Democrats will lose the House and the GOP will gain in the Senate.

Meanwhile these groups will represent a smaller and smaller percentage of the population. Going solely by number of votes, the Democrats have won the Senate, House, and presidency for decades. (Minus Bush in 2004.)

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aren't over. They'll be one maybe two run-offs in Georgia--a state that Biden carried. There's still a chance the Dems control the Senate

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A source close to McConnell tells Axios a Republican Senate would work with Biden on centrist nominees but no "radical progressives" or ones who are controversial with conservatives.

You know who's controversial with conservatives these days: anyone to the left of Dr. Mengele. That includes Nixon, Eisenhower, Goldwater, and John McCain. So, we can look forward to more unconstitutional bullshit from McConnell.

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That makes even him too left for conservatives now.

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It is going to take decades to recover from what our government has been doing. It is frankly terrifying and makes me glad I am old.

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Biden received the most votes for president ever. And several million more than Trump. Turnout is a good thing and that his victory seems narrow is a symptom of the antiquated electoral college.

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Are any of the results certified by the states? Not sure what all the excitement is about.

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results. That will take weeks, including recounts in states where the victory margins are small enough to allow legitimate challenges. But I wouldn't pin your hopes on the election's outcome being reversed there. It would require overturning results in at least three of the four close states: NV, AZ, GA, and PA. Save your betting money for lottery tickets: you'll have better odds.

It's all over except for the shouting. The shouting is just going to be louder and longer this time, because Trump might be the sorest loser in American history.

Fear not: should Trump manage to dodge prison, he'll be around for a long time. The cruelest cut is that he'll probably start Trump TV and steal away most of the viewers from his longtime most-effective media enabler, Fox News. It will be interesting to see how long he can keep a Twitter account without Presidential protection; he might want to take a lesson there from Steve Bannon.

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I’d be really interested to know what people think and know about DJT being charged, convicted and sent to prison. Personally, I’m all for that. What’s the likelihood that will happen?

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on the wall, Trump will resign in time for Pence to pardon him for all Federal crimes. But that won't save him from prosecution by the Southern District of New York, which I don't think will be in a forgiving mood.

Given that Biden will likely be stymied by a recalcitrant, McConnell-led Senate (regaining the majority in the GA runoff seems unlikely to me) from enacting any ambitious policy changes, he might be better off spending the next four years having his Justice Department hounding Trump and every single other grifter and criminal in his administration and family on criminal charges. That at least would make it harder for the next GOP gangster / wannabe-authoritarian who gets into the Oval Office to conduct a Trump-like assault on the Constitution, the rule of law, the welfare of all the citizenry, and the country's international standing.

Impeaching Kavanaugh, even though he couldn't be ousted with an R-majority Senate, might also be useful, forcing him to face the other witness and accusers to his alleged crimes that were excluded from his Senate confirmation hearing.

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The Manhattan DA is ready to go.

The investigation poses a threat to Trump, said Corey Brettschneider, a professor of political science at Brown University.

“The fact that they have issued the subpoenas and have litigated all the way to the Supreme Court suggests that this is a very serious criminal investigation of the president,” Brettschneider said.

What I'm wondering is whether convicted prison inmate Donald Trump would still get Secret Service protection, or would they figure the prison guards are protection enough.

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white-collar criminals, probably with Secret Service protection, if I had to guess.

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I don't know how old you are, but I can tell you that in your lifetime, Presidential candidates have never waited for the results to be certified before declaring victory.

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if biden lost?

are they removing all the plywood?

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People don’t appear to be 6 feet apart either. Not one mention of COVID in the comments. The pandemic is still happening, right?

I can never figure out which causes are ok and which are super-spreaders and going to kill us all.


I know white supremacy rallies are trouble (that means anyone who is not democrat).

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There are several other threads that are all about COVID. One is at the top of the front page right now. I sure hope you're not trying to support Trump's claim that "no one will be talking about COVID on Nov. 4th," because that's so stupid.

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Over the past many months, I have not read any reports of any of the protests being super spreader events. (Some might claim left-wing media is covering it up, but I'm confident Fox News would shout it from the rooftops if they had any evidence.) I suspect the key factor is that these events are outside. Also, many if not most people appear to be wearing masks at the celebrations.

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Doctors came out and said “peaceful protests” were not in fact super spreader events, so that was exciting (and logical)

Trump rallies were bad, obviously.

The other day, liberal media/politicians celebrated in the streets (some with no mask, no social distancing) so that appeared to be ok.

That night when Notre Dame students rushed the field (99% masks, no social distancing) it was an outrage.

Media is funny sometimes. At least they’re very fair and free from bias.

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...had people with no masks and no distancing.

Ask Hope Hicks how she felt on the plane after that rally in Minnesota.

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We aren’t supposed to be in close proximity even with masks... and restaurants need to close early because the virus comes out at night, we have new curfews in place, etc.

I thought liberals were “the party of science”... why would they all dance in the streets like that? Does science support this? I’m sensing there may be some hypocrisy here.

I’m so disappointed.

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Sure you are, Dougie.

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If you dare me to delete your comment, I won't take that as a dare, I'll take it as a simple request, which I'll promptly fulfill. I'm easy going like that.

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