An irate citizen filed a 311 complaint about the situation on Pinckney Street tonight:
Just now, a large group of unmasked, non-socially distanced people were parading through Pinckney Street, singing and with bagpipes and open alcohol containers. They were passing Pinckney Street around 8pm EST. Totally unacceptable.
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Beacon Hill Bagpipers
By Dennis Cloherty
Sat, 11/14/2020 - 11:32pm
...The haunting fear that somebody, somewhere is enjoying themselves...
By Sean north shore.
Sun, 11/15/2020 - 12:13am
It sounds like Scotsmen are having a good time.
By Nicole M Desmond
Sun, 11/15/2020 - 2:48am
And is there any video?!!!
It was on the local tv news a
By anon
Sun, 11/15/2020 - 11:04am
It was on the local tv news a few weeks ago.
By Sock_Puppet
Sun, 11/15/2020 - 5:07am
Please just take the high road.
And leave them to the low
By anon
Sun, 11/15/2020 - 6:48am
And leave them to the low road.
...and I’ll be in Scotland
By anon
Sun, 11/15/2020 - 8:05pm
...and I’ll be in Scotland afore ye
And some hae meat
By SamWack
Sun, 11/15/2020 - 6:41am
are one of the most effective means of social distancing.
If you're
By Sock_Puppet
Sun, 11/15/2020 - 7:24am
blowing someone else's bagpipe, you're too close.
By Lee
Sun, 11/15/2020 - 8:03am
By Brooklineteacher
Sun, 11/15/2020 - 8:14am
Unless "nore" is a Scottish term related to bagpipes - maybe a combination of the words "no more" - I think you've got a typo on they hyperlink to read "nore"
Simple typo
By adamg
Sun, 11/15/2020 - 1:14pm
Because the last thing we need in a pandemic is drunken reporters carousing up and down the keyboard.
Unpopular Opinion:
By Pete Nice
Sun, 11/15/2020 - 8:25am
We need more bagpipes during this pandemic, not less.
Every Saturday since the start of the pandemic
By downtown-anon
Sun, 11/15/2020 - 8:38am
And the bagpiper lives on Pinkney St. Perhaps the party is getting too large for Karen.
Sounds like a great guy!
By SalSal
Sun, 11/15/2020 - 6:42pm
But Bell knew better: “A gentleman is somebody who knows how to play the bagpipes but knows when to stop,” he quips.
By roadman
Sun, 11/15/2020 - 9:25am
I was thinking about that clip
By SwirlyGrrl
Sun, 11/15/2020 - 5:50pm
But I knew that I could count on you to post it!
Good thing I looked.
By roadman
Sun, 11/15/2020 - 9:59pm
My brothers have always been avid golfers (although I never picked up the sport), so My Bunny Lies Over The Sea has always been one of my favorite Bugs Bunny cartoons.
I was there. EVERYONE wore masks
Sun, 11/15/2020 - 9:38am
1. Everyone who joins the piper is told to wear a mask or stay distant.
2. The piper was certainly not drunk (I was there).
3. Half of the people gathering are in the healthcare field and are VERY assertive about masks (again, I was there).
4. Several people wear clear full-face shields so it looks like their mouths and noses are not covered.
5. All of the state and city guidelines were followed.
6. Get over it.
Thanks for the update
By adamg
Sun, 11/15/2020 - 10:13am
What was the occasion?
Sun, 11/15/2020 - 10:31am
The occasion has occurred every week since bars closed and parties have been discouraged (since March).
Legendary Pinckney St. piper
By Bob Leponge
Sun, 11/15/2020 - 11:00am
Ever since the spring, this piper has walked down Pinckney St. every Saturday. It's a beloved, quirky bit of relief from the grim monotony of lockdown.
I feel so sorry for whatever trauma left somebody so psychologically damaged that they feel a need to complain to the city about this harmless little ritual.
Were you there?
By Rob
Sun, 11/15/2020 - 10:22am
Were you there?
Sun, 11/15/2020 - 10:29am
In speaking of those who were, in fact, there, I can affirm that I was among them.
By Keiko
Sun, 11/15/2020 - 10:34am
By the way, what's the
By Rob
Sun, 11/15/2020 - 10:25am
By the way, what's the droplet/aerosol spread cloud radius from musical instruments you blow into?
I'll bet a bagpipe is different
By Bob Leponge
Sun, 11/15/2020 - 11:14am
I'll bet a bagpipe is very different from, say, a trumpet. With a trumpet, your lips are aerosolizing your spittle, which then blows right out of the instrument. With a bagpipe, you're exhaling into a bag, and then the air from the bag flows through reeds into the pipes. I'm guessing that a lot of droplets don't make it past the bag. Any pipers wanna tell us how gross and wet the inside of the bag becomes when playing in cold weather?
The proper answer to these complaints
By anon
Sun, 11/15/2020 - 10:56am
is for the laddies to lean back and shake their kilts.
If they were freeballing in kilts...
By Friartuck
Sun, 11/15/2020 - 11:11am
we require photos.
By BB from Dot
Sun, 11/15/2020 - 12:40pm
Some of us consider bagpipes a form of auricular torture.
Missing Details
By Cynicuss
Sun, 11/15/2020 - 12:46pm
I'm a little confused by the account of what happened. Just to clarify, was it only bagpipers, or was Mel Gibson there? Did he have a sword?
Karen doesn’t like bagpipes
By Bob Kosturko
Sun, 11/15/2020 - 1:20pm
Cranky Karen at it again. How can you possibly hate on the piper? We watch for him every week and cheer out our window. He’s such a nice guy, too.
8pm EST is completely unacceptable
By SwirlyGrrl
Sun, 11/15/2020 - 5:53pm
It should be 7pm Atlantic Standard Time, dammit!
By lbb
Mon, 11/16/2020 - 12:37pm got it backwards.