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Report: Teacher at area private school fired after neo-Nazi links surface

HuffPost takes a look at the background of Benjamin Welton, until yesterday a teacher at Star Academy, which has campuses in Watertown and Wellesley, and a history PhD candidate at Boston University.

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Disgusting. I hope this scumbag is never allowed to teach again.

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amazing, frightening, and disgusting--PhD candidate at MLK's alma mater! we don't often see the erudite nazis round these parts. they are usually mental midgets like the Trump magagagaga universe.

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Was barely allowed to teach now. Never heard of this school. This guy wouldn't have survived in one of our regular school systems.

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Usually "neoNazi" and "phd candidate in history" don't go together.

Too many years gone by to wonder if he was part of some of Silber's affirmative action against the "damned matriarchy".

VDare did untold damage to local Sierra Club chapters, packing local meetings with their anti-immigrant, white supremacist agenda masquerading as "protecting nature from development through curbing immigrant overpopulation". https://www.nytimes.com/2004/03/16/us/bitter-division-for-sierra-club-on...

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The Sierra Club has always been a white-centric organization, ever since its founding. The fact that it gets brigaded by both the left and the right is kind of hilarious.

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To quote Professor Henry Jones Jr. "Nazis, I hate these guys."

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"I hate Illinois Nazis."

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Some of his quotes tell me that he harbors an intense hatred of self. As with self-hatred in most folks it is projected outward.

Trump validated projecting self-hate. He turned projected self-hate into a political movement. Hitler did the same. He took his self-hatred, his endlessly deep resentment against all and everyone, found like minded people and created a monster out of a political movement.

Hitler had a huge advantage. He could call upon people used to authoritarian rule. Any kind of democracy was deeply suspect at best. Same with Lenin, Stalin, etc. They all ruled in cultures where the idea of self-responsibility in rule and governance were alien and immediately considered wrong and bad.

The Evangelical Christians along with the American fascists all follow the same line. Trump continues to push purification of both political party and his religious base to eliminate anyone who opposes his claiming the title of American Furher.

All on the basis of using the fears, anxieties and insecurities of people to mislead and trick them. Fears, anxieties and insecurities created by culture that praises violence in the form of a sacred right to own weapons of killing, a culture that praises violence and fake reality as entertainment and a culture that praises the idea of strict and unforgiving roles of master and servant. A culture that further self-propogates by creating a world of fear and anxiety through taxes that favor the rich and powerful, privileges that favor the same, scapegoating to create false targets, a governance that is supports a social Darwinism where only the strongest, richest and most powerful survive.

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He just perceived the existence of an audience that was yearning for a public figure to bluntly articulate (and validate) the feelings they already had (and which "normal" GOP politicians dealt with only through dog whistling). If Trump had not existed, the base that supports him would surely have willed some other figure into existence as its "leader".

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is that this will probably only make him more of a noteworthy figure and intellectual martyr-hero among white nationalists, which seems to be the path he was choosing anyway.

while I would hope that BU chooses not to continue his PhD candidacy (he's already admitted to unethical behavior as a teacher, they wouldn't even have to base it on his personal political opinions), ultimately being shut out of the society where these things are unacceptable and reprehensible is not a punishment for them.

and there are a lot more like him, of varying degrees of radicalization, who will never get found out.

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By firing him, they're just admitting that they're incapable of engaging intellectually with his arguments.

(/s in case that wasn't obvious - Poe's lawyer)

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